736 research outputs found

    Hamiltonians for one-way quantum repeaters

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    Quantum information degrades over distance due to the unavoidable imperfections of the transmission channels, with loss as the leading factor. This simple fact hinders quantum communication, as it relies on propagating quantum systems. A solution to this issue is to introduce quantum repeaters at regular intervals along a lossy channel, to revive the quantum signal. In this work we study unitary one-way quantum repeaters, which do not need to perform measurements and do not require quantum memories, and are therefore considerably simpler than other schemes. We introduce and analyze two methods to construct Hamiltonians that generate a repeater interaction that can beat the fundamental repeaterless key rate bound even in the presence of an additional coupling loss, with signals that contain only a handful of photons. The natural evolution of this work will be to approximate a repeater interaction by combining simple optical elements.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Academic freedom and changing focus on student assessment in Dutch higher education

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    The paper addresses this issue of academic freedom by exploring how the new regulation regarding student assessment procedures has been implemented in Dutch higher education institutions. We endeavour to understand how teaching staff have responded to the new rules and to what extent decision-making processes have included teaching staff. To answer our research question, we would like to concentrate on two issues: the role of the Examination Board and the design of the assessment procedures. Our working hypothesis is that new institutional arrangements of student assessments reduce academic freedom. Previous research has showed that academics largely engage in symbolic compliance with the imperatives of management requirements while keeping their academic freedom intact (Leisyte and Dee 2012). Universities in their turn, are increasingly acting as strategic actors in not only complying but also shaping their institutional environments (Meyer and Rowan 1977, Greenwood and Hinnings 1996, Krücken 2011). The responses to established norms and beliefs range from passivity to increasingly active resistance (Oliver 1991). We will discuss if the impingement on academic freedom is offset by increased assurance of quality for students, and explore how to balance the two values of freedom and quality. Methods used are document analysis and interviews with teachers, university administrators and during Fall 2011 in the frame of the Identifying Barriers in promoting European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance (IBAR) project

    National study: Quality and Access (WP 6) the Netherlands

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    Observation of the spin-orbit gap in bilayer graphene by one-dimensional ballistic transport

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    We report on measurements of quantized conductance in gate-defined quantum point contacts in bilayer graphene that allow the observation of subband splittings due to spin-orbit coupling. The size of this splitting can be tuned from 40 to 80 μ\mueV by the displacement field. We assign this gate-tunable subband-splitting to a gap induced by spin-orbit coupling of Kane-Mele type, enhanced by proximity effects due to the substrate. We show that this spin-orbit coupling gives rise to a complex pattern in low perpendicular magnetic fields, increasing the Zeeman splitting in one valley and suppressing it in the other one. In addition, we observe the existence of a spin-polarized channel of 6 e2^2/h at high in-plane magnetic field and of signatures of interaction effects at the crossings of spin-split subbands of opposite spins at finite magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Supplement 6 figure

    Iron-based pre-catalyst supported on polyformamidine for C-C bond formation

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.In the present study the incorporation of iron into an organic polymer, composed of formamidine subunits [R–N[double bond, length as m-dash]C(H)–NH–R], has been examined. The catalytic ability of the recyclable material was investigated in the iron-catalyzed formation of C–C bonds. After optimization of the reaction conditions, excellent yields and chemoselectivities were feasible.DFG, EXC 314, Unifying Concepts in Catalysi

    Growing Stronger: Strength Training for Older Adults

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    In choosing to read this book, you have taken the first step on a journey toward greater strength and vitality. Growing Stronger was written for you—the older adult who wants to grow stronger, healthier, more active, and more independent. You may be inactive or only mildly active at the moment. You may know that regular exercise is important for your health and well-being and want to get started on a program of physical activity. But you may feel that you don’t have the necessary information. Perhaps you are concerned that because of your age or health problems physical activity may not be safe for you. Or perhaps you have had trouble finding or staying with a suitable program. This book gives you a safe, simple, and highly effective exercise program based on the principles of strength training. Studies at laboratories around the world have shown that strength training benefits women and men of all ages and all levels of fitness. According to Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the Surgeon General (1996), experts agree that aerobic activities should be supplemented with strength-developing exercises at least twice per week

    PRAME expression and clinical outcome of breast cancer

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    The tumour antigen PReferentially expressed Antigen of MElanoma (PRAME) is expressed in a variety of malignancies, including breast cancer. We have analysed PRAME gene expression in relation to clinical outcome for 295 primary breast cancer patients. Kaplan–Meier survival curves show a correlation of PRAME expression levels with increased rates of distant metastases and decreased overall patient survival. This correlation existed both for the entire patient group (n=295) and for the subgroup of patients (n=185) who did not receive adjuvant chemotherapy. Multivariable analysis indicated that PRAME is an independent marker of shortened metastasis-free interval in patients who did not receive adjuvant chemotherapy. PRAME expression was associated with tumour grade and negative oestrogen receptor status. We conclude that PRAME expression is a prognostic marker for clinical outcome of breast cancer, independent of traditional clinicopathological markers
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