55 research outputs found

    Hip fracture risk in relation to vitamin D supplementation and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials and observational studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Vitamin D supplementation for fracture prevention is widespread despite conflicting interpretation of relevant randomised controlled trial (RCT) evidence. This study summarises quantitatively the current evidence from RCTs and observational studies regarding vitamin D, parathyroid hormone (PTH) and hip fracture risk.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We undertook separate meta-analyses of RCTs examining vitamin D supplementation and hip fracture, and observational studies of serum vitamin D status (25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) level), PTH and hip fracture. Results from RCTs were combined using the reported hazard ratios/relative risks (RR). Results from case-control studies were combined using the ratio of 25(OH)D and PTH measurements of hip fracture cases compared with controls. Original published studies of vitamin D, PTH and hip fracture were identified through PubMed and Web of Science databases, searches of reference lists and forward citations of key papers.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The seven eligible RCTs identified showed no significant difference in hip fracture risk in those randomised to cholecalciferol or ergocalciferol supplementation versus placebo/control (RR = 1.13[95%CI 0.98-1.29]; 801 cases), with no significant difference between trials of <800 IU/day and ≥800 IU/day. The 17 identified case-control studies found 33% lower serum 25(OH)D levels in cases compared to controls, based on 1903 cases. This difference was significantly greater in studies with population-based compared to hospital-based controls (χ<sup>2</sup><sub>1 </sub>(heterogeneity) = 51.02, p < 0.001) and significant heterogeneity was present overall (χ<sup>2</sup><sub>16 </sub>(heterogeneity) = 137.9, p < 0.001). Serum PTH levels in hip fracture cases did not differ significantly from controls, based on ten case-control studies with 905 cases (χ<sup>2</sup><sub>9 </sub>(heterogeneity) = 149.68, p < 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Neither higher nor lower dose vitamin D supplementation prevented hip fracture. Randomised and observational data on vitamin D and hip fracture appear to differ. The reason for this is unclear; one possible explanation is uncontrolled confounding in observational studies. Post-fracture PTH levels are unrelated to hip fracture risk.</p

    Prehospital risk assessment and patient outcome:a population based study in Northern Finland

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    Abstract Emergency medical services (EMS) are designed to provide prompt response, on-scene treatment and transport for definitive care in patients with acute illness or injury. In recent years, the growing number of missions for non-urgent matters has challenged emergency care to design risk assessment protocols and tools to support decision-making and resource management at both dispatch and on-scene. The present study was designed to examine the efficacy of a criteria based dispatch protocol and National Early Warning Score (NEWS) in the Finnish EMS system. In addition, the aim of the research was to obtain data on patient allocation and mortality in the Northern Finnish population. The study data included 13,354 EMS missions from a six-month cohort (1.1.2014 - 30.6.2014) of prehospital emergency patients in two hospital districts – Kainuu and Länsi-Pohja – in Northern Finland, using a retrospective, observational design. Prehospital data including patient clinical physiological variables were combined with the national Finnish registries (Care Registry for Health Care, Intensive Care Consortium Database and Cause of Death Registry) in order to examine risk assessment in EMS and prehospital patient outcomes. Based on the result, the risk assessment at the dispatch was correct in 67.5% of the cases and four out of ten EMS missions did not lead to transportation by an ambulance. The use of the Finnish dispatch protocol resulted in an overall rate of 23% of over-triage and a 9% rate of under-triage. The highest NEWS category showed a good sensitivity for 1-day mortality but failed to adequately discriminate patients in need of intensive care or who died within 30-days in a large, unselected, typical EMS population. In conclusion, the criteria based dispatch protocol resulted in over-triage of a quarter of missions and in a significant rate of EMS missions without ambulance transportation. In addition, the predictive value of prehospital NEWS regarding the patient´s risk of death and need for intensive care was low.Tiivistelmä Ensihoitopalvelu on suunniteltu tarjoamaan nopeaa vastetta, paikalla tapahtuvaa hoitoa ja kuljetusta lopulliseen hoitopaikkaan potilaille, joilla on akuutti sairaus tai vamma. Viime vuosien lisääntyneet yhteydenotot ei-kiireellisissä asioissa on johtanut riskinarviotyökalujen kehittämiseen tukemaan päätöksentekoa ja resurssienhallintaa hätäpuhelun aikana ja tapahtumapaikalla. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin kriteeripohjaista hätäpuhelun käsittelyä sekä varhaisen varoituspistejärjestelmän (NEWS) tehokkuutta suomalaisessa ensihoitojärjestelmässä. Lisäksi tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli saada tietoa ensihoitopotilaiden hoitotuloksista ja kuolleisuudesta Pohjois-Suomessa. Tutkimukseen sisältyi 13 354 ensihoitotehtävää kuuden kuukauden kohortista (1.1.2014 – 30.6.2014) kahden sairaanhoitopiirin alueelta – Kainuu ja Länsi-Pohja – Pohjois-Suomessa käyttämällä retrospektiivistä havainnoivaa tutkimusmenetelmää. Ensihoidon aikana kerätty tieto, mukaan lukien potilaan kliiniset fysiologiset arvot, yhdistettiin kansallisiin rekistereihin (hoitoilmoitusrekisteri, tehohoitokonsortion laatutietokanta sekä kuolinsyyrekisteri) jotta ensihoitopotilaiden riskinarviota ja hoitotuloksia voitiin tutkia. Tutkimustulosten mukaan 67.5 prosentissa tapauksista riskinarvio hätäkeskuksessa oli oikea ja neljä kymmenestä ensihoitotehtävästä ei johtanut kuljetukseen ambulanssilla. Suomalaisen hälytysprotokollan käyttö johti yliarviointiin 23 prosentissa tapauksista ja aliarviointiin 9 prosentissa tapauksista. Korkeariskin NEWS-luokan herkkyys 1-päivän kuolleisuudelle oli hyvä, mutta se ei kyennyt erottelemaan riittävän hyvin potilaita, jotka tarvitsivat tehohoitoa tai kuolivat 30 päivän sisällä suuressa ei-valikoidussa tyypillisessä ensihoitopotilasväestössä. Yhteenvetona todettiin, että kriteeripohjaisen riskinarvion käyttö johti yliarvioon neljänneksestä tapauksista sekä huomattavaan ensihoitotehtävämäärään ilman ambulanssikuljetusta. Lisäksi ensihoidon aikana käytetyn varhaisen varoituspistejärjestelmän ennusteellinen arvo potilaan kuolemanriskin ja tehohoidon tarpeeseen oli matala

    Patient satisfaction with telephone care assessment among patients with non-urgent prehospital emergency care issues:a cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Background: Telephone care assessment (TCA) by a nurse have shown to reduce the number of emergency department (ED) visits and emergency medical services missions (EMS). The present study aimed to describe satisfaction among patients with non-urgent prehospital medical issues that were transferred to TCA instead of receiving EMS. These results could provide a basis for developing the telephone services and emergency care pathways. Methods:This cross-sectional study included 765 patients with non-urgent issues that were transferred to a telephone care assessment, after a risk and urgency assessment by an emergency medical communications operator. One week later, patient satisfaction was evaluated in a structured telephone interview with randomized patients. Results:127 telephone interviews were completed. Most patients (70.9–85.0%) were highly satisfied with the telephone care assessment. In particular, patients who were unsure of the urgency of their own health condition and the need for EMS, were highly satisfied (95.3%). Patients that received EMS after the telephone care assessment were more satisfied than those that received telephone guidance or those directed to other health care services (91.4% vs. 65.5% vs. 67.9%, p = 0.002). Conclusions:Patients with non-urgent prehospital emergency issues were mainly satisfied with telephone care assessment. In considering ways to reduce the increasing load on emergency medical services, a telephone care assessment could be a good option, without reducing patient satisfaction

    A high proportion of prehospital emergency patients are not transported by ambulance:a retrospective cohort study in Northern Finland

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    Abstract Background: The number of missions in the emergency medical services (EMS) has increased considerably in recent years. People are requesting ambulance for even minor illnesses and non‐medical problems, which is placing financial and resource burdens on the EMS. The aim of this study was to determine the rate of non‐transportation missions in Northern Finland and the reasons for these missions. Methods: All ambulance missions in two hospital districts in Northern Finland during the 6‐month period of January 1 through June 30, 2014, were retrospectively evaluated from the EMS charts to identify missions in which the patients were not transported by the EMS. The non‐transportation rates and reasons were calculated and expressed as percentages. Results: In 41.7% of the 13,354 missions, the patient was not transported from the scene by an ambulance. After a medical assessment and care was provided by the EMS, 48.2% of these non‐transport patients were evaluated as not needing further treatment in the emergency department and were directed to contact the municipal health care center during office hours. There was no need for any medical care in 39.9% of non‐transportation missions. Conclusion: This study showed a high rate of EMS missions resulting in non‐transportation in two hospital districts in Northern Finland. In the majority of these missions there was no need for emergency admission to an emergency department or for any medical care at all. These findings indicate that an improvement in the dispatch process and primary care resources might be of benefit

    Does the prehospital National Early Warning Score predict the short-term mortality of unselected emergency patients?

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    Abstract Objectives: The prehospital research field has focused on studying patient survival in cardiac arrest, as well as acute coronary syndrome, stroke, and trauma. There is little known about the overall short-term mortality and its predictability in unselected prehospital patients. This study examines whether a prehospital National Early Warning Score (NEWS) predicts 1-day and 30-day mortalities. Methods: Data from all emergency medical service (EMS) situations were coupled to the mortality data obtained from the Causes of Death Registry during a six-month period in Northern Finland. NEWS values were calculated from first clinical parameters obtained on the scene and patients were categorized to the low, medium and high-risk groups accordingly. Sensitivities, specificities, positive predictive values (PPVs), negative predictive values (NPVs), and likelihood ratios (PLRs and NLRs) were calculated for 1-day and 30-day mortalities at the cut-off risks. Results: A total of 12,426 EMS calls were included in the study. The overall 1-day and 30-day mortalities were 1.5 and 4.3%, respectively. The 1-day mortality rate for NEWS values ≤12 was lower than 7% and for values ≥13 higher than 20%. The high-risk NEWS group had sensitivities for 1-day and 30-day mortalities 0.801 (CI 0.74–0.86) and 0.42 (CI 0.38–0.47), respectively. Conclusion: In prehospital environment, the high risk NEWS category was associated with 1-day mortality well above that of the medium and low risk NEWS categories. This effect was not as noticeable for 30-day mortality. The prehospital NEWS may be useful tool for recognising patients at early risk of death, allowing earlier interventions and responds to these patients

    Ensihoidon kiireettömien tehtävien siirto puhelimessa tehtävään hoidon tarpeen arviointiin:kuvaus resurssien käytöstä ja kustannusten jakaantumisesta

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    Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoitus: Kuvata sairaanhoitajan puhelimessa toteuttaman hoidon tarpeen arvioinnin (PHTA) resurssien käyttöä ja kustannuksia ja verrata niitä ensihoidon resurssien käyttöön ja kustannuksiin. Aineisto ja menetelmät: Ensihoidon kiireettömien tehtävien määrät ja kestot kerättiin ensihoidon tietojärjestelmistä. Ensihoidon ja PHTA:n kustannukset kerättiin talousarvioista vuodelta 2018 Kainuussa ja Oulussa. Aineistosta laskettiin teoreettiset ensihoidon ja PHTA:n vuosikustannukset ja resurssien käyttö Kainuussa. Laskelmien avulla mallinnettiin Ouluun vastaavat kustannukset sekä teoreettiset säästöt. Tulokset: Vuonna 2018 Kainuussa ensihoidon kiireettömiä tehtäviä oli 5295 ja Oulussa 8598. Laskennallinen kiireettömän ensihoitotehtävän hinta oli Kainuussa 172,80€ ja Oulussa 102,70€, sekä yhden tehtävän käsittelyn hinta PHTA:lla hinta oli 7€. Ensihoitopalveluun integroidun PHTA:n tuomat teoreettiset säästöt ovat Oulussa ja Kainuussa 258 199–294 912€/vuosi. Henkilöstöresurssitarpeen väheneminen on yli 5000 tuntia vuodessa. Päätelmät: PHTA:n integroiminen ensihoitopalveluun voi tuottaa säästöjä ja hillitä ensihoidon tehtävämäärien nousua. Vapautuvat ensihoidon resurssit voitaisiin kohdentaa kiireellisten potilaiden hoitoon. PHTA:n käyttöönotto olisi mahdollista nykyisillä palvelurakenteilla