19 research outputs found


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    U ovom radu prikazan je način modelovanja drugog udara (zemljotresa), pojave čiji je značaj zapažen tokom druge polovine 20 veka. Navedeni su konstruktivni sistemi kod kojih je bitno razmatranje drugog udara. Detaljnije je prikazan model skeletne AB konstrukcije, odnosno 2D AB fasadnog okvira fundiranog na bušenim AB šipovima, prečnika 60cm. Dinamička interakcija tlo-šip, odnosno nelinearno ponašanje tla je modelovano horizontalnim p-y krivama za pesak, primenom multiplastic link elemenata. Za akcelerogram El Centro tokom vremenske analize (TH) razmatrani su: globalno pomeranje, (lokalni) drift i stanje plastičnih zglobova.This paper presents the manner of modeling the aftershock (in an earthquake), the phenomenon whose significance has been noted in the second half of the 20th century. Itlists the constructional systems in which the consideration of the aftershock is important. It shows in more detail the model of the skeletal RC construction, i.e. the 2D RC facade frame constructed on the 60cm-diameter drilled RC piles. The dynamic interaction soil-pile, i.e. the non-linear behaviour of the soil is modelled with the horizontal p-y curves for sand, applying multiplastic link elements. For the accelerogram El Centro during time history (TH) the global and (local) drift, the condition of plastic hinges were considered.UDC 624. Ed. R. Foli

    Effect of acute experimental aluminum poisoning on hematologic parameters

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    Having in mind the presence of aluminum in industry, as well as in households, we wanted to define changes in the number of erythrocytes and aluminum content in the plasma and erythrocytes following acute aluminum poisoning under experimental conditions. The experiment involved gerbils which received intraperitoneally aluminum chloride solution at a dose of 3.7g per kg of body mass. The experimental group was sacrificed after 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours from the beginning of the experiment by cardiac punction or by abdominal artery punction. The control group was treated with saline, only. The number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin concentration were considerably reduced with respect to the control group, most likely as the result of cell membrane changes and reduced life cycle of erythrocytes. During the experiment, aluminum content in the plasma was increased in the first and second day of the experiment, it started to decline on the third day, while on the fourth day it returned to its original value, which proves again the existence of a special mechanism of "clearance" of aluminum in plasma

    Influence of P582S and A588T polymorphisms in the HIF-1α gene on the expression of proteins HIF-1α and VEGF with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

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    Intratumorska hipoksija je vrlo bitan događaj u kancerogenezi, koji stabilizacijom HIF-1 i aktivacijom različitih gena omogućava preživljavanje i proliferaciju ćelija u nepovoljnim uslovima u mikrookruženju. HIF-1 se smatra ključnim regulatorom ćelijskog odgovora na hipoksiju, a kao deo tog odgovora dolazi do aktivacije VEGF i drugih faktora koji stimulišu neovaskularizaciju i aktivaciju kiseonično-nezavisnih metaboličkih puteva, omogućavajući tumorsku ekspanziju i metastaziranje. Sprovedeno kliničko ispitivanje se bavilo uticajem koji polimorfizmi P582S i A588T gena za HIF-1α pokazuju na kliničko-patološke karakteristike planocelularnih karcinoma glave i vrata, ekspresiju proteina HIF-1α i VEGF, kao i na tumorsku gustinu krvnih sudova. Od ove doktorske disertacija se očekuje da svojim dizajnom omogući bolje razumevanje pojedinih mehanizama kojima intratumorska hipoksija utiče na nastanak i razvoj karcinoma. Svojim rezultatima studija je dovela do nedvosmislenih zaključaka o postojanju aktiviranih HIF-1α signalnih puteva kod karcinoma glave i vrata.Intratumoral hypoxia presents as an important moment in carcinogenesis which stabilizes HIF-1 and by activation of different genes enables survival and cell proliferation in unfavorable microenvironmental conditions. HIF-1 is considered the key regulator of cellular response to hypoxia, and as a part of that response comes an activation of VEGF and other angiogenic stimulators and activation of oxygen-independent metabolic pathways, enabling tumor expansion and metastasis. This clinical study investigated the correlation between the existence of P582S and A588T polymorphisms in the HIF-1α gene on one hand, and the clinical-pathological characteristics of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, expression level of HIF-1α and VEGF proteins, as well as tumor microvessel density on the other. This PhD thesis is expected to enable better understanding of individual mechanisms through which intratumoral hypoxia influences occurrence and development of carcinoma. Results of this study have brought us to unambiguous conclusions on existence of HIF-1α mediated signaling pathways in head and neck squamous cell cancer

    Nonlinear seismic analysis of continuous RC bridge

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    Nonlinear static analysis, known as a pushover method (NSPA) is oftenly used to study the behaviour of a bridge structure under the seismic action. It is shown that the Equivalent Linearization Method - ELM, recommended in FEMA 440, is appropriate for the response analysis of the bridge columns, with different geometric characteristics, quantity and distribution of steel reinforcement. The subject of analysis is a bridge structure with a carriageway plate - a continuous beam with three spans, with the 24 + 40 + 24 m range. Main girder is made of prestressed concrete and it has a box cross section of a constant height. It is important to study the behaviour, not only in the transverse, but also in the longitudinal direction of the bridge axis, when analysing the bridge columns exposed to horizontal seismic actions. The columns were designed according to EN1992, parts 1 and 2. Seismic action analysis is conducted according to EN 1998: 2004 standard. Response spectrum type 1, for the ground type B, was applied and the analysis also includes 20% of traffic load. The analysis includes the values of columns displacement and ductility. To describe the behaviour of elements under the earthquake action in both - longitudinal and transverse direction, pushover curves were formed

    Risk factors for healthcare-acquired urinary tract infections caused by multi-drug resistant microorganisms

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    Introduction. Healthcare-acquired urinary tract infections (HAUTI) make up to 40% of all healthcareacquired infections and contribute significantly to hospital morbidity, mortality, and overall cost of treatment. Objective. The aim of our study was to investigate possible risk factors for development of HAUTI caused by multi-drug resistant pathogens. Methods. The prospective case-control study in a large tertiary-care hospital was conducted during a five-year period. The cases were patients with HAUTI caused by multi-drug resistant (MDR) pathogens, and the controls were patients with HAUTI caused by non-MDR pathogens. Results. There were 562 (62.6%) patients with MDR isolates and 336 (37.4%) patients with non-MDR isolates in the study. There were four significant predictors of HAUTI caused by MDR pathogens: hospitalization before insertion of urinary catheter for more than eight days (ORadjusted = 2.763; 95% CI = 1.352-5.647; p = 0.005), hospitalization for more than 15 days (ORadjusted = 2.144; 95% CI = 1.547-2.970; p < 0.001), previous stay in another department (intensive care units, other wards or hospitals) (ORadjusted = 2.147; 95% CI = 1.585-2.908; p < 0.001), and cancer of various localizations (ORadjusted = 2.313; 95% CI = 1.255-4.262; p = 0.007). Conclusion. Early removal of urinary catheter and reduction of time spent in a hospital or in an ICU could contribute to a decrease in the rate of HAUTI caused by MDR pathogens

    Expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors in subcutaneous endometriosis

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    Endometriosis is a clinical disorder defined by the presence of functional endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. Depending on the localization of the endometrial tissue related to the pelvis, the endometriosis can be classified either as intrinsic or extrinsic. The prevalence of endometriosis is difficult to determine. Statistical data show that endometriosis could be associated both with female infertility (20%) and pelvic pains (24%), while in 4.1% of affected women, endometriosis has asymptomatic forms. The total prevalence of endometriosis is estimated to be between 5-10%. A 35-year-old woman from Knic, Serbia, was admitted to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic of the Clinical Center in Kragujevac for surgical treatment of a suspicious swelling in the pubic region. Following surgical intervention, a nut-sized tumor was removed and sent for both pathohistological and immunohistochemical analysis. The results confirmed the presence of subcutaneous endometriosis positive for both estrogen and progesterone receptors. Endometriosis is usually described as a steroid hormone-dependent change that resembles the eutopic endometrial tissue characteristic for the presence of both glandular and stromal tissues. Given the fact that endometrial lesions are estrogen-dependent tumors, a crucial factor in the development of endometriosis is a late exposure to the hormone, mostly estrogen. Spontaneous subcutaneous endometriosis is rarely observed, but it could be assumed if there is recurrent pelvic pain which intensifies during menstruation. Given the fact that endometriosis coexists with different autoimmune diseases, multidisciplinary approaches are required for its proper diagnosis.


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    ABSTRACT Introduction. Considering that small number of drugs are completely safe for use during pregnancy, right choice and adequate risk assessment is extremely important. Objective. The aim of this study was to analyze factors associated with estimate of high teratogenic risk (as judged by clinical pharmacologist) in pregnant females who were prescribed anti-infective drugs or mild analgesics. Methods. A cross-sectional study included 284 pregnant women who came for an advice about teratogenic risk to clinical pharmacologist in Clinical Centre Kragujevac, Serbia during the period from 1997 to 2012. All of included pregnant women were prescribed mild analgesics and/or anti-infective drugs during the first 3 months of pregnancy. The data were collected from patient files and by phone interviews. Results. Clinical pharmacologists estimated the risk of teratogenicity as “high” in pregnant females who were using tetracyclines or propionic acid derivatives. Disorders of development reported by mothers during phone interviews were associated with cephalosporin use during first 3 months of pregnancy, while miscarriages or abortions happened more often in women who used a tetracycline. Conclusions. Estimate of risk from congenital anomalies after use of drugs during pregnancy, which make clinical pharmacologists as part of their routine healthcare services, depends on amount of published data about previous experiences with specific drugs during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Key Words: pregnancy; drugs; risk of teratogenicity; risk estimat