604 research outputs found

    Mass renormalization in nonrelativistic QED

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    In nonrelativistic QED the charge of an electron equals its bare value, whereas the self-energy and the mass have to be renormalized. In our contribution we study perturbative mass renormalization, including second order in the fine structure constant α\alpha, in the case of a single, spinless electron. As well known, if mm denotes the bare mass and \mass the mass computed from the theory, to order α\alpha one has \frac{\mass}{m} =1+\frac{8\alpha}{3\pi} \log(1+\half (\Lambda/m))+O(\alpha^2) which suggests that \mass/m=(\Lambda/m)^{8\alpha/3\pi} for small α\alpha. If correct, in order α2\alpha^2 the leading term should be \displaystyle \half ((8\alpha/3\pi)\log(\Lambda/m))^2. To check this point we expand \mass/m to order α2\alpha^2. The result is Λ/m\sqrt{\Lambda/m} as leading term, suggesting a more complicated dependence of meffm_{\mathrm{eff}} on mm

    Ultraviolet Renormalization of the Nelson Hamiltonian through Functional Integration

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    Starting from the N-particle Nelson Hamiltonian defined by imposing an ultraviolet cutoff, we perform ultraviolet renormalization by showing that in the zero cutoff limit a self-adjoint operator exists after a logarithmically divergent term is subtracted from the original Hamiltonian. We obtain this term as the diagonal part of a pair interaction appearing in the density of a Gibbs measure derived from the Feynman-Kac representation of the Hamiltonian. Also, we show existence of a weak coupling limit of the renormalized Hamiltonian and derive an effective Yukawa interaction potential between the particles.Comment: 28 pages, revision of section 2 and typos correcte

    Kramers degeneracy theorem in nonrelativistic QED

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    Degeneracy of the eigenvalues of the Pauli-Fierz Hamiltonian with spin 1/2 is proven by the Kramers degeneracy theorem. The Pauli-Fierz Hamiltonian at fixed total momentum is also investigated.Comment: LaTex, 11 page

    Letter from Members of the Hiroshima YMCA to Geraldine Ferraro

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    Letter from members of the Hiroshima YMCA to Geraldine Ferraro. The authors invite Ferraro to visit the Atomic Bomb Museum in Hiroshima. A letter from Laurence M. Wiig of the YMCA International Institute for Peace is enclosed.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/vice_presidential_campaign_correspondence_1984_international/1360/thumbnail.jp

    Scaling Limits for the System of Semi-Relativistic Particles Coupled to a Scalar Bose Field

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    In this paper the Hamiltonian for the system of semi-relativistic particles interacting with a scalar bose field is investigated. A scaled total Hamiltonian of the system is defined and its scaling limit is considered. Then the semi-relativistic Schrodinger operator with an effective potential is derived

    Hyperfine splitting in non-relativistic QED: uniqueness of the dressed hydrogen atom ground state

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    We consider a free hydrogen atom composed of a spin-1/2 nucleus and a spin-1/2 electron in the standard model of non-relativistic QED. We study the Pauli-Fierz Hamiltonian associated with this system at a fixed total momentum. For small enough values of the fine-structure constant, we prove that the ground state is unique. This result reflects the hyperfine structure of the hydrogen atom ground state.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum information with Gaussian states

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    Quantum optical Gaussian states are a type of important robust quantum states which are manipulatable by the existing technologies. So far, most of the important quantum information experiments are done with such states, including bright Gaussian light and weak Gaussian light. Extending the existing results of quantum information with discrete quantum states to the case of continuous variable quantum states is an interesting theoretical job. The quantum Gaussian states play a central role in such a case. We review the properties and applications of Gaussian states in quantum information with emphasis on the fundamental concepts, the calculation techniques and the effects of imperfections of the real-life experimental setups. Topics here include the elementary properties of Gaussian states and relevant quantum information device, entanglement-based quantum tasks such as quantum teleportation, quantum cryptography with weak and strong Gaussian states and the quantum channel capacity, mathematical theory of quantum entanglement and state estimation for Gaussian states.Comment: 170 pages. Minors of the published version are corrected and listed in the Acknowledgement part of this versio

    Ground State and Resonances in the Standard Model of Non-relativistic QED

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    We prove existence of a ground state and resonances in the standard model of the non-relativistic quantum electro-dynamics (QED). To this end we introduce a new canonical transformation of QED Hamiltonians and use the spectral renormalization group technique with a new choice of Banach spaces.Comment: 50 pages change

    Quantum teleportation scheme by selecting one of multiple output ports

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    The scheme of quantum teleportation, where Bob has multiple (N) output ports and obtains the teleported state by simply selecting one of the N ports, is thoroughly studied. We consider both deterministic version and probabilistic version of the teleportation scheme aiming to teleport an unknown state of a qubit. Moreover, we consider two cases for each version: (i) the state employed for the teleportation is fixed to a maximally entangled state, and (ii) the state is also optimized as well as Alice's measurement. We analytically determine the optimal protocols for all the four cases, and show the corresponding optimal fidelity or optimal success probability. All these protocols can achieve the perfect teleportation in the asymptotic limit of N→∞N\to\infty. The entanglement properties of the teleportation scheme are also discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Field evolution of the magnetic structures in Er2_2Ti2_2O7_7 through the critical point

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    We have measured neutron diffraction patterns in a single crystal sample of the pyrochlore compound Er2_2Ti2_2O7_7 in the antiferromagnetic phase (T=0.3\,K), as a function of the magnetic field, up to 6\,T, applied along the [110] direction. We determine all the characteristics of the magnetic structure throughout the quantum critical point at HcH_c=2\,T. As a main result, all Er moments align along the field at HcH_c and their values reach a minimum. Using a four-sublattice self-consistent calculation, we show that the evolution of the magnetic structure and the value of the critical field are rather well reproduced using the same anisotropic exchange tensor as that accounting for the local paramagnetic susceptibility. In contrast, an isotropic exchange tensor does not match the moment variations through the critical point. The model also accounts semi-quantitatively for other experimental data previously measured, such as the field dependence of the heat capacity, energy of the dispersionless inelastic modes and transition temperature.Comment: 7 pages; 8 figure
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