521 research outputs found

    Superradiance and exciton delocalization in bacterial photosynthetic light-harvesting systems.

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    LH-2 complexes of Rhodobacter sphaeroides and on the isolated B820 subunit of Rhodospirillum rubrum. From these measurements the superradiance is calculated, which is related to the delocalization of excitations in these complexes. In the B820 preparation we find a radiative rate that is 30 % higher than that of monomeric bacteriochlorophyll, in agreement with a dimer model of this subunit. At room temperature both LH-1 and LH-2 are superradiant relative to monomeric Bchl-a with enhancement factors of 3.8 and 2.8, respectively. In LH-2 the radiative rate does not change significantly upon lowering the temperature to 4 K. LH-1 however exhibits a strong temperature dependence, giving rise to a 2.4 times higher radiative rate at 4 K relative to room temperature. From modeling of the superradiance using a Hamiltonian based on the LH-2 structure and including site inhomogeneity, we conclude that the ratio of inhomogeneity over the coupling betwee

    Polarized fluorescence measurements on ordered photosynthetic antenna complexes Chlorosomes of Chloroflexus aurantiacus and B800-B850 antenna complexes of Rhodobacter sphaeroides

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    We have used a new and relatively easy approach to study the pigment-organization in chlorosomes from the photosynthetic bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus and in B800–850 antenna complexes of the photosynthetic purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides. These particles were embedded in compressed and uncompressed gels and the polarized fluorescence was determined in a 90° setup. Assuming both a rotational symmetric distribution of the particles in the gel and of the transition dipole moments in the particles, the order parameters <P2> and <P4>, describing the orientation of the symmetry axis of the particles with respect to the direction of gel expansion can be determined. Moreover, the direction parameters, describing the orientation of the absorption and emission dipole moments with respect to the symmetry axis of the particles can be obtained.The value of <P2> is essential for quantitative interpretation of linear dichroism measurements and usually it is estimated from theoretical approaches, which may lead to incorrect results. For the rod-like chlorosomes the value of <P2> appears to be the same as predicted by the theoretical approach of Ganago, A. O., M. V. Fok, I. A. Abdourakhmanov, A. A. Solov'ev, and Yu. E. Erokhin (1980. Mol. Biol. [Mosc.]. 14:381–389). The agreement with linear dichroism results, analyzed with this theoretical approach shows that the transition dipole moments are indeed in good approximation distributed in a rotationally symmetric way around the long axis of the chlorosomes. Moreover, it appears those BChl c molecules, which fluoresce, are oriented in the same way with respect to the symmetry axis as the rest of these pigments, with the dipole moments close to parallel to the long axis.The B800–850 complexes appear to orient like discs, whereas the transition dipoles of the BChl a 800- and 850-nm bands are oriented almost perpendicular to the symmetry axis. These findings are in agreement with the minimal model for these complexes proposed by Kramer, H. J. M., R. van Grondelle, C. N. Hunter, W. H. J. Westerhuis, and J. Amesz (1984. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 156–165).The amount of orientation of the particles appears to vary for different gels and it is lower than predicted by the theory of Ganago et al., showing that application of their approach for these particles leads to incorrect interpretations.The approach that is used in this study allows determination of orientations of those dipole moments, which transfer their excitation energy to the fluorescing species, in contrast to linear dichroism measurements, where the orientations of all absorbing dipole moments are studied. For the polarized fluorescence measurements, the amount of orientation of the particles is determined experimentally, whereas for linear dichroism this amount has to be estimated from theoretical models. The value of <P2> that can be determined from the fluorescence measurements can, however, also be used for a quantitative interpretation of the linear dichroism results

    Quieting a noisy antenna reproduces photosynthetic light harvesting spectra

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    Photosynthesis is remarkable, achieving near unity light harvesting quantum efficiency in spite of dynamic light conditions and noisy physiological environment. Under these adverse conditions, it remains unknown whether there exists a fundamental organizing principle that gives rise to robust photosynthetic light harvesting. Here, we present a noise-canceling network model that relates noisy physiological conditions, power conversion efficiency, and the resulting absorption spectrum of photosynthetic organisms. Taking external light conditions in three distinct niches - full solar exposure, light filtered by oxygenic phototrophs, and under sea water - we derive optimal absorption characteristics for efficient solar power conversion. We show how light harvesting antennae can be finely tuned to maximize power conversion efficiency by minimizing excitation noise, thus providing a unified theoretical basis for the experimentally observed wavelength dependence of light absorption in green plants, purple bacteria, and green sulfur bacteria

    Ultrafast Energy Transfer in an Artificial Photosynthetic Antenna

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    We temporally resolved energy transfer kinetics in an artificial light- harvesting dyad composed of a phthalocyanine covalently linked to a carotenoid. Upon carotenoid photo-excitation, energy transfers within ≈100fs (≈52% efficiency) to the phthalocyanine

    Energy transfer, excited-state deactivation, and exciplex formation in artificial caroteno-phthalocyanine light-harvesting antennas

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    We present results from transient absorption spectroscopy on a series of artificial light-harvesting dyads made up of a zinc phthalocyanine (Pc) covalently linked to carotenoids with 9, 10, or 11 conjugated carbon-carbon double bonds, referred to as dyads 1, 2, and 3, respectively. We assessed the energy transfer and excited-state deactivation pathways following excitation of the strongly allowed carotenoid 82 state as a function of the conjugation length. The 82 state rapidly relaxes to the S* and Si states. In all systems we detected a new pathway of energy deactivation within the carotenoid manifold in which the S* state acts as an intermediate state in the
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