15 research outputs found

    Landau-Kleffner syndrome [Landau-Kleffner sendromu ve tedavi yaklaşimlari]

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    Landau-Kleffner syndrome or acquired epileptic aphasia which is seen in children with normal language and motor development is characterized by acute or progressive loss of ability in receptive and expressive language accompanied by paroxysmal changes in electroencephalography. Even though, different treatment modalities have been tried in Landau-Kleffner syndrome until now, these have not been standardized and it has not been possible to determine the predictive factors regarding treatment outcome. For these reasons, we think that a meta-analysis compiling all the relevant data in the literature is required

    Infantile cerebral hydatid cyst: A case report

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    Echinococcus granulosus'un neden olduğu kist hidatik hastalığı, Türkiye'de endemiktir. En çok etkilenen organlar karaciğer ve akciğerlerdir. Serebral kist hidatik çok seyrek görülür. Bu makalede serebral palsi tanısıyla izlenen, hemiparezisi olan iki buçuk yaşındaki bir vaka sunulmuştur. Bu vaka gündeme getirilerek, serebral palsi tanısı konulurken hemiparezinin diğer tedavi edilebilir nedenlerinin ayırt edilmesinin önemi vurgulanmıştır.Hydatid disease caused by Echinococcus granulosus is endemic in Turkey. The most commonly affected organs are the liver and lungs. But cerebral hydatid cysts are rare. We report a 2.5-year-old case with left hemiparesis who had been followed-up as cerebral palsy. We emphasize the significance of excluding the other treatable causes of hemiparesis before giving the diagnosis of cerebral palsy

    Interferon beta (IFNß) therapy in two children with SSPE: A case study

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    We treated two patients with SSPE by using intramuscular interferon beta (IFN-ß) and oral isoprinosine for 5 and 6 months. However, we found no effect on the clinical course, magnetic resonance findings and measles antibody titers of the cerebrospinal fluid. The different responses to the therapy may be explained by the changes of virus subtypes responsible in recent years or the differences of the immunity capabilities of the hosts. Further multicenter collaborative controlled studies are needed to determine the efficacy of (IFN-ß)

    Hot water epilepsy - A report of three cases

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    PubMedID: 15297690Hot water epilepsy (HWE) is a rare form of reflex epilepsy caused by bathing with hot water. In this paper, we describe three cases with hot water epilepsy, It occurs generally in children with normal psychomotor development and children continue to develop normally after seizure. HWE has usually a favorable prognosis by first avoiding lukewarm water and secondly using either intermittent oral prophylaxis with benzodiazepines or conventional AEDs

    Evaluation of 39 children with stroke regarding etiologic risk factors and treatment

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    PubMedID: 16052849Stroke etiologies in childhood differ from those in adulthood. While in children, congenital and acquired heart diseases and sickle cell anemia (SCA) are commonly seen causes, atherosclerosis is the main cause in adults. In this study, 39 children admitted to our hospital with ischemic stroke were evaluated according to etiologic factors and treatment regimens with comparison to the literature. Congenital-acquired heart disease and central nervous system infections (meningoencephalitis) were the most common causes in our series. Only one patient had dual pathology. As a result, cardiologic and infectious causes appeared to be the most important etiologic factors, especially in our region. Furthermore, etiologic factors rather than treatment used may play an important role in stroke recurrence

    SSPE'li iki çocukta interferon beta (IFN-Beta) tedavisi: Vaka çalışması

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    Bu çalışmada SSPE tanısı alan iki çocuğu 5 ve 6 ay boyunca interferon beta (IFN-beta) ile tedavi ettik. Ancak klinik gidiş, magnetik rezonans bulguları ve beyin-omurilik 'isi kızamık antikor düzeyleri üzerinde olumlu etki göremedik. Tedaviye karşı gelişen farklı cevapların, yıllar içinde virüs subtiplerindeki veya konağın immunolofik durumundaki değişikliklerle açıklanabileceğini düşünüyoruz. Ancak kesin bir karar için çok merkezli kontrollü çalışmalar yapılmalıdır.We treated two patients with SSPE by using intramuscular interferon beta (IFN-beta) and oral isoprinosine for 5 and 6 months. However, we found no effect on the clinical course, magnetic resonance findings and measles antibody liters of the cerebrospinal fluid. The different responses to the therapy may be explained by the changes of virus subtypes responsible in recent years or the differences of the immunity capabilities of the hosts. Further multicenter collaborative controlled studies are needed to determine the efficacy of(IFN-R)

    Startle disease-two sibling cases

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    PubMedID: 16250316Startle disease (hyperekplexia) is a rare non-epileptic disorder characterized by hypertonia, generalized stiffness and brief muscle jerks in response to unexpected auditory, somatosensory and visual stimuli. In this paper, two siblings with generalized stiffness and sudden muscle jerks to unexpected stimuli of various types are presented. They were previously misdiagnosed as epilepsy and treated with the conventional antiepileptic drugs. We wanted to call attention to and increase awareness of this rare disease and its differential diagnosis to avoid unnecessary investigations and treatment

    Startle disease - two sibling cases

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    WOS: 000232646800014PubMed ID: 16250316Startle disease (hyperekplexia) is a rare non-epileptic disorder characterized by hypertonia, generalized stiffness and brief muscle jerks in response to unexpected auditory, somatosensory and visual stimuli. In this paper, two siblings with generalized stiffness and sudden muscle jerks to unexpected stimuli of various types are presented. They were previously misdiagnosed as epilepsy and treated with the conventional antiepileptic drugs. We wanted to call attention to and increase awareness of this rare disease and its differential diagnosis to avoid unnecessary investigations and treatment

    Esxtensive intracerebral hemorrhage due to herpes simplex virus encephalitis [Herpes ensefalitine bagli gelişen geniş intraserebral kanama]

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    Herpes simplex virus is the most common cause of acute sporadic encephalitis and it results typically. in hemorrhagic necrotizing encephalitis in temporal and interior parts of frontal lobes Besides, some atypical localizations and lesions were also reported. They also manifest wide intracerebral hemorrhagic lesions. In this presentation a six month old female infant was admitted to hospital with complaints of fever, irritability, vomitting, decreased oral intake, lethargy and generalized seizures. Neuroimaging studies have revealed bilateral but more in the right side frontotemporal and parietal wide intracerebral hemorrhagic infarctions. With ELİSA technique, cerebrospinal fluid and serum studies for viral etiology were done. After the results of these studies the patient was diagnosed as herpes simplex virus type 1 encephalitis. The patient with herpes simplex virus encephalitis was presented here because of a rarely seen ntracerebral hemorrhage in this age group

    Two siblings with familial idiopathic scoliosis with conjugate gaze palsy

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    PubMedID: 15791929Familial idiopathic scoliosis with conjugate gaze palsy is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by progressive scoliosis and congenital absence of conjugate horizontal eye movement. In this article, two siblings who had scoliosis and conjugate gaze palsy are presented regarding clinical and laboratory findings