609 research outputs found

    Prospects for Detecting Supernova Neutrino Flavor Oscillations

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    The neutrinos from a Type II supernova provide perhaps our best opportunity to probe cosmologically interesting muon and/or tauon neutrino masses. This is because matter enhanced neutrino oscillations can lead to an anomalously hot nu_e spectrum, and thus to enhanced charged current cross sections in terrestrial detectors. Two recently proposed supernova neutrino observatories, OMNIS and LAND, will detect neutrons spalled from target nuclei by neutral and charged current neutrino interactions. As this signal is not flavor specific, it is not immediately clear whether a convincing neutrino oscillation signal can be extracted from such experiments. To address this issue we examine the responses of a series of possible light and heavy mass targets, 9Be, 23Na, 35Cl, and 208Pb. We find that strategies for detecting oscillations which use only neutron count rates are problematic at best, even if cross sections are determined by ancillary experiments. Plausible uncertainties in supernova neutrino spectra tend to obscure rate enhancements due to oscillations. However, in the case of 208Pb, a signal emerges that is largely flavor specific and extraordinarily sensitive to the nu_e temperature, the emission of two neutrons. This signal and its flavor specificity are associated with the strength and location of the first-forbidden responses for neutral and charge current reactions, aspects of the 208Pb neutrino cross section that have not been discussed previously. Hadronic spin transfer experiments might be helpful in confirming some of the nuclear structure physics underlying our conclusions.Comment: 27 pages, RevTeX, 2 figure

    Estimates of rates for dissociative recombination of NO2+_2^+ + e−^- via various mechanisms

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    We estimate rates for the dissociative recombination (DR) of NO2+_2^+ + e−^-. Although accurate excited state potential energy curves for the excited states of the neutral are not available, we estimate that the 1 2^2{\Phi}g_g and the 1 2^2{\Pi}g_g states of the neutral may intersect the ground state cation potential energy surface near its equilibrium geometry. Using fixed nuclei scattering calculations we estimate the rate for direct DR via these states and find it to be significant. We also perform approximate calculations of DR triggered by the indirect mechanism, which suggest that the indirect DR rate for NO2+_2^+ is insignificant compared to the direct rate.Comment: Submitted to Phys Rev

    Activated dynamics and effective temperature in a steady state sheared glass

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    We conduct nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations to measure the shear stress, the average inherent structure energy, and the effective temperature TeffT_{eff} of a sheared model glass as a function of bath temperature TT and shear strain rate. For TT above the glass transition temperature T0T_0, the rheology approaches a Newtonian limit and TeffT_{eff} approaches TT as the strain rate approaches zero, while for T<T0T<T_0, the shear stress approaches a yield stress and TeffT_{eff} approaches a limiting value near T0T_0. In the shear-dominated regime at high TT, high strain rate or at low TT, we find that the shear stress and the average inherent structure energy each collapse onto a single curve as a function of TeffT_{eff}. This indicates that TeffT_{eff} is controlling behavior in this regime.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Revised to include additional data. Inherent structure energy results were included, and much of the shear transformation zone discussion was remove

    Multiconfiguration Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock Treatment of Electronic and Nuclear Dynamics in Diatomic Molecules

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    The multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree-Fock (MCTDHF) method is formulated for treating the coupled electronic and nuclear dynamics of diatomic molecules without the Born- Oppenheimer approximation. The method treats the full dimensionality of the electronic motion, uses no model interactions, and is in principle capable of an exact nonrelativistic description of diatomics in electromagnetic fields. An expansion of the wave function in terms of configurations of orbitals whose dependence on internuclear distance is only that provided by the underlying prolate spheroidal coordinate system is demonstrated to provide the key simplifications of the working equations that allow their practical solution. Photoionization cross sections are also computed from the MCTDHF wave function in calculations using short pulses.Comment: Submitted to Phys Rev

    CN-Cycle Solar Neutrinos and Sun's Primordial Core Metalicity

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    We argue that it may be possible to exploit neutrinos from the CN cycle and pp chain to determine the primordial solar core abundances of C and N at an interesting level of precision. Such a measurement would allow a comparison of the Sun's deep interior composition with it surface, testing a key assumption of the standard solar model (SSM), a homogeneous zero-age Sun. It would also provide a cross-check on recent photospheric abundance determinations that have altered the once excellent agreement between the SSM and helioseismology. As further motivation, we discuss a speculative possibility in which photospheric abundance/helioseismology puzzle is connected with the solar-system metal differentiation that accompanied formation of the gaseous giant planets. The theoretical relationship between core C and N and the 13N and 15O solar neutrino fluxes can be made more precise (and more general) by making use of the Super-Kamiokande and SNO 8B neutrino capture rates, which calibrate the temperature of the solar core. The primordial C and N abundances can then be obtained from these neutrino fluxes and from a product of nuclear rates, with little residual solar model dependence. We describe some of the recent experimental advances that could allow this comparison to be made (theoretically) at about the 9% level, and note that this uncertainty may be reduced further due to ongoing work on the S-factor for 14N(p,gamma). The envisioned measurement might be possible in deep, large-volume detectors using organic scintillator, e.g., Borexino or SNO+Comment: 33 pages, 4 figure

    Piecewise moments method: Generalized Lanczos technique for nuclear response surfaces

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    For some years Lanczos moments methods have been combined with large-scale shell-model calculations in evaluations of the spectral distributions of certain operators. This technique is of great value because the alternative, a state-by-state summation over final states, is generally not feasible. The most celebrated application is to the Gamow-Teller operator, which governs β decay and neutrino reactions in the allowed limit. The Lanczos procedure determines the nuclear response along a line q = 0 in the (ω,q) plane, where ω and q are the energy and three-momentum transferred to the nucleus, respectively. However, generalizing such treatments from the allowed limit to general electroweak response functions at arbitrary momentum transfers seems considerably more difficult: The response function must be determined over the entire (ω,q) plane for an operator O(q) that is not fixed, but depends explicitly on q. Such operators arise in any semileptonic process in which the momentum transfer is comparable with (or larger than) the inverse nuclear size. Here we show, for Slater determinants built on harmonic-oscillator basis functions, that the nuclear response for any multipole operator O(q) can be determined efficiently over the full response plane by a generalization of the standard Lanczos moments method. We describe the piecewise moments method and thoroughly explore its convergence properties for the test case of electromagnetic responses in a full sd-shell calculation of ^(28)Si. We discuss possible extensions to a variety of electroweak processes, including charged- and neutral-current neutrino scattering

    Anapole Moment and Other Constraints on the Strangeness Conserving Hadronic Weak Interaction

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    Standard analyses of low-energy NN and nuclear parity-violating observables have been based on a pi-, rho-, and omega-exchange model capable of describing all five independent s-p partial waves. Here a parallel analysis is performed for the one-body, exchange-current, and nuclear polarization contributions to the anapole moments of 133Cs and 205Tl. The resulting constraints are not consistent, though there remains some degree of uncertainty in the nuclear structure analysis of the atomic moments.Comment: Revtex, 10 pages, 1 figur

    Schiff Theorem and the Electric Dipole Moments of Hydrogen-Like Atoms

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    The Schiff theorem is revisited in this work and the residual PP- and TT-odd electron--nucleus interaction, after the shielding takes effect, is completely specified. An application is made to the electric dipole moments of hydrogen-like atoms, whose qualitative features and systematics have important implication for realistic paramagnetic atoms.Comment: 3 pages. Contribution to PANIC05, Particles and Nuclei International Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Oct. 24-28, 200
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