139 research outputs found

    Die solitÀre abszedierende Osteomyelitis des Kieferköpfchens: Eine RaritÀt

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    Zusammenfassung: Fall: Es wird ĂŒber den seltenen Fall einer solitĂ€ren abszedierenden, sekundĂ€r chronischen Osteomyelitis des linken Processus condylaris berichtet. Aus dem Abszessmaterial wurde der Keim Haemophilus aphrophilus isoliert. Therapeutisch erfolgte eine Resektion des Processus condylaris mit Sofortrekonstruktion des Kondylus mithilfe einer Kopfendoprothese. Diskussion: Mögliche Ursachen fĂŒr diese seltene Lokalisation einer sekundĂ€r chronischen Osteomyelitis werden anhand der Literatur aufgearbeitet und dem vorliegenden Fall gegenĂŒbergestellt. Schlussfolgerung: Als mögliche Ursache wird eine Keiminokulation durch die Nadel bei einer LokalanĂ€sthesie, eine bakterielle Kontamination wĂ€hrend der Zahnextraktion oder eine hĂ€matogene Aussaat durch den Extraktionsvorgang angenomme

    Die kondylÀre Metastasierung: Literaturrecherche und ein Fallbericht

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: KondylĂ€re Metastasen sind eine RaritĂ€t. In der Literaturrecherche entsprachen nur 23 der insgesamt 69 gefundenen FĂ€lle den Kriterien von Meyer u. Shklar. Fallbericht: Bei einem 48-jĂ€hrigen Mann mit Schmerzen im linken Kiefergelenk wurde im linken Kondylus eine solitĂ€re Metastase eines kurz zuvor operierten Lungenkarzinoms gefunden. Aufgrund der ausgedehnten Umgebungsinfiltration erfolgte eine kurative Radiatio. Im Verlauf traten weitere Skelettmetastasen auf. Diskussion: Kieferköpfchenmetastasen unterscheiden sich bezĂŒglich ihres Verlaufs kaum von den Metastasen des extraartikulĂ€ren Kieferbereiches. Unter den metastasierenden Tumoren rangiert das Mammakarzinom als PrimĂ€rtumor an erster Stelle, gefolgt vom Lungenkarzinom. Klinisch und radiologisch können keine spezifischen Parameter fĂŒr eine Diagnosestellung angegeben werden. Bei der Differenzialdiagnostik der Gelenkserkrankungen sollte jedoch insbesondere bei Patienten mit bekannten PrimĂ€rtumoren und Gelenksbeschwerden sowie radiologischen AuffĂ€lligkeiten eine mögliche Metastasierung berĂŒcksichtigt werden. Die Diagnose sollte fĂŒr eine entsprechende Therapieplanung histologisch gesichert werden. Das therapeutische Vorgehen ist in der Regel palliativ, da die Grunderkrankung bei Diagnosestellung einer Kieferköpfchenmetastase zumeist weit fortgeschritten is

    Head and neck cancer in the elderly: a retrospective study over 10 years (1999 - 2008)

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    INTRODUCTION: Treatment of elderly patients is in many ways different from that for younger ones. The aim of the present study was to identify the particular characteristics and needs of elderly patients suffering from head and neck cancer. From these patterns, considerations for this special group can be deduced. Patients and Material The subjects for this study consisted of 376 patients suffering from head and neck cancer that were treated between 1999 and 2008, 99 (26.3.%) of whom were older than 70 years and were evaluated retrospectively concerning smoking/alcohol abuse, ASA status, kind of malignant neoplasm, localization and treatment. RESULTS: The male-female ratio was 53:46, and mean age, 79 years (71 - 98). Out of 95 patients with a squamous cell carcinoma, 4 patients had a verrucous form. Out of 99 patients, 26 had a maxillary carcinoma and 12 patients had experienced previous non-head-and-neck cancer. An ASA score of 2 or 3 was found in 86 of the patients. CONCLUSION: The group of patients with head and neck cancer who were older than 70 years was characterized by a higher portion of female patients, a higher number of maxillary carcinomas, and a higher prevalence of previous second cancer. Making decisions in cancer therapy for elderly patients is challenging. Patients suffering from operable head and neck cancer should be treated with curative intent and with regard to quality of life if a careful assessment of comorbidities is performed preoperatively

    Inhibition of osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption by N-methylpyrrolidone

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    Regulation of RANKL (receptor activator of nuclear factor ÎșB ligand)-induced osteoclast differentiation is of current interest in the development of antiresorptive agents. Osteoclasts are multinucleated cells that play a crucial role in bone resorption. In this study, we investigated the effects of N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP) on the regulation of RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis. NMP inhibited RANKL-induced tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase activity and the formation of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase-positive multinucleated cells. The RANKL-induced expression of NFATc1 (nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic 1) and c-Fos, which are key transcription factors for osteoclastogenesis, was also reduced by treatment with NMP. Furthermore, NMP induced disruption of the actin rings and decreased the mRNAs of cathepsin K and MMP-9 (matrix metalloproteinase-9), both involved in bone resorption. Taken together, these results suggest that NMP inhibits osteoclast differentiation and attenuates bone resorption. Therefore, NMP could prove useful for the treatment of osteoporosis or other bone diseases associated with excessive bone resorption

    Pathophysiological mechanisms of root resorption after dental trauma: a systematic scoping review

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    Background The objective of this scoping review was to systematically explore the current knowledge of cellular and molecular processes that drive and control trauma-associated root resorption, to identify research gaps and to provide a basis for improved prevention and therapy. Methods Four major bibliographic databases were searched according to the research question up to February 2021 and supplemented manually. Reports on physiologic, histologic, anatomic and clinical aspects of root resorption following dental trauma were included. Duplicates were removed, the collected material was screened by title/abstract and assessed for eligibility based on the full text. Relevant aspects were extracted, organized and summarized. Results 846 papers were identified as relevant for a qualitative summary. Consideration of pathophysiological mechanisms concerning trauma-related root resorption in the literature is sparse. Whereas some forms of resorption have been explored thoroughly, the etiology of others, particularly invasive cervical resorption, is still under debate, resulting in inadequate diagnostics and heterogeneous clinical recommendations. Effective therapies for progressive replacement resorptions have not been established. Whereas the discovery of the RANKL/RANK/OPG system is essential to our understanding of resorptive processes, many questions regarding the functional regulation of osteo-/odontoclasts remain unanswered. Conclusions This scoping review provides an overview of existing evidence, but also identifies knowledge gaps that need to be addressed by continued laboratory and clinical research

    Time-gated x-ray tomography

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    Eureka and beyond: mining's impact on African urbanisation

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    This collection brings separate literatures on mining and urbanisation together at a time when both artisanal and large-scale mining are expanding in many African economies. While much has been written about contestation over land and mineral rights, the impact of mining on settlement, notably its catalytic and fluctuating effects on migration and urban growth, has been largely ignored. African nation-states’ urbanisation trends have shown considerable variation over the past half century. The current surge in ‘new’ mining countries and the slow-down in ‘old’ mining countries are generating some remarkable settlement patterns and welfare outcomes. Presently, the African continent is a laboratory of national mining experiences. This special issue on African mining and urbanisation encompasses a wide cross-section of country case studies: beginning with the historical experiences of mining in Southern Africa (South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe), followed by more recent mineralizing trends in comparatively new mineral-producing countries (Tanzania) and an established West African gold producer (Ghana), before turning to the influence of conflict minerals (Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Sierra Leone)

    The impact of frozen sections on final surgical margins in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity and lips: a retrospective analysis over an 11 years period

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    Taking intraoperative frozen sections (FS) is a widely used procedure in oncologic surgery. However so far no evidence of an association of FS analysis and premalignant changes in the surgical margin exists. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of FS on different categories of the final margins of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the oral cavity and lips
