27 research outputs found

    Absence of glial α-dystrobrevin causes abnormalities of the blood-brain barrier and progressive brain edema

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    The blood-brain barrier (BBB) plays a key role in maintaining brain functionality. Although mammalian BBB is formed by endothelial cells, its function requires interactions between endotheliocytes and glia. To understand the molecular mechanisms involved in these interactions is currently a major challenge. We show here that α-dystrobrevin (α-DB), a protein contributing to dystrophin-associated protein scaffolds in astrocytic endfeet, is essential for the formation and functioning of BBB. The absence of α-DB in null brains resulted in abnormal brain capillary permeability, progressively escalating brain edema, and damage of the neurovascular unit. Analyses in situ and in two-dimensional and three-dimensional in vitro models of BBB containing α-DB-null astrocytes demonstrated these abnormalities to be associated with loss of aquaporin-4 water and Kir4.1 potassium channels from glial endfeet, formation of intracellular vacuoles in α-DB-null astrocytes, and defects of the astrocyte-endothelial interactions. These caused deregulation of tight junction proteins in the endothelia. Importantly, α-DB but not dystrophins showed continuous expression throughout development in BBB models. Thus, α-DB emerges as a central organizer of dystrophin-associated protein in glial endfeet and a rare example of a glial protein with a role in maintaining BBB function. Its abnormalities might therefore lead to BBB dysfunction

    Maternal Immune Activation Induces Neuroinflammation and Cortical Synaptic Deficits in the Adolescent Rat Offspring

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    Maternal immune activation (MIA), induced by infection during pregnancy, is an important risk factor for neuro-developmental disorders, such as autism. Abnormal maternal cytokine signaling may affect fetal brain development and contribute to neurobiological and behavioral changes in the offspring. Here, we examined the effect of lipopolysaccharide-induced MIA on neuro-inflammatory changes, as well as synaptic morphology and key synaptic protein level in cerebral cortex of adolescent male rat offspring. Adolescent MIA offspring showed elevated blood cytokine levels, microglial activation, increased pro-inflammatory cytokines expression and increased oxidative stress in the cerebral cortex. Moreover, pathological changes in synaptic ultrastructure of MIA offspring was detected, along with presynaptic protein deficits and down-regulation of postsynaptic scaffolding proteins. Consequently, ability to unveil MIA-induced long-term alterations in synapses structure and protein level may have consequences on postnatal behavioral changes, associated with, and predisposed to, the development of neuropsychiatric disorders

    CYP4Fs Expression in Rat Brain Correlates with Changes in LTB4 Levels after Traumatic Brain Injury

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    Cytochrome P450 (CYP) 4Fs constitute a subgroup of the cytochrome P450 superfamily and are involved in cellular protection and metabolism of numerous molecules, including drugs, toxins, and eicosanoids. CYP4Fs are widely distributed in rat brain with each isoform having a unique distribution pattern throughout different brain regions. The present study shows that traumatic brain injury (TBI) triggers inflammation and elicits changes in mRNA expression of CYP4Fs in the frontal and occipital lobes and the hippocampus. At 24 h post-injury, almost all CYP4F mRNA expression is suppressed compared with sham control throughout these three regions, while at 2 weeks post-injury, all CYP4F mRNAs increase, reaching levels higher than those at 24 h post-injury or uninjured controls. These changes in CYP4F levels inversely correlate with levels of leukotriene B4 (LTB4) levels in the brain following injury at the same time points. TBI also causes changes in CYP4F protein expression and localization around the injury site. CYP4F1 and CYP4F6 immunoreactivity increases in surrounding astrocytes, while CYP4F4 immunoreactivity shifts from endothelia of cerebral vessels to astrocytes