28 research outputs found

    Direction Of Hepatitis Supported Research At Namru-2

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    Titik berat penelitian hepatitis di NAMRU-2 pada saat ini adalah: I) penelitian binatang untuk mengetahui populasi reservoar HEV; 2) penggunaan model hewan untuk lebih diketahuinya transmisi HEV pada populasi reservoar yang dicurigai; 3) diketahuinya akurasi alat diagnostik yang digunakan (untuk semua marker); 4) diketahuinya lama pengeluaran virus hepatitis E pada kotoran manusia yang menderita hepatitis akut maupun dari model hewan; 5) diketahuinya insidens hepatitis E akut melalui pencarian kasus dengan menggunakan metode penelitian lapangan di masyarakat; dan 6) serokonversi infeksi hepatitis E pada anak-anak. Hubungan erat dengan berbagai universitas dan instansi pemerintah yang terkait dengan penanganan kasus-kasus hepatitis, telah dan masih menjadi bagian penting bagi suksesnya penelitian hepatitis di NAMRU-2. Hasil yang dicapai berdasarkan program penelitian di atas antara lain: 1) seminar hepatitis E di Kalimantan Barat; 2) tersedianya kemampuan diagnostik pada laboratorium setempat; 3) pembinaan peneliti di Indonesia dan Asia Tenggara dalam hal epidemiologi; serta 4) alih teknologi dalam pelaksanaan penelitian yang dapat melibatkan minat para peneliti pada penyakit hepatitis di Indonesia

    Designing multifunctional landscapes for forest conservation

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    A multifunctional landscape approach to forest protection has been advocated for tropical countries. Designing such landscapes necessitates that the role of different land uses in protecting forest be evaluated, along with the spatial interactions between land uses. However, such evaluations have been hindered by a lack of suitable analysis methodologies and data with fine spatial resolution over long time periods. We demonstrate the utility of a matching method with multiple categories to evaluate the role of alternative land uses in protecting forest. We also assessed the impact of land use change trajectories on the rate of deforestation. We employed data from Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) at three different time periods during 2000–2012 to illustrate our approach. Four single land uses (protected areas (PA), natural forest logging concessions (LC), timber plantation concessions (TC) and oil-palm plantation concessions (OC)) and two mixed land uses (mixed concessions and the overlap between concessions and PA) were assessed. The rate of deforestation was found to be lowest for PA, followed by LC. Deforestation rates for all land uses tended to be highest for locations that share the characteristics of areas in which TC or OC are located (e.g. degraded areas), suggesting that these areas are inherently more susceptible to deforestation due to foregone opportunities. Our approach provides important insights into how multifunctional landscapes can be designed to enhance the protection of biodiversity

    Strategi Bakteri Probiotik untuk Menekan Pertumbuhan Bakteri Patogen di dalam Pencernaan Kerapu Chromileptes Altivelis dengan Memproduksi Beberapa Bakterial Substansi [ Probiotic Bacteria Strategy For Depressing Patogenic Bacteria Growth In Digestion Of Grouper Fish (Chromileptes Altivelis) With Producing Of Substancy Bacterial ]

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    The aim of the research is looking for probiotic bacteria strategy for depresing the growth of patogenic bacteria in digestion of grouper fish. Some of anti bacteria can be produced by bacteria, such as protease, bacteriocia (germicidine, pyrocydia, circulin), amilase lipase, and lyzozym. In this case, Bacillus sp. is chosen because it can produce antibacteria againts Vibrio sp. and probiotic multifactor effect, that is enzyme production and competition of nutrient and space

    Deteksi Koi Herpesvirus (KHV) Pada Ikan Nila (Oreochromis Niloticus) Yang Diinfeksi Secara Buatan [ Detection of Koi Herpesvirus (KHV) in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) Infected by Artificially Infection ]

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    Koi Herpesvirus (KHV) was formerly known as Cyprinid herpesvirus-3 (CyHV-3) and carp nephritis interstitial and necrosis gill virus (CNGV) is a virus that infects common carp and koi (Cyprinus carpio and C. carpio koi) in farmed and wild population. KHV cause disease at a temperature of 18-25 °C with mortality rate of 80-90 % in fry and adult fish. Currently KHV also detected in tilapia from the results of monitoring in the field. The presence of KHV in tilapia can occur as a result of maintenance in cages adjacent to the infected carp. KHV diagnostic method currently based on case definition and PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) detection. The basic concept of PCR is one DNA molecule is used to produce two copies, then four, then eight and so forth through multiplication by polymerase. PCR results sometimes indicated the presence of a faint band caused a low amount of virus, so it is necessary to investigate the presence of KHV DNA in tilapia using different doses of infection. This study aimed to determine the KHV infectivity in nile tilapia were infected by artificially infection and determine dose KHV infection that can infect nile tilapia. The study design used true experimental with with the presentation of descriptive data. Dose of viral infection are 1 ID50, 10 ID50, 100 ID50 and 1000 ID50. The results showed that no clinical symptoms of KHV infected in nile tilapia. The results of electrophoresis of PCR products showed that the mucus of nile tilapia were infected with a 1000 ID50 immersion dose showed thin bands. The same results are also shown in the gill of nile tilapia infected by gill spray at 1000 ID50 dose. Fish were infected by injection, KHV was not detected in mucus, gill, kidney and liver. The results above show nile tilapia cannot be infected by KHV on various treatmen

    Isolasi Dan Identifikasi Bakteri Kitinolitik Yang Terdapat Pada Cangkang Lobster Air Tawar (Cherax Quadricarinatus) [Isolation and Identification of Chytinolitic Bacteria From the Crayfish (Cherax Quadricarinatus) Shell]

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    Indonesia memiliki potensi perikanan yang sangat tinggi, salah satunya adalah lobster. Ekspor lobster air tawar cenderung meningkat tiap tahun. Total ekspor hasil lobster budidaya mencapai 94.511 ton/tahun. Pangsa pasar lobster air tawar tidak hanya terbatas di dalam negeri saja tetapi juga ke luar negeri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya bakteri kitinolitik dan juga jenis-jenis bakteri kitinolitik yang terdapat pada cangkang lobster air tawar. Penelitian ini menggunakan Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi untuk mengetahui adanya bakteri kitinolitik yang ada pada cangkang lobster air tawar. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah secara deskriptif. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif yaitu penyajian data tentang morfologi dan karakteristik dari bakteri kitinolitik yang diisolasi dari cangkang lobser air tawar (Cherax quadricarinatus) dan dibandingkan dengan morfologi dan karakteristik bakteri kitinolitik dengan literatur yang sesuai. Hasil penelitian ini adalah diperoleh bahwa bakteri yang diisolasi dari cangkang lobster air tawar (Cherax quadricarinatus) dapat tumbuh dan berkembang pada media uji. Kemudian hasil uji hidrolisis bakteri kitinolitik ditandai dengan adanya zona Bening yang dihasilkan dari bakteri tersebut. Dari hasil pengujian tersebut didapatkan jenis – jenis bakteri yaitu Aeromonas sp., Bacillus sp. dan Pseudomonas sp