22 research outputs found

    A Preliminary Exploration of the Placental Position Influence on Uterine Electromyography Using Fractional Modelling

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    The uterine electromyogram, also called electrohysterogram (EHG), is the electrical signal generated by uterine contractile activity. The EHG has been considered an expanding technique for pregnancy monitoring and preterm risk evaluation. Data were collected on the abdominal surface. It has been speculated the effect of the placenta location on the characteristics of the EHG. In this work, a preliminary exploration method is proposed using the average spectra of Alvarez waves contractions of subjects with anterior and non-anterior placental position as a basis for the triple-dispersion Cole model that provides a best fit for these two cases. This leads to the uterine impedance estimation for these two study cases. Non-linear least square fitting (NLSF) was applied for this modelling process, which produces electric circuit fractional models' representations. A triple-dispersion Cole-impedance model was used to obtain the uterine impedance curve in a frequency band between 0.1 and 1 Hz. A proposal for the interpretation relating the model parameters and the placental influence on the myometrial contractile action is provided. This is the first report regarding in silico estimation of the uterine impedance for cases involving anterior or non-anterior placental positions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    CD45RA, CD8β, and IFNγ Are Potential Immune Biomarkers of Human Cognitive Function

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    There is increasing evidence that in humans the adaptive immunological system can influence cognitive functions of the brain. We have undertaken a comprehensive immunological analysis of lymphocyte and monocyte populations as well as of HLA molecules expression in a cohort of elderly volunteers (age range, 64-101) differing in their cognitive status. Hereby, we report on the identification of a novel signature in cognitively impaired elderly characterized by: (1) elevated percentages of CD8+ T effector-memory cells expressing high levels of the CD45RA phosphate receptor (Temra hi); (2) high percentages of CD8+ T cells expressing high levels of the CD8β chain (CD8βhi); (3) augmented production of IFNγ by in vitro activated CD4+ T cells. Noteworthy, CD3+CD8+ Temra hi and CD3+CD8βhi cells were associated with impaired cognition. Cytomegalovirus seroprevalence showed that all volunteers studied but one were CMV positive. Finally, we show that some of these phenotypic and functional features are associated with an increased frequency of the HLA-B8 serotype, which belongs to the ancestral haplotype HLA-A1, Cw7, B8, DR3, DQ2, among cognitively impaired volunteers. To our knowledge, this is the first proof in humans linking the amount of cell surface CD45RA and CD8β chain expressed by CD8+ Temra cells, and the amount of IFNγ produced by in vitro activated CD4+ T cells, with impaired cognitive function in the elderly.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A importância dos indicadores biomédicos no funcionamento sexual em adultos portugueses saudáveis

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    SexualidadeResumoIntroduc¸ão: Na presente investigac¸ão pretendeu-se analisar a influência de indicadores biomé-dicos, tais como o índice de massa corporal, glicémia, colesterol total, triglicerídeos, pressãoarterial sistólica e pressão arterial diastólica, no funcionamento sexual em adultos portugueses.Métodos: A amostra foi constituída por 225 indivíduos saudáveis (não fumadores, mulheres nãotomando pílula contracetiva), entre os 18 e os 89 anos (média = 41), 107 do sexo masculinoe 117 do feminino. Aplicaram-se um questionário sociodemográfico, a versão portuguesa doMassachusetts General Hospital Sexual Functioning Questionnaire (MGH-SFQ), e dispositivos demedida de indicadores biomédicos.Resultados: Dos participantes, 59,6% (n = 134) apresentaram níveis para o funcionamento sexualglobal abaixo dos valores esperados, os homens pontuaram melhor funcionamento sexual glo-bal quando comparados com as mulheres, assim como o grupo dos participantes mais novos.Destacam-se os níveis de correlac¸ão significativa entre o IMC (r = −0,253; p < 0,001), a gli-cémia (r = −0,230; p < 0,001), o colesterol total (r = −0,144; p < 0,05) e o funcionamentosexual. O modelo de regressão hierárquica permitiu demonstrar o efeito mediador das variá-veis biomédicas sobre o funcionamento sexual, explicou 31% (r2= 0,31; p < 0,001) da variânciatotal.Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of biomedical indicators,such as body mass index, blood glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, systolic blood pressureand diastolic blood pressure, on sexual functioning in Portuguese adults.Methods: The sample consisted of 225 healthy individuals (non-smokers, women not takingcontraceptive pill), aged 18-89 years (mean = 41 years), of whom 107 were males and 117 fema-les. A Sociodemographic Questionnaire, the Portuguese version of the Massachusetts GeneralHospital Sexual Functioning Questionnaire (MGH-SFQ) and biomedical indicators measurementdevices were applied.Results: 59.6% (N = 134) of the participants presented levels for global sexual functioning belowthe expected values. Men scored better overall sexual functioning when compared to women,as well as the group of younger participants. Significant correlational values between BMI(r = −253, p <.001), glycemic index (r = −.230, p <.001), total cholesterol (r = −144, p < .05)and sexual functioning were obtained. The hierarchical regression model allowed to demons-trate the mediating effect of the biomedical variables on sexual functioning, explaining 31%(r2 = .31; p <.001) of the total variance.Discussion and conclusions: This research makes it possible to highlight the importance of bio-medical indicators in sexual functioning, helping professionals working in this area to be awareof how biomedical contexts interfere with sexual expression.© 2018 Asociaci´on Espa˜nola de Androlog´ıa, Medicina Sexual y Reproductiva. Published by Else-vier Espa˜na, S.L.U. All rights reserved.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    HLA‐A23/HLA‐A24 serotypes and dementia interaction in the elderly: Association with increased soluble HLA class I molecules in plasma

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    MHC class I molecules regulate brain development and plasticity in mice and HLA class I molecules are associated with brain disorders in humans. We investigated the relationship between plasma-derived soluble human HLA class I molecules (sHLA class I), HLA class I serotypes and dementia. A cohort of HLA class I serotyped elderly subjects with no dementia/predementia (NpD, n = 28), or with dementia (D, n = 28) was studied. Multivariate analysis was used to examine the influence of dementia and HLA class I serotype on sHLA class I levels, and to compare sHLA class I within four groups according to the presence or absence of HLA-A23/A24 and dementia. HLA-A23/A24 and dementia, but not age, significantly influenced the level of sHLA class I. Importantly, the concurrent presence of HLA-A23/A24 and dementia was associated with higher levels of sHLA class I (p < 0.001). This study has shown that the simultaneous presence of HLA-A23/HLA-A24 and dementia is associated with high levels of serum sHLA class I molecules. Thus, sHLA class I could be considered a biomarker of neurodegeneration in certain HLA class I carriers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    In vitro IL-15-activated human naïve CD8+ T cells down-modulate the CD8β chain and become CD8αα T cells

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    Antigen-driven human effector-memory CD8+ T cells expressing low levels of the CD8β chain have been previously described. However, little is known on a possible antigen-independent trigger. We have examined the impact that IL-15 has on the expression of CD8β on purified human naïve CD8+ T cells after CFSE labeling and culture with IL-15. As expected, IL-15 induced naïve CD8+ T cells to proliferate and differentiate. Remarkably, the process was associated with a cell-cycle dependent down-modulation of CD8β from the cell surface, leading to the generation of CD8αβlow and CD8αβ− (i.e., CD8αα) T cells. In contrast, expression of the CD8α chain remained steady or even increased. Neither IL-2 nor IL-7 reproduced the effect of IL-15. Determination of mRNA levels for CD8α and CD8β isoforms by qPCR revealed that IL-15 promoted a significant decrease in mRNA levels of the CD8β M-4 isoform, while levels of the M-1/M-2 isoforms and of CD8α increased. Noteworthy, CD8+ T cell blasts obtained after culture of CD8+ T cells with IL-15 showed a cell-cycle dependent increase in the level of the tyrosine kinase Lck, when compared to CD8+ T cells at day 0. This study has shown for the first time that IL-15 generates CD8αα+αβlow and CD8αα+αβ− T cells containing high levels of Lck, suggesting that they may be endowed with unique functional features

    Qualidade do sono e funcionamento sexual em adultos saudáveis

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    Introduc¸ão: Não existem investigac¸ões científicas suficientes, sobretudo com populac¸ão normativa, que evidenciem a associac¸ão entre a qualidade do sono e o funcionamento sexual. Método: Participaram deste estudo 945 indivíduos saudáveis, 62% mulheres, 38% homens, média de 34,27 anos (desvio-padrão = 15,82), que preencheram um questionário sociodemográfico, a versão portuguesa do Questionário de Sono de Oviedo e a versão portuguesa do Questionário de Funcionamento Sexual do Massachusetts General Health Hospital. Resultados: Verificaram-se níveis moderados de satisfac¸ão subjetiva com o sono e níveis baixos de insónia e hipersónia. No entanto, as mulheres sofrem mais deste tipo de perturbac¸ões do sono. A satisfac¸ão subjetiva com qualidade do sono está positivamente correlacionada com o funcionamento sexual geral e todas as suas respetivas dimensões e a insónia está negativamente correlacionada com o funcionamento sexual e todas as suas respetivas dimensões. Da submissão dos itens à análise de regressão linear, testou-se o modelo de predic¸ão do funcionamento sexual geral em func¸ão das variáveis da qualidade do sono, tendo-se obtido um modelo estatisticamente significativo (p < 0,001), sendo que as variáveis em questão explicam 7% do funcionamento sexual geral, com valores ˇ para a satisfac¸ão subjetiva com o sono de 0,189 e para a insónia de -0,140. Discussão: Com base nos resultados obtidos, é possível comprovar que quanto maior a qualidade do sono, maior é o funcionamento sexual e que o mesmo é influenciado negativamente sobretudo pela insónia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Short-chain fatty acids: a link between prebiotics and microbiota in chronic kidney disease

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    International audienceUnder physiologic conditions, the human gut microbiota performs several activities essential to the body health. In contrast, their imbalances exacerbate some actions which can promote a cascade of metabolic abnormalities, and vice versa. Numerous diseases, including chronic kidney disease, are associated with gut microbiota imbalance, and among several strategies to re-establish gut symbiosis, prebiotics seem to represent an effective nonpharmacological approach. Prebiotics fermentation by gut microbiota produce short-chain fatty acids, which improve the gut barrier integrity and function, and modulate the glucose and lipid metabolism as well as the inflammatory response and immune system. Therefore, this literature review intends to discuss the beneficial effects of prebiotics in human health through short-chain fatty acids production, with a particular interest on chronic kidney disease

    Glucose and the ATP paradox in yeast.

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    A sustained decrease in the intracellular ATP concentration has been observed when extra glucose was added to yeast cells growing aerobically under glucose limitation. Because glucose degradation is the main source of ATP-derived free energy, this is a counter-intuitive phenomenon, which cannot be attributed to transient ATP consumption in the initial steps of glycolysis. We present a core model for aerobic growth in which glucose supplies carbon, as well as free energy, for biosynthesis. With Metabolic Control Analysis and numerical simulations, we demonstrate that the decrease in the ATP concentration can be reproduced if the biosynthetic route is more strongly activated by carbon substrates than is the catabolic (ATP-producing) route