27 research outputs found

    Development and Applications of Fluorogen/Light-Up RNA Aptamer Pairs for RNA Detection and More.

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    The central role of RNA in living systems made it highly desirable to have noninvasive and sensitive technologies allowing for imaging the synthesis and the location of these molecules in living cells. This need motivated the development of small pro-fluorescent molecules called "fluorogens" that become fluorescent upon binding to genetically encodable RNAs called "light-up aptamers." Yet, the development of these fluorogen/light-up RNA pairs is a long and thorough process starting with the careful design of the fluorogen and pursued by the selection of a specific and efficient synthetic aptamer. This chapter summarizes the main design and the selection strategies used up to now prior to introducing the main pairs. Then, the vast application potential of these molecules for live-cell RNA imaging and other applications is presented and discussed.journal article2020importe

    Combined aptamer and transcriptome sequencing of single cells

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    Abstract The transcriptome and proteome encode distinct information that is important for characterizing heterogeneous biological systems. We demonstrate a method to simultaneously characterize the transcriptomes and proteomes of single cells at high throughput using aptamer probes and droplet-based single cell sequencing. With our method, we differentiate distinct cell types based on aptamer surface binding and gene expression patterns. Aptamers provide advantages over antibodies for single cell protein characterization, including rapid, in vitro, and high-purity generation via SELEX, and the ability to amplify and detect them with PCR and sequencing