10,594 research outputs found

    The Therapeutic Bond Scales: Psychometric Characteristics and Relationship to Treatment Effectiveness

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    The Therapeutic Bond Scales assess the quality of the therapeutic relationship from the patient\u27s perspective. The therapeutic bond is composed of 3 aspects: working alliance, empathic resonance, and mutual affirmation. Scales were developed to measure these aspects and the therapeutic bond as a whole. The correlations between these scales and 2 measures of outcome (session quality assessed by the patient and termination outcome evaluated by nonparticipant raters) were examined. All scales were significantly correlated with session quality. Therapeutic bond was significantly correlated with termination outcome in both a linear and a curvilinear fashion, suggesting that, at least in the initial phase of therapy, the therapeutic bond can be too high as well as too low

    The Effects of High Liquid Water Content on Thunderstorm Charging

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    Charge transfer to a riming graupel target during interactions with ice crystals has been investigated in the laboratory. When liquid water contents sufficiently high to cause wet growth are achieved, the charge transfer falls to values which are insignificant to thunderstorm electrification. The implications of this null result to a recent analysis of thunderstorm-charging processes by Wiliams et al. (1991) are discussed

    Introduction to the Special Issue on Spirituality and Psychotherapy

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    Religion and spirituality have been topics of interest to psychologists since the inception of the field, and this special issue devoted to spirituality and psychotherapy reflects the maturation of decades of research. Psychotherapy clients would like to discuss religious or spiritual issues with therapists, but therapists feel poorly prepared to do so. This special issue hopefully represents a step towards bridging the needs of clients and the expertise of providers. The seven articles in this issue reflect the progress psychologists have made toward understanding religion and spirituality, and they represent state‐of‐the‐art attempts at integrating these dimensions into treatment

    Jet Bundles in Quantum Field Theory: The BRST-BV method

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    The geometric interpretation of the Batalin-Vilkovisky antibracket as the Schouten bracket of functional multivectors is examined in detail. The identification is achieved by the process of repeated contraction of even functional multivectors with fermionic functional 1-forms. The classical master equation may then be considered as a generalisation of the Jacobi identity for Poisson brackets, and the cohomology of a nilpotent even functional multivector is identified with the BRST cohomology. As an example, the BRST-BV formulation of gauge fixing in theories with gauge symmetries is reformulated in the jet bundle formalism. (Hopefully this version will be TeXable)Comment: 26 page

    Properties of the Scalar Universal Equations

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    The variational properties of the scalar so--called ``Universal'' equations are reviewed and generalised. In particular, we note that contrary to earlier claims, each member of the Euler hierarchy may have an explicit field dependence. The Euler hierarchy itself is given a new interpretation in terms of the formal complex of variational calculus, and is shown to be related to the algebra of distinguished symmetries of the first source form.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX articl

    Spacetime locality in Sp(2) symmetric lagrangian formalism

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    The existence of a local solution to the Sp(2) master equation for gauge field theory is proven in the framework of perturbation theory and under standard assumptions on regularity of the action. The arbitrariness of solutions to the Sp(2) master equation is described, provided that they are proper. It is also shown that the effective action can be chosen to be Sp(2) and Lorentz invariant (under the additional assumption that the gauge transformation generators are Lorentz tensors).Comment: LaTeX, 13 pages, minor misprints correcte

    Critical phenomena in a highly constrained classical spin system: Neel ordering from the Coulomb phase

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    Many classical, geometrically frustrated antiferromagnets have macroscopically degenerate ground states. In a class of three-dimensional systems, the set of degenerate ground states has power-law correlations and is an example of a Coulomb phase. We investigate Neel ordering from such a Coulomb phase, induced by weak additional interactions that lift the degeneracy. We show that the critical point belongs to a universality class that is different from the one for the equivalent transition out of the paramagnetic phase, and that it is characterised by effective long-range interactions; alternatively, ordering may be discontinuous. We suggest that a transition of this type may be realised by applying uniaxial stress to a pyrochlore antiferromagnet.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure