22 research outputs found

    Effet antiparasitaire des graines de papaye (Carica papaya) chez l’aulacode (Thryonomys swinderianus Temminck, 1827) d’élevage : cas des aulacodicultures du Sud-Bénin

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    Des problèmes pathologiques sévissent souvent dans les élevages d’aulacodes (Thryonomys swinderianus) au Bénin. Des maladies parasitaires comme la coccidiose et les nématodoseses sont rencontréeschez l’aulacode. Au Bénin, cet animal d’élevage est surtout infesté par les coccidies, les trichures, les strongles et parfois les cestodes. En dehors de l’Amprol (3 g/kg) et du Ganidan (2 comprimés/jour pendant 3 jours peros), les éleveurs utilisent très fréquemment les graines de papaye sous forme séchée et broyée ou entière et fraîche comme vermifuge, bien que leur efficacité n’ait été testée scientifiquement. Le but de cette étude estd’évaluer les propriétés antiparasitaires des graines de papaye (Carica papaya) chez les aulacodes d’élevage afin d’établir sa posologie d’utilisation. La méthodologie d’étude est basée sur une enquête à l’aide d’un questionnaire et sur une analyse coprologique de 109 échantillons de fèces d’aulacodes par la méthode quantitative de Mac Master. Des résultats, il ressort que 88,99% des aulacodiculteurs utilisent la graine depapaye comme anthelminthique mais à des doses différentes (cuillerée à soupe, cuillerée à café, capsule de bière et petite boîte de tomate) et avec diverses pratiques (graines de papaye, papaye verte ou mature); 10,09%ont recours aux anthelminthiques vétérinaires et 0,92% utilisent diverses plantes médicinales (Crateva religiosa, Ocimum basilicum, Eucalyptus sp, Newbouldia laevis et Vernonia amygdalina) pour soigner les animaux. Les examens coprologiques montrent que les élevages sont infestés par les coccidies (72,73%) avec des OPG avoisinant 150.000, ensuite viennent les trichures et les strongles avec des taux respectifs de 36,36%et 9,09% et des OPG maxima respectifs de 1.200 et 600. L’examen des échantillons de matières fécales en station a montré une diminution de l’OPG de 425 à 0 avec l’utilisation du Benzal à la dose de 7,5 mg/kg de PV. L’utilisation de la graine de papaye à la dose de 100 mg/kg PV a permis d’obtenir une baisse considérable des OPG de plus de 75%

    A review of Bridelia ferruginea, Combretum glutinosum and Mitragina inermis plants used in zootherapeutic remedies in West Africa: historical origins, current uses and implications for conservation

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    Context and objectives: West Africa has a very rich ethnozoological heritage due to its rich biodiversity, history and culture. Due to its location in a biodiversity hotspot, its agro-pastoralist traditions and its role during the maritime discoveries of the Renaissance, West Africa has a long list of animals and animal parts that have been used in its folk medicine. These uses can still be found in many historical documents and pharmacopeias. Bridelia ferruginea, Combretum glutinosum and Mitragyna inermis are tropical and subtropical medicinal plants widely used in general traditional African medicine and in West Africa in particularly, including Benin, Nigeria, Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast to treat many diseases such as bladder troubles, diabetes, dysentery, arterial hypertension, rheumatism pain. This study aims to do a literature review of these three tropical plants on their biological and pharmacological properties on veterinary medicineMethodology and Results: A thorough literature search was done and plants little studied Bridelia ferruginea, Mitragyna inermis and Combretum glutinosum were chosen in the search for their anthelmintic activity against gastrointestinal parasitic nematodes of small ruminants in Djallonké. Also to confirm their use in traditional veterinary medicine in West Africa.Conclusion and application of results: This literature review of their extracts properties showed that the plants possessed wide-reaching pharmacological actions, including anti-diabetic, cardiovascular disease antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antiplasmodial and justifies their use in traditional medicine for treating various diseases. This manuscript intends to be a starting point to these future investigations.Key words: Bridelia ferruginea, Combretum glutinosum, Mitragyna inermis, anthelmintic, Traditional folk medicine, Pharmacological action

    Gestion pastorale et structure des terroirs agricoles dans la périphérie de la Djona (Nord-Est Bénin)

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    En Afrique au Sud du Sahara, les systèmes d\'élevage sont diversifiés et par conséquent leur étude s\'avère indispensable. Ainsi, une enquête portant sur le système d\'élevage bovin et l\'étude de la structure des terroirs agricoles a été conduite dans l\'arrondissement d\'Angaradébou (zone périphérique de la Djona) du département de l\'Alibori. L\'étude a mis en exergue la dominance du sédentarisme comme mode de conduite, pratiqué dans un système agro-pastoral. L\'effectif moyen a été de 46 ± 20 bovins par troupeau comprenant en majorité les zébus Keteeji et Tchiwali. Les ligneux fourragers recensés et épargnés dans les terroirs des éleveurs sont : Khaya Senegalensis, Afzelia africana, Pterocarpus erinaceus, Daniellia oliveri, Bombax costatum, Cordia sinensis et Acacia sieberiana et sont ceux intervenant dans l\'alimentation des bovins dans la zone d\'étude contrairement à Vitellaria paradoxa et à Parkia Biglobosa qui sont les plus épargnées dans les terroirs agricoles. Des terroirs agricoles répertoriés, les champs des éleveurs ont présenté le type le plus diversifié avec respectivement 2,02 bits et 0,72 pour l\'indice de diversité de Shannon et l\'équitabilité de Pielou. Keywords: Ligneux épargnés, mode de conduite, bovins, parcs, Bénin.International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences Vol. 2 (4) 2008: pp. 497-50

    Etude comparative de la charge parasitaire des petits ruminants et du guib harnaché dans quatre campements riverains à la forêt classée de Wari-Maro au Nord-Est du Bénin

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    Comparative Study of the Parasitic Load of Small Ruminants and Bushbuck in Four Camps Bordering the Wari-Maro Reserve in the North East of Benin. A comparative survey of the gastro-intestinal parasitical burden of small ruminants (sheep, goat) and one species of wild ruminants (bushbuck) has been conducted in four camps around the classified forest of Wari-Maro located in the North-East of Benin. The flotation and sedimentation methods, and a semi-quantitative method associated to the flotation method were used to analyze the different samples. Feces samples were collected during the dry and rainy seasons with 100 samples for sheep, 75 for goat and 25 for bushbuck. The small domestic ruminants presented six types of parasites (strongyles, Strongyloides, coccidia, tapeworm, Capillaria, trematodes). The bushbuck presented strongyles and Strongyloides only during the rainy season. The burden of different types of parasites was low in the majority of cases. The wild or domestic nature of the animal influenced its parasitical state (p<0.05). For this study it appeared that no relation exists between the infestation intensity of small ruminants and bushbuck

    Production des ovins Djallonké en station dans la zone guinéenne au Bénin : 1. Performances de reproduction et influence des facteurs non génétiques

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    peer reviewedDe 1994 à 2002, les données relatives aux performances de reproduction ont été recueillies sur les ovins Djallonké. Ces données provenaient de la Ferme de la Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques (Université d’Abomey Calavi). Le modèle linéaire général (GLM) et le test t de Student ont été utilisés pour, analyser les données, identifier et quantifier les facteurs non-génétiques affectant l’âge au premier agnelage, l’intervalle entre agnelages et la prolificité. Les résultats ont montré : âge au premier agnelage, 609,64jours±110,26 jours ; intervalle entre agnelages, 243,01jours±68,19jours ; prolificité, 1,28±0,45 ; taux annuel de reproduction 1,92% ; taux de stérilité temporaire, 5,79%. Les effets de la saison d’agnelage, de l’année d’agnelage et de l’interaction année*saison ont été très importants (p<0,01) sur l’âge au premier agnelage et sur l’intervalle entre agnelages. Pour le caractère prolificité, les mêmes facteurs n’ont pas d’effets significatifs (p>0,05) Production of Djallonke sheep at an experimental station in the guinean zone of Benin.Production of Djallonke sheep at an experimental station in the guinean zone of Benin. Reproduction performance and influence of non-genetic factors From 1994 to 2002, data from Djallonke sheep were collected for reproduction performance. The data were obtained from the farm of the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences (University of Abomey Calavi). Data analysed by GLM procedure and Student’s t-test, were used to identify and quantify non-genetics factors affecting the age at first lambing, intervals between lambing and prolificacy. Results indicated: age at first lambing, 609.64days±110.26 days; intervals between lambing, 243.01days±68.19days; prolificity, 1.28±0.45; annual reproduction rate, 1.92%; temporary sterility rate, 5.79%. Lambing season, lambing year and the year*season interaction affected significantly (p0.05) for prolificacy

    Options d'intensification durable des cultures vivrieres au sud du Togo

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    In order to identify sustainable crop intensification options on ferralsols of Southern Togo, a series of alternative cropping technologies were evaluated together with farmers. In participatory group interviews, seven different groups of farmers prioritized options. Among five options associating maize with Mucuna cover crop, farmers had a 66% preference for a maize - mucuna - mineral fertilizers option because of its agronomic efficiency, followed by a maize - mucuna - no fertilizer option with 57% for those farmers lacking means of purchasing fertilizers, and a maize - short cycle mucuna - mineral fertilizer option with 54% preference because it enables a second cropping season. Non-mucuna options, which interested farmers were a maize - live hedge - animal manure option (86%) and a Cajanus cajan alley cropping option (79%). Low preferences were given to green biomass production with live hedges (36%) or mechanized ploughing (18%). Ecological sustainability, economic competitivity and social equity of the different options were compared using various appropriate tools. From this combined evaluation, it appears that the three options with the highest adoption potential are (1) the maize - mucuna - mineral fertilizer option, (2) the maize - short cycle mucuna - mineral fertilizer option, and (3) the maize - live hedge - animal manure option

    Anthelmintic flavonoids and other compounds from Combretum glutinosum Perr. ex DC (Combretaceae) leaves

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    A chemical study of the hydro-ethanol extract of the leaves of Combretum glutinosum resulted in the isolation of nine com­pounds, including 5-de­methyl­sin­en­se­tin (1), umuhengerin (2), (20S,24R)-ocotillone (3), lupeol (4), β-sitosterol (5), oleanolic acid (6), betulinic acid (7), corymbosin (8) and β-sito­sterol glucoside (9). Four com­pounds have been isolated for the first time from the genus Combretum [viz. (1), (2), (3) and (8)]. The crystal structures of flavonoid (2), C20H20O8, Z′ = 2, and triterpene (3), C30H50O3, Z′ = 1, have been determined for the first time; the latter confirmed the absolute configuration of native (20S,24R)-ocotillone previously derived from the crystal structures of related derivatives. The mol­ecules of (3) are linked into supra­molecular chains by inter­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. The crude extracts obtained by aqueous decoction and hydro-ethano­lic maceration, as well as the nine isolated com­pounds, were tested for their anthelmintic activity on the larvae and adult worms of Haemonchus contortus, a hematophage that causes parasitic disorders in small ruminants. The evaluated anthelmintic activity showed that the extracts at different doses, as well as all the com­pounds tested at 150 µg ml−1, inhibited the migration of the larvae and the motility of the adult worms of the parasite com­pared with the phosphate buffer solution negative reference control. The best activity was obtained with flavonoids (1), (2) and (8) on both stages of the parasite. The flavones that showed good activity can be used for the further development of other derivatives, which could increase the anthelmintic efficacy

    Variability of chemical composition of Newbouldia laevis and Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides related to environmental factors

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    N. laevis and Z. zanthoxyloides leaves from departments of Atlantic, Oueme, Couffo and Zou Area of South Benin were screened for the presence of chemical compounds by standard methods and compared. The results revealed the presence of the following compounds: alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, quinones, and essential oils in the plant samples regardless of the area and the harvest season. Saponins, cardiac glycosides, cyanogenic glycosides were found to be absent in the leaves of Z. zanthoxyloides and N. laevis regardless of the area and the harvest season. The significance of the plants in traditional medicine and the importance of the distribution of the chemical constituents justified the traditional use of these plants for the treatment of tropical diseases. We recommend further research work on these plants leaves for possible use as a source of raw material for industrial and medical science utilization.Keywords: Chemical Composition, Newbouldia laevis, Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides, environmental factors, Beni

    UPLC-QToF-ESI-MS identification and anthelmintic activity of Mitragyna inermis (Willd.) Kuntze (Rubiaceae)

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    Medicinal plants attract the attention of many researchers to find natural and safe remedies for various resistant diseases. Leaves of Mitragyna inermis are widely used in traditional veterinary medicine for the treatment of gastrointestinal strongyles of small ruminants. The aim of the current study is to estimate the antioxidant, anthelmintic and the larval toxicity of the aqueous and hydroethanolic extracts of this plant in addition to the hexane, dichloromethane and ethanol fractions of the hydroethanolic extract. Investigation of the most active extract using Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled with Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-QToF-ESI-MS). Both plant extracts showed good antioxidant activity by scavenging the 2,2′-diphényl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical and reducing the ferric ion. Similarly, they were no-toxic to Artemia salina larvae (CL50 > 0.1 μg/mL). Also, they significantly reduced larval migration and motility of Haemonchus contortus adult worms (p < 0.001). The hexane, dichloromethane and ethanolic fractions of the hydroethanolic extract showed low activity compared to crude extracts except for the hexane fraction on H. contortus adult worms (p < 0.001) while it showed a poor result on larvae. It thus appears that the anthelmintic activity of the extract may be linked to the synergistic action of these compounds. The UPLC-QToF-ESI-MS analysis revealed the tentative identification of 15 compounds including 7 alkaloids. The results of the present study confirm the anthelmintic activity of M. inermis in traditional veterinary medicine