43 research outputs found

    Study of the selective phenolic inhibitors of arginase 2 acute toxicity

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    We have previously shown that the isolated arginase 2 inhibitors have a pronounced endothelioprotective level. A strategy is proposed for the targeted search for isolated arginase 2 inhibitors among compounds of a phenolic nature. Received 3 compounds, isolated arginase inhibitors 2. As a result of the study, the acute toxicity of the compounds obtained was studie

    Molecular mechanisms of wound healing: the role of zinc as an essential microelement

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    Wound healing is a complex multi-phase process consisting of several phases. Each stage involves metal ions, primarily zinc, which stimulates re-epithelialization, decreases inflammation and bacterial growth. The use of known zinc-based drugs is accompanied by side effects and low efficacy due to low skin absorption. These factors significantly limit use of such drugs and highlight the urgency of finding new, more effective and safe treatmen

    Solubility of Rock in Steam Atmospheres of Planets

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    Extensive experimental studies show that all major rock-forming elements (e.g., Si, Mg, Fe, Ca, Al, Na, K) dissolve in steam to a greater or lesser extent. We use these results to compute chemical equilibrium abundances of rocky-element-bearing gases in steam atmospheres equilibrated with silicate magma oceans. Rocky elements partition into steam atmospheres as volatile hydroxide gases (e.g., Si(OH)4, Mg(OH)2, Fe(OH)2, Ni(OH)2, Al(OH)3, Ca(OH)2, NaOH, KOH) and via reaction with HF and HCl as volatile halide gases (e.g., NaCl, KCl, CaFOH, CaClOH, FAl(OH)2) in much larger amounts than expected from their vapor pressures over volatile-free solid or molten rock at high temperatures expected for steam atmospheres on the early Earth and hot rocky exoplanets. We quantitatively compute the extent of fractional vaporization by defining gas/magma distribution coefficients and show that Earth's subsolar Si/Mg ratio may be due to loss of a primordial steam atmosphere. We conclude that hot rocky exoplanets that are undergoing or have undergone escape of steam-bearing atmospheres may experience fractional vaporization and loss of Si, Mg, Fe, Ni, Al, Ca, Na, and K. This loss can modify their bulk composition, density, heat balance, and interior structure

    Dynamic assessment precursors: Soviet ideology, and Vygotsky

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    Influence of different nature cardiotonic medicines on the cytokine system of failing myocardium atthe pressure overload conditions in experimental animals

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    In the work the efficacy of influence of cardiotonic drugs on the cytokine system changes in the response to acute maximal myocardial pressure overload in congestive heart failure (HF) animals was study in controlled randomized trial. It has been shown, that treatment with Adenocin unlike levosimendan in HF occurs restoration of systolic and diastolic function not only at rest, but also under the acute maximal pressure overload. Therapy with levosimendan at acute pressure overload condition leads to the additional dysbalance in the proinflammatory cytokines and activation of nuclear factor (NF)-kB, as marker of pivotal role of innate immune system in cardiac remodeling under HF. Beneficial action of adenocin on the restoration the balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine production associated with the normalization of activation of NF-kB that leads to adequate expression of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a and interleukin (IL) 1ß in myocardium. Obtained results suggested the hypothesis about acute response of IL6 and in less extent changes in IL 1ß and TNF-a. Thus, adenocin restores myocardium tolerance to pressure overload and reserve ability of immune system, while levosimendan occurs less harmonized action

    Efficacy of different cardiotonic drug on severity of endotoxemia under heart failure coupled with systemic inflammatory syndrome in experiments

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    On the model of systemic inflammatory response syndrome caused by toxi-allergic myocarditis 10-day duration in rabbits the efficacy of 5 days (beginning after 5 days from the injection of staphylococcus toxins) administration of the various pharmacological agents on the endotoxemia intensity has been studied. It has been shown that pathological shifts in cytokine system in myocardium occurs early than in blood. The efficacy of action of the studding cardiotonic drug on the endotoxemia were: Adenocin® > amrinone ≥ digoxin > levosimendan. Influence of Adenocin®, and in less extent digoxin unlike amrinone and levosimendan, leads to the decreasing in the expression of nuclear transcription factor NF-kB and expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1)

    The influence of non-selective arginase inhibitors on some reparative regeneration indexes of experimentally resected liver

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    The impact of L-norvaline, a non-selective arginase inhibitor, on the state of the resected liver of Wistar strain white male rat, was evaluated. The resection of the liver was made on the second day of the experiment to the extent of 70%. L-norvaline (“WIRUD JmgH”, Hamburg) was intragastrically administered, at a daily dose of 18mg/kg for the first seven days of the experiment, every 48 hour

    Efficacy cardiotonic medicines on the bioenergetic processes and endothelial dysfunction under coupled of heart failure and systemic inflammatory syndroms in

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    The efficacy of cardiotonic drugs on the energy supply system and bioenergetic processes in failing myocardium under severe form heart failure (HF) coupled with systemic inflammatory response syndrom, has been studied in the randomized, controlled trial. It has been shown, that treatment with cardioprotector (NAD- and cardiac glycoside-containing) drug Adenocin® unlike inhibitors of phosphodiesterase, amrinone and levosimendan, abolished the progression of bioenergetics failure and mitochondrial remodeling. Adenocin® occurs restoration of level of redox-potential NAD/NADH and cessates the release of cytochrome C from the mitochondries of cardiomyocyte. HF increased the content of ATP and creatinphosphate in left and right ventricle of myocardium, and restored the level of redox-potential NAD/NADH and cytochrome in mitochondria of cardiomyocytes, that leads in the basis of sharply decrease of ATP and creatinphosphate in myocardium, switch the lactate/pyruvate ratio to the increase of pyruvate (aerobic glycolysis). The linear positive correlation between redox-potential NAD/NADH in ventricular myocardium and blood and negative between level of cytochrome C in myocardium and blood has been shown