298 research outputs found

    Dynamic relaxation oscillations in a nonlinearly driven quartz crystal

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    We demonstrate thermo-mechanical relaxation oscillations in a strongly driven quartz crystal. Dynamic bifurcation leads to two stable oscillation states with a distinct electrical impedance. Slow Joule-heating, which shifts the susceptibility of the crystal, provides a feedback that leads to thermally-induced oscillations, in which the amplitude of the crystal is modulated by a relaxation cycle. The frequency of the relaxation cycle is roughly a million times lower than the resonance frequency of the crystal, and it can be adjusted by the detuning from the critical point for dynamic bifurcation. The experimental observations are reproduced by a simple model that takes into account the slow dynamics of the system.Comment: Main text: 8 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary information: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Local metrics admitting a principal Killing-Yano tensor with torsion

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    In this paper we initiate a classification of local metrics admitting the principal Killing--Yano tensor with a skew-symmetric torsion. It is demonstrated that in such spacetimes rank-2 Killing tensors occur naturally and mutually commute. We reduce the classification problem to that of solving a set of partial differential equations, and we present some solutions to these PDEs. In even dimensions, three types of local metrics are obtained: one of them naturally generalizes the torsionless case while the others occur only when the torsion is present. In odd dimensions, we obtain more varieties of local metrics. The explicit metrics constructed in this paper are not the most general possible admitting the required symmetry, nevertheless, it is demonstrated that they cover a wide variety of solutions of various supergravities, such as the Kerr-Sen black holes of (un-)gauged abelian heterotic supergravity, the Chong-Cvetic-L\"u-Pope black hole solution of five-dimensional minimal supergravity, or the K\"ahler with torsion manifolds. The relation between generalized Killing--Yano tensors and various torsion Killing spinors is also discussed.Comment: 36pages, no figure

    And what if gravity is intrinsically quantic ?

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    Since the early days of search for a quantum theory of gravity the attempts have been mostly concentrated on the quantization of an otherwise classical system. The two most contentious candidate theories of gravity, sting theory and quantum loop gravity are based on a quantum field theory - the latter is a quantum field theory of connections on a SU(2) group manifold and former a quantum field theory in two dimensional spaces. Here we argue that there is a very close relation between quantum mechanics and gravity. Without gravity quantum mechanics becomes ambiguous. We consider this observation as the evidence for an intrinsic relation between these fundamental laws of nature. We suggest a quantum role and definition for gravity in the context of a quantum universe, and present a preliminary formulation for gravity in a system with a finite number of particles.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. To appear in the proceedings of the DICE2008 conference, Castiglioncello, Tuscany, Italy, 22-26 Sep. 2008. V2: some typos remove

    Hidden symmetry in the presence of fluxes

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    We derive the most general first order symmetry operator for the Dirac equation coupled to arbitrary fluxes. Such an operator is given in terms of an inhomogenous form omega which is a solution to a coupled system of first order partial differential equations which we call the generalized conformal Killing-Yano system. Except trivial fluxes, solutions of this system are subject to additional constraints. We discuss various special cases of physical interest. In particular, we demonstrate that in the case of a Dirac operator coupled to the skew symmetric torsion and U(1) field, the system of generalized conformal Killing-Yano equations decouples into the homogenous conformal Killing-Yano equations with torsion introduced in [arXiv:0905.0722] and the symmetry operator is essentially the one derived in [arXiv:1002.3616]. We also discuss the Dirac field coupled to a scalar potential and in the presence of 5-form and 7-form fluxes.Comment: 13 pages, no figure

    A Deformation of Sasakian Structure in the Presence of Torsion and Supergravity Solutions

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    We discuss a deformation of Sasakian structure in the presence of totally skew-symmetric torsion by introducing odd dimensional manifolds whose metric cones are K\"ahler with torsion. It is shown that such a geometry inherits similar properties to those of Sasakian geometry. As an example of them, we present an explicit expression of local metrics and see how Sasakian structure is deformed by the presence of torsion. We also demonstrate that our example of the metrics admits the existence of hidden symmetries described by non-trivial odd-rank generalized closed conformal Killing-Yano tensors. Furthermore, using these metrics as an {\it ansatz}, we construct exact solutions in five dimensional minimal (un-)gauged supergravity and eleven dimensional supergravity. Finally, we discuss the global structures of the solutions and obtain regular metrics on compact manifolds in five dimensions, which give natural generalizations of Sasaki--Einstein manifolds Yp,qY^{p,q} and La,b,cL^{a,b,c}. We also discuss regular metrics on non-compact manifolds in eleven dimensions.Comment: 38 pages, 1 table, v2: version to appear in Class. Quant. Gra