191 research outputs found

    Pinsker estimators for local helioseismology

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    A major goal of helioseismology is the three-dimensional reconstruction of the three velocity components of convective flows in the solar interior from sets of wave travel-time measurements. For small amplitude flows, the forward problem is described in good approximation by a large system of convolution equations. The input observations are highly noisy random vectors with a known dense covariance matrix. This leads to a large statistical linear inverse problem. Whereas for deterministic linear inverse problems several computationally efficient minimax optimal regularization methods exist, only one minimax-optimal linear estimator exists for statistical linear inverse problems: the Pinsker estimator. However, it is often computationally inefficient because it requires a singular value decomposition of the forward operator or it is not applicable because of an unknown noise covariance matrix, so it is rarely used for real-world problems. These limitations do not apply in helioseismology. We present a simplified proof of the optimality properties of the Pinsker estimator and show that it yields significantly better reconstructions than traditional inversion methods used in helioseismology, i.e.\ Regularized Least Squares (Tikhonov regularization) and SOLA (approximate inverse) methods. Moreover, we discuss the incorporation of the mass conservation constraint in the Pinsker scheme using staggered grids. With this improvement we can reconstruct not only horizontal, but also vertical velocity components that are much smaller in amplitude

    Convergence rates in expectation for Tikhonov-type regularization of Inverse Problems with Poisson data

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    In this paper we study a Tikhonov-type method for ill-posed nonlinear operator equations \gdag = F( ag) where \gdag is an integrable, non-negative function. We assume that data are drawn from a Poisson process with density t\gdag where t>0t>0 may be interpreted as an exposure time. Such problems occur in many photonic imaging applications including positron emission tomography, confocal fluorescence microscopy, astronomic observations, and phase retrieval problems in optics. Our approach uses a Kullback-Leibler-type data fidelity functional and allows for general convex penalty terms. We prove convergence rates of the expectation of the reconstruction error under a variational source condition as tt\to\infty both for an a priori and for a Lepski{\u\i}-type parameter choice rule

    Iteratively regularized Newton-type methods for general data misfit functionals and applications to Poisson data

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    We study Newton type methods for inverse problems described by nonlinear operator equations F(u)=gF(u)=g in Banach spaces where the Newton equations F(un;un+1un)=gF(un)F'(u_n;u_{n+1}-u_n) = g-F(u_n) are regularized variationally using a general data misfit functional and a convex regularization term. This generalizes the well-known iteratively regularized Gauss-Newton method (IRGNM). We prove convergence and convergence rates as the noise level tends to 0 both for an a priori stopping rule and for a Lepski{\u\i}-type a posteriori stopping rule. Our analysis includes previous order optimal convergence rate results for the IRGNM as special cases. The main focus of this paper is on inverse problems with Poisson data where the natural data misfit functional is given by the Kullback-Leibler divergence. Two examples of such problems are discussed in detail: an inverse obstacle scattering problem with amplitude data of the far-field pattern and a phase retrieval problem. The performence of the proposed method for these problems is illustrated in numerical examples

    The Iteratively Regularized Gau{\ss}-Newton Method with Convex Constraints and Applications in 4Pi-Microscopy

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    This paper is concerned with the numerical solution of nonlinear ill-posed operator equations involving convex constraints. We study a Newton-type method which consists in applying linear Tikhonov regularization with convex constraints to the Newton equations in each iteration step. Convergence of this iterative regularization method is analyzed if both the operator and the right hand side are given with errors and all error levels tend to zero. Our study has been motivated by the joint estimation of object and phase in 4Pi microscopy, which leads to a semi-blind deconvolution problem with nonnegativity constraints. The performance of the proposed algorithm is illustrated both for simulated and for three-dimensional experimental data

    Necessary conditions for variational regularization schemes

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    We study variational regularization methods in a general framework, more precisely those methods that use a discrepancy and a regularization functional. While several sets of sufficient conditions are known to obtain a regularization method, we start with an investigation of the converse question: How could necessary conditions for a variational method to provide a regularization method look like? To this end, we formalize the notion of a variational scheme and start with comparison of three different instances of variational methods. Then we focus on the data space model and investigate the role and interplay of the topological structure, the convergence notion and the discrepancy functional. Especially, we deduce necessary conditions for the discrepancy functional to fulfill usual continuity assumptions. The results are applied to discrepancy functionals given by Bregman distances and especially to the Kullback-Leibler divergence.Comment: To appear in Inverse Problem

    Relaxation and reconstruction on (111) surfaces of Au, Pt, and Cu

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    We have theoretically studied the stability and reconstruction of (111) surfaces of Au, Pt, and Cu. We have calculated the surface energy, surface stress, interatomic force constants, and other relevant quantities by ab initio electronic structure calculations using the density functional theory (DFT), in a slab geometry with periodic boundary conditions. We have estimated the stability towards a quasi-one-dimensional reconstruction by using the calculated quantities as parameters in a one-dimensional Frenkel-Kontorova model. On all surfaces we have found an intrinsic tensile stress. This stress is large enough on Au and Pt surfaces to lead to a reconstruction in which a denser surface layer is formed, in agreement with experiment. The experimentally observed differences between the dense reconstruction pattern on Au(111) and a sparse structure of stripes on Pt(111) are attributed to the details of the interaction potential between the first layer of atoms and the substrate.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review