3,937 research outputs found

    L’urethrorraphie Terminoterminale Dans Le Traitement des Retrecissements de L’uretre Bulbaire et Membraneux

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    Objectifs: Evaluer les rĂ©sultats de d’urĂ©trorraphie termino-terminale dans le traitement des stĂ©noses de l’urĂštre bulbaire et membraneux Ă  travers l’étude de la sĂ©rie de notre service et une revue rĂ©cente de la littĂ©rature.Patients et mĂ©thodes: Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective basĂ©e sur la revue des dossiers mĂ©dicaux des patients ayant bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ©s d’une UrĂ©trorraphie Termino-Terminale (UTT) dans notre formation entre FĂ©vrier 2006 et FĂ©vrier 2010. La moyenne d’ñge des patients Ă©tait de38, 3 ans. L’étiologie du rĂ©trĂ©cissement urĂ©tral Ă©tait infectieuse et traumatique respectivement dans 40 % et 60% des cas. Chez 68 % d’entre eux, le rĂ©trĂ©cissement urĂ©tral Ă©tait localisĂ© au niveau bulbaire et chez 32 % au niveau membraneux. Tous les patients avaient une stĂ©noseunique infĂ©rieure Ă  2 cm Ă  l’urĂ©tro-cystographie rĂ©trograde et mictionnelle.RĂ©sultats: La durĂ©e moyenne de suivi Ă©tait de 28 mois. Le taux de succĂšs de l’urĂ©trorraphie termino-terminale dans notre Ă©tude Ă©tait de 88 %. 12% des patients avaient prĂ©sentĂ© une rĂ©cidive de la stĂ©nose. Tow patients (8%) ayant une stĂ©nose bulbaire avaient rapportĂ© des troubles Ă©jaculatoires. Aucun de nos patients (0%) n’avait prĂ©sentĂ© ni dysfonction Ă©rectile ni incontinence suite Ă  cette intervention.Conclusion: L’urĂ©troplastie anastomotique termino-terminale permet des taux Ă©levĂ©s de repermĂ©abilisation urĂ©trale aprĂšs une premiĂšre procĂ©dure. Le taux de rĂ©cidive de la stĂ©nose reste faible comparativement aux autres techniques chirurgicales. Les troubles Ă©jaculatoires peuvent ĂȘtre prĂ©venus par une dissection minutieuse et une restitution anatomique desmuscles bulbo-caverneux

    Partial Ureteropelvic Junction Disruption after Blunt Trauma: Case Report

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    Partial ureteropelvic junction disruption as a result of blunt trauma is rare and frequently missed by the initial trauma evaluation. Delays in diagnosis have also been associated with significant morbidity. A high index of suspicion should lead to appropriate investigations, and the management will be determined by the severity of the disruption. We present herein a 24-year-old man who was admitted to the Emergency Room with multiple organ injuries caused by a severe blunt trauma. Emergency celiotomy was performed for massive hemoperitoneum and shattered spleen which led to splenectomy. The diagnosis of partial UPJ disruption was missed preoperatively and suspected in CT scan after appearance of flank tender mass. Confirmation was obtained in retrograde ureteropyelography and treated conservatively with indwelling ureteral stent. We present herein an extensive review of the literature to examine the current status of this entity and to determine if improvements could be made in the diagnosis and treatment

    Fossil evidence for a pharyngeal origin of the vertebrate pectoral girdle

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    The origin of vertebrate paired appendages is one of the most investigated and debated examples of evolutionary novelty. Paired appendages are widely considered key innovations that allowed new opportunities for controlled swimming and gill ventilation and were prerequisites for the eventual transition from water to land. The last 150 years of debate has been shaped by two contentious theories: the ventrolateral fin-fold hypothesis and the archipterygium hypothesis. The latter proposes that fins and girdles evolved from an ancestral gill arch. Although tantalizing developmental evidence has revived interest in this idea, it is apparently unsupported by fossil evidence. Here we present fossil evidence of a pharyngeal basis for the vertebrate shoulder girdle. We use CT scanning to reveal details of the braincase of Kolymaspis sibirica, a placoderm fish from the Early Devonian of Siberia that suggests a pharyngeal component of the shoulder. We combine these findings with refreshed comparative anatomy of placoderms and jawless outgroups to place the origin of the shoulder girdle on the sixth branchial arch. These findings provide a novel framework for understanding the origin of the pectoral girdle. Our new evidence clarifies the location of the presumptive head-trunk interface in jawless fishes and explains the constraint on branchial arch number in gnathostomes. The results revive a key aspect of the archipterygium hypothesis, but also reconciles it with the ventrolateral fin fold model

    Measurement of the Target-Normal Single-Spin Asymmetry in Deep-Inelastic Scattering from the Reaction ³He↑(e,e\u27)X

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    We report the first measurement of the target-normal single-spin asymmetry in deep-inelastic scattering from the inclusive reaction 3He↑(e, e\u27)X on a polarized 3He gas target. Assuming time-reversal invariance, this asymmetry is strictly zero in the Born approximation but can be nonzero if two-photon-exchange contributions are included. The experiment, conducted at Jefferson Lab using a 5.89 GeV electron beam, covers a range of 1.7 \u3c W \u3c 2.9 GeV, 1.0 \u3c Q2 \u3c 4.0 GeV2 and 0.16 \u3c x \u3c 0.65. Neutron asymmetries were extracted using the effective nucleon polarization and measured proton-to-3He cross-section ratios. The measured neutron asymmetries are negative with an average value of (-1.09 ± 0.38) x 10-2for invariant mass W \u3e 2 GeV, which is nonzero at the 2.89σ level. Our measured asymmetry agrees both in sign and magnitude with a two-photon-exchange model prediction that uses input from the Sivers transverse momentum distribution obtained from semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering

    Distribution épidémiologique du virus de la Bronchite infectieuse aviaire autour du monde

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    Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is ubiquitous in most parts of the world where poultry are reared. A large number of IBV variants exist worldwide; some being unique to a particular area, others having a more general distribution. The purpose of this review is to give an update on IBV strains currently circulating in commercial chickens worldwide and present a clear picture of the relationship between many of these viruses. Keywords: Infectious bronchitis virus, Variant strains, Review, World.Le virus de bronchite infectieuse aviaire fait partie des virus aviaires majeurs rencontrĂ©s chez les poulets depuis les dĂ©buts de l’élevage industriel. On retrouve la maladie de bronchite infectieuse dans la plupart des pays producteurs de volailles au niveau mondial. MalgrĂ© l’utilisation de vaccins qui contribuent au contrĂŽle des signes cliniques, l’émergence de nouveaux virus sauvages variants conforte le fait que la bronchite infectieuse est une cible mouvante difficile Ă  maĂźtriser. Le prĂ©sent article est une mise Ă  jour des connaissances sur la distribution Ă©pidĂ©miologique et molĂ©culaire des variants de l’IBV dans les diffĂ©rents pays du monde. Mots clĂ©s: Virus de la bronchite infectieuse, Variants, Revue bibliographique, Monde.   &nbsp

    Induced Polarization of Λ1116 in Kaon Electroproduction

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    We have measured. the induced polarization of the Λ (1116) in the reaction ep →eâ€ČK+Λ , detecting the scattered eâ€Č and K+ in the final state along with the proton from the decay Λ → pπ− . The present study used the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS), which allowed for a large kinematic acceptance in invariant energy W (1.6≀ W ≀ 2.7 GeV) and covered the full range of the kaon production angle at an average momentum transfer Q2 = 1.90GeV2 . In this experiment a 5.50-GeV electron beam was incident upon an unpolarized liquid-hydrogen target. We have mapped out the W and kaon production angle dependencies of the induced polarization and found striking differences from photoproduction data over most of the kinematic range studied. However, we also found that the induced polarization is essentially Q2 independent in our kinematic domain, suggesting that somewhere below the Q2 covered here there must be a strong Q2 dependence. Along with previously published photo- and electroproduction cross sections and polarization observables, these data are needed for the development of models, such as effective field theories, and as input to coupled-channel analyses that can provide evidence of previously unobserved s -channel resonances

    Emphysematous cystitis and emphysematous pyelitis: A clinically misleading association

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    We present a rare case of emphysematous cystitis associated with an emphysematous pyelonephritis in a diabetic Arab man who was admitted ina confusional state. A 60-year-old man was admitted to the emergency department with confusion and hypogastric mass. The Clinical examinationfound comatose patient with a mass in the tympanic hypogastric percussion. The pelvic computed tomography (CT) demonstrated intramural gas in the urinarytract, which suggested a diagnosis of emphysematous cystitis and emphysematous pyelitis. The treatment was based on an antibiotics  associated with a bladder drainage and diabetes stabilization. The evolution was uneventful. Every diabetic patient with a urinary tract infection who seems to be severely ill should have an abdominal X-ray as a minimal screening tool to detect emphysematous complications. The rarity and the association with an emphysematous pyelitis, which is rarely reported in the literature, are two remarkable characteristics described in this case report

    Séroprévalence de Mycoplasma gallisepticum et de Mycoplasma synoviae dans les élevages reproducteurs type poulet de chair au Maroc de 1983 au 2005

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    Les mycoplasmoses aviaires, particuliĂšrement Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) et Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) sont des infections insidieuses respiratoires, gĂ©nitales ou articulaires, entraĂźnant de lourdes pertes Ă©conomiques dans les diffĂ©rents types d’élevage avicole.L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est de tracer l’évolution des infections mycoplasmiques aviaires dues Ă  MG et MS Ă  partir d’une synthĂšse des enquĂȘtes sĂ©rologiques rĂ©alisĂ©es au Maroc et d’évaluer les retombĂ©es de la nouvelle loi sanitaire. Ces enquĂȘtes ont concernĂ© 12, 13 et 15 Ă©levages de poules reproductrices situĂ©s dans diffĂ©rentes rĂ©gions, notamment les principaux axes de productions avicoles rĂ©alisĂ©es respectivement en 1983, 2002 et 2005. Les sĂ©rums recueillis ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©s par Agglutination Rapide sur Lame (ARL) afin d’identifier les Ă©levages positifs. Les rĂ©sultats sĂ©rologiques ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© la prĂ©sence des anticorps contre MG et MS avec des taux d’infection variables en fonction de l’annĂ©e d’étude et du germe. En effet, Les prĂ©valences obtenues sont trĂšs importantes surtout pour MS qui dĂ©passent les 50% ; un pic a Ă©tĂ© notĂ© en 2002 (MG:30,76%) et (MS:76,92%), avec une lĂ©gĂšre rĂ©gression en 2005 (MG:26,67%) et (MS:66,67 %).Ces taux d’infections non nĂ©gligeables incitent Ă  l’amĂ©lioration des normes d’hygiĂšne et de biosĂ©curitĂ© avec un accompagnement vĂ©tĂ©rinaire rigoureux conformĂ©ment aux directives de la loi

    Measurements of ep → e\u27π+n at 1.6 \u3c W \u3c2.0 GeV and extraction of nucleon resonance electrocouplings at CLAS

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    Differential cross sections of the exclusive process ep -\u3e e \u27π+n were measured with good precision in the range of the photon virtuality Q2 = 1.8-4.5 GeV2 and the invariant mass range of the π+n final state W = 1.6-2.0 GeV using the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility Large Acceptance Spectrometer. Data were collected with nearly complete coverage in the azimuthal and polar angles of the n π+center-of-mass system. More than 37 000 cross-section points were measured. The contributions of the isospin I = Âœ resonances N(1675) 5/2-, N(1680) 5/2+, and N(1710) 1/2+ were extracted at different values of Q2 using a single-channel, energy-dependent resonance amplitude analysis. Two different approaches, the unitary isobar model and the fixed-t dispersion relations, were employed in the analysis. We observe significant strength of the N(1675)5/2- in the A(1/2) amplitude, which is in strong disagreement with quark models that predict both transverse amplitudes to be strongly suppressed. For the N(1680)5/2+ we observe a slow changeover from the dominance of the A3/2 amplitude at the real photon point (Q2 = 0) to a Q2 where A1/2 begins to dominate. The scalar amplitude S 1/2 drops rapidly with Q2consistent with quark model prediction. For the N(1710)Âœ+ resonance our analysis shows significant strength for the AÂœ amplitude at Q2 \u3c 2.5 GeV2
