172 research outputs found

    3-dimensional Gravity from the Turaev-Viro Invariant

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    We study the qq-deformed su(2) spin network as a 3-dimensional quantum gravity model. We show that in the semiclassical continuum limit the Turaev-Viro invariant obtained recently defines naturally regularized path-integral aˋ\grave{\rm a} la Ponzano-Regge, In which a contribution from the cosmological term is effectively included. The regularization dependent cosmological constant is found to be 4π2k2+O(k−4){4\pi^2\over k^2} +O(k^{-4}), where q2k=1q^{2k}=1. We also discuss the relation to the Euclidean Chern-Simons-Witten gravity in 3-dimension.Comment: 11page

    Surface embedding, topology and dualization for spin networks

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    Spin networks are graphs derived from 3nj symbols of angular momentum. The surface embedding, the topology and dualization of these networks are considered. Embeddings into compact surfaces include the orientable sphere S^2 and the torus T, and the not orientable projective space P^2 and Klein's bottle K. Two families of 3nj graphs admit embeddings of minimal genus into S^2 and P^2. Their dual 2-skeletons are shown to be triangulations of these surfaces.Comment: LaTeX 17 pages, 6 eps figures (late submission to arxiv.org

    Semiclassical short strings in AdS_5 x S^5

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    We present results for the one-loop correction to the energy of a class of string solutions in AdS_5 x S^5 in the short string limit. The computation is based on the observation that, as for rigid spinning string elliptic solutions, the fluctuation operators can be put into the single-gap Lame' form. Our computation reveals a remarkable universality of the form of the energy of short semiclassical strings. This may help to understand better the structure of the strong coupling expansion of the anomalous dimensions of dual gauge theory operators.Comment: 12 pages, one pdf figure. Invited Talk at 'Nonlinear Physics. Theory and Experiment VI', Gallipoli (Italy) - June 23 - July 3, 201

    Quantum mechanics of lattice gas automata. I. One particle plane waves and potentials

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    Classical lattice gas automata effectively simulate physical processes such as diffusion and fluid flow (in certain parameter regimes) despite their simplicity at the microscale. Motivated by current interest in quantum computation we recently defined quantum lattice gas automata; in this paper we initiate a project to analyze which physical processes these models can effectively simulate. Studying the single particle sector of a one dimensional quantum lattice gas we find discrete analogues of plane waves and wave packets, and then investigate their behaviour in the presence of inhomogeneous potentials.Comment: 19 pages, plain TeX, 14 PostScript figures included with epsf.tex (ignore the under/overfull \vbox error messages), two additional large figures available upon reques

    Statistical mechanics of voting

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    Decision procedures aggregating the preferences of multiple agents can produce cycles and hence outcomes which have been described heuristically as `chaotic'. We make this description precise by constructing an explicit dynamical system from the agents' preferences and a voting rule. The dynamics form a one dimensional statistical mechanics model; this suggests the use of the topological entropy to quantify the complexity of the system. We formulate natural political/social questions about the expected complexity of a voting rule and degree of cohesion/diversity among agents in terms of random matrix models---ensembles of statistical mechanics models---and compute quantitative answers in some representative cases.Comment: 9 pages, plain TeX, 2 PostScript figures included with epsf.tex (ignore the under/overfull \vbox error messages

    Discrete structures in gravity

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    Discrete approaches to gravity, both classical and quantum, are reviewed briefly, with emphasis on the method using piecewise-linear spaces. Models of 3-dimensional quantum gravity involving 6j-symbols are then described, and progress in generalising these models to four dimensions is discussed, as is the relationship of these models in both three and four dimensions to topological theories. Finally, the repercussions of the generalisations are explored for the original formulation of discrete gravity using edge-length variables.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figure

    A class of elementary particle models without any adjustable real parameters

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    Conventional particle theories such as the Standard Model have a number of freely adjustable coupling constants and mass parameters, depending on the symmetry algebra of the local gauge group and the representations chosen for the spinor and scalar fields. There seems to be no physical principle to determine these parameters as long as they stay within certain domains dictated by the renormalization group. Here however, reasons are given to demand that, when gravity is coupled to the system, local conformal invariance should be a spontaneously broken exact symmetry. The argument has to do with the requirement that black holes obey a complementarity principle relating ingoing observers to outside observers, or equivalently, initial states to final states. This condition fixes all parameters, including masses and the cosmological constant. We suspect that only examples can be found where these are all of order one in Planck units, but the values depend on the algebra chosen. This paper combines findings reported in two previous preprints, and puts these in a clearer perspective by shifting the emphasis towards the implications for particle models.Comment: 28 pages (incl. title page), no figure
