1,352 research outputs found

    Color fluctuation approximation for multiple interactions in leading twist theory of nuclear shadowing

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    The leading twist theory of nuclear shadowing predicts the shadowing correction to nuclear parton distributions at small xx by connecting it to the leading twist hard diffraction in electron-nucleon scattering. The uncertainties of the predictions are related to the shadowing effects resulting from the interaction of the hard probe with N3N \ge 3 nucleons. We argue that the pattern of hard diffraction observed at HERA allows one to reduce these uncertainties. We develop a new approach to the treatment of these multiple interactions, which is based on the concept of the color fluctuations and accounts for the presence of both point-like and hadron-like configurations in the virtual photon wave function. Using the developed framework, we update our predictions for the leading twist nuclear shadowing in nuclear parton distributions of heavy nuclei at small xx.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures. Revised to address the Referee's comments. Matches the published version, PLB 687 (2010) 167

    Testing collinear factorization and nuclear parton distributions with pA collisions at the LHC

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    Global perturbative QCD analyses, based on large data sets from electron-proton and hadron collider experiments, provide tight constraints on the parton distribution function (PDF) in the proton. The extension of these analyses to nuclear parton distributions (nPDF) has attracted much interest in recent years. nPDFs are needed as benchmarks for the characterization of hot QCD matter in nucleus-nucleus collisions, and attract further interest since they may show novel signatures of non- linear density-dependent QCD evolution. However, it is not known from first principles whether the factorization of long-range phenomena into process-independent parton distribution, which underlies global PDF extractions for the proton, extends to nuclear effects. As a consequence, assessing the reliability of nPDFs for benchmark calculations goes beyond testing the numerical accuracy of their extraction and requires phenomenological tests of the factorization assumption. Here we argue that a proton-nucleus collision program at the LHC would provide a set of measurements allowing for unprecedented tests of the factorization assumption underlying global nPDF fits.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    The Effect of Shadowing on Initial Conditions, Transverse Energy and Hard Probes in Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

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    The effect of shadowing on the early state of ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions is investigated along with transverse energy and hard process production, specifically Drell-Yan, J/ψJ/\psi, and Υ\Upsilon production. We choose several parton distributions and parameterizations of nuclear shadowing, as well as the spatial dependence of shadowing, to study the influence of shadowing on relevant observables. Results are presented for Au+Au collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV and Pb+Pb collisions at sNN=5.5\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.5 TeV.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Estimation of Collision Impact Parameter

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    We demonstrate that the nuclear collision geometry (i.e. impact parameter) can be determined with 1.5 fm accuracy in an event-by-event analysis by measuring the transverse energy flow in the pseudorapidity region 3η53 \le |\eta| \le 5 with a minimal dependence on collision dynamics details at the LHC energy scale. Using the HIJING model we have illustrated our calculation by a simulation of events of nucleus-nucleus interactions at the c.m.s energy from 1 up to 5.5 TeV per nucleon and various type of nuclei.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    A global DGLAP analysis of nuclear PDFs

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    In this talk, we shortly report results from our recent global DGLAP analysis of nuclear parton distributions. This is an extension of our former EKS98-analysis improved with an automated χ2\chi^2 minimization procedure and uncertainty estimates. Although our new analysis show no significant deviation from EKS98, a sign of a significantly stronger gluon shadowing could be seen in the RHIC BRAHMS data.Comment: Talk given at EPS HEP 200

    Fading out of J/psi color transparency in high energy heavy ion peripheral collisions

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    We provide predictions for the J/psi coherent production in the peripheral heavy ion collisions at LHC and at RHIC using the leading twist model of nuclear shadowing based on the QCD factorization theorem for diffraction and the HERA hard diffraction data. We demonstrate that for the LHC kinematics this model leads to a bump-shape distribution in rapidity which is suppressed overall as compared to the expectations of the color transparency regime by a factor 6. This is significantly larger suppression than that expected within the impact parameter eikonal model. Thus we show that the interaction of spatially small wave package for which the total cross section of interaction with nucleons is small is still strongly shadowed by nuclear medium in high energy processes.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Angular pattern of minijet transverse energy flow in hadron and nuclear collisions

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    The azimuthal asymmetry of minijet system produced at the early stage of nucleon-nucleon and nuclear collisions in a central rapidity window is studied. We show that in pp collisions the minijet transverse energy production in a central rapidity window is essentially unbalanced in azimuth due to asymmetric contributions in which only one minijet hits the acceptance window. We further study the angular pattern of transverse energy flow generated by semihard degrees of freedom at the early stage of high energy nuclear collisions and its dependence on the number of semihard collisions in the models both including and neglecting soft contributions to the inelastic cross section at RHIC and LHC energies as well as on the choice of the infrared cutoff.Comment: 25 LaTeX pages, 11 figures embedded with epsf; expanded versio

    DGLAP analyses of nPDF: constraints from data

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    We explain how the constraints from present experimental data can be used to obtain the nPDF in the framework of LO DGLAP evolution. We will also compare the only two available sets of this type and comment on the important information that neutrino factories could provide.Comment: 1 pages, 1 postscript figure. Invited talk at the NuFact'02 workshop (Neutrino Factories based on Muon Storage Rings), London, July 200

    Jets in 200 GeV p+p and d+Au collisions from the STAR experiment at RHIC

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    Full jet reconstruction in heavy-ion collisions is a promising tool for the quantitative study of properties of the dense medium produced at RHIC. Measurements of d+Au collisions are important to disentangle initial state nuclear effects from medium-induced kT broadening and jet quenching. Study of jet production and properties in d+Au in combination with similar studies in p+p is an important baseline measurement needed to better understand heavy-ion results. We present mid-rapidity inclusive jet pT spectra and di-jet correlations (kT) in 200 GeV p+p and d+Au collisions from the 2007-2008 RHIC run. We discuss the methods used to correct the data for detector effects and for background in d+Au collisions.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. To appear in Hot Quarks 2010 conference proceeding