14 research outputs found

    Effect of genotype, age at slaughter and sex on chemical composition and sensory profile of rabbit meat

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    [EN] A study was conducted to evaluate the chemical composition (moisture, protein, ash, fat, cholesterol, fatty acid composition)and sensory profile of meat from rabbits of both sexes belonging to two genotypes (Slovenian male line - SIKA and commercial hybrid breed imported from Italy - Hybrid) and slaughtered at different ages (77 and 90 days). Rabbits were fed a commercial diet ad libitum. The Longissimus lumborum muscles, abdominal wall and hind leg were sampled from thirty-two animals. On average, homogenized rabbit meat contains 72.7% moisture, 22.1% proteins, 1.31% ash, 4.1% fat, 76.6 mg cholesterol/100 g of fresh meat. Fatty acids are composed of 28.7% monounsaturated, 28.9% to polyunsaturated and 42.4% saturated fatty acids. The Polyunsaturated/Saturated ratio(0.69), the atherogenic index (0.64), the n-6/n-3 ratio (6.7) and the cholesterol content show that rabbit meat can be included in a balanced diet. The genotype had significant impact on the chemical composition: moisture (SIKA 72.3%, Hybrid 73.1%; P<0.01), ash (SIKA 1.34%, Hybrid 1.30%; P<0.01), protein (SIKA 22.0%, Hybrid 22.3%; P<0.05) and fat (SIKA 3.8%, Hybrid 4.3%; P<0.05). Meat originating from females contains more fat (4.3 vs. 3.7%; P<0.05) and lower ash (1.30 vs. 1.43%; P<0.05) than that originating from males. A very few differences due to genotype, sex and age were found in the sensory profile of roasted rabbit meat (after-taste, mouth feel and colour). With increased age, from 77 to 90 days, rabbit meat quality did not significantly improve. Key words: Rabbit meat, chemical composition, fatty acid composition, cholesterol, sensory traits.This research was financed by the Slovene Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (V4-0736-0481-02 project). We want to express our gratitude to Milica Kaè, Ph. D. for her valuable comments on an earlier draft of this paper.Gasperlin, L.; Polak, T.; Rajar, A.; Skvarèa, M.; Zlender, B. (2006). Effect of genotype, age at slaughter and sex on chemical composition and sensory profile of rabbit meat. World Rabbit Science. 14(3). doi:10.4995/wrs.2006.558SWORD14

    Primjena umjetnih neuralnih mreža u optimiranju koncentracije viših alkohola u izradi emulzija ulje/voda

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    The purpose of this study was to optimize the concentration of a fatty alcohol, in addition to internal phase concentration, for formulating a stable O/W emulsion, by using artificial neural networks (ANNs). Predictions from ANNs are accurate and allow quantification of the relative importance of the inputs. Furthermore, by varying the network topology and parameters it was possible to obtain output values that were close to experimental values. The ANN model\u27s predictive results and the actual output values were compared. R2 values depict the percentage of response variability for the model; R2 values of 0.84 for the model suggested adequate modeling, which is supported by the correlation coefficient value of 0.9445.Cilj rada bio je pomoću umjetnih neuralnih mreža (ANNs) optimirati koncentraciju viših alkohola kao unutarnje faze za pripravu stabilnih emulzija ulje/voda. Rezultati ANN predviđanja su točni i omogućavaju kvantifikaciju ulaznih parametara. Nadalje, varirajući topologiju mreže i parametre moguće je dobiti izlazne vrijednosti koje su blizu eksperimentalnih vrijednosti. Usporedbom rezultata ANN predviđanja i stvarnih izlaznih vrijednosti dobiveni su visoki koeficijenti korelacije (R2 = 0,84 i r2 = 0,9445)

    Viscoelastic properties of a virucidal cream containing the monoglyceride monocaprin: Effects of formulation variables: A technical note

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    The viscoelastic properties of the cream formulations were tested by 2 methods (ie, increased stress and increased frequency tests). The rheology experiments indicate that the formulations are stable; they show resistance to external forces, as their elastic properties are sustained whether or not the magnitude or frequency of external forces are increased. The results show that rheological properties of the formulations are affected by the proportion of the oil phase and the amount of carbomer in the aqueous phase, but the effect of monocaprin is modest. Increasing carbomer amount increases viscosity and elasticity. Increasing the oil volume fraction increased the structural stability of the creams. The formulation containing monocaprin, which yielded the most viscoelastic structure was a cream containing 10% oil phase and 0.5% carbomer (Formulation 9)

    Formulation Design of Self-Microemulsifying Drug Delivery Systems for Improved Oral Bioavailability of Celecoxib

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    Celecoxib is a hydrophobic and highly permeable drug belonging to class II of biopharmaceutics classification system. Low aqueous solubility of celecoxib leads to high variability in absorption after oral administration. Cohesiveness, low bulk density and compressibility, and poor flow properties of celecoxib impart complications in it’s processing into solid dosage forms. To improve the solubility and bioavailability and to get faster onset of action of celecoxib, the self-microemulsifying drug delivery system (SMEDDS) was developed. Composition of SMEDDS was optimized using simplex lattice mixture design. Dissolution efficiency, t85%, absorbance of diluted SMEDDS formulation and solubility of celecoxib in diluted formulation were chosen as response variables. The SMEDDS formulation optimized via mixture design consisted of 49.5% PEG-8 caprylic/capric glycerides, 40.5% mixture of Tween20 and Propylene glycol monocaprylic ester (3 : 1) and 10% celecoxib, which showed signifi- cantly higher rate and extent of absorption than conventional capsule. The relative bioavailability of the SMEDDS formulation to the conventional capsule was 132%. The present study demonstrated the suitability of mixture design to optimize the compositions for SMEDDS. The developed SMEDDS formulations have the potential to minimize the variability in absorption and to provide rapid onset of action of celecoxib

    Interfacial rheology: An overview of measuring techniques and its role in dispersions and electrospinning

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    Interfacial rheological properties have yet to be thoroughly explored. Only recently, methods have been introduced that provide sufficient sensitivity to reliably determine viscoelastic interfacial properties. In general, interfacial rheology describes the relationship between the deformation of an interface and the stresses exerted on it. Due to the variety in deformations of the interfacial layer (shear and expansions or compressions), the field of interfacial rheology is divided into the subcategories of shear and dilatational rheology. While shear rheology is primarily linked to the long-term stability of dispersions, dilatational rheology provides information regarding short-term stability. Interfacial rheological characteristics become relevant in systems with large interfacial areas, such as emulsions and foams, and in processes that lead to a large increase in the interfacial area such as electrospinning of nanofibers.Medfazne reološke lastnosti so še dokaj neraziskane. Šele pred kratkim so razvili metode, s katerimi je mogoče z zadostno občutljivostjo in natančnostjo določiti viskoelastične lastnosti medfaze. Medfazna reologija opisuje odnos med deformacijo medfaze in silo, ki to deformacijo povzroči. Zaradi različnih deformacij medfazne plasti (strig in raztezanje, oziroma krčenje) se tudi medfazna reologija deli na strižno in dilatacijsko. Strižne reološke lastnosti medfaze se odražajo v dolgotrajni stabilnosti disperzij, medtem ko sedilatacijske predvsem v kratkotrajni stabilnosti. Poznavanje medfaznih reoloških lastnosti je pomembno v sistemih z velikimi medfaznimi površinami, kot so emulzije in pene ter pri procesih, kjer pride do velikega povečanja medfazne površine, kot je elektrostatsko sukanje nanovlaken