4 research outputs found

    Glycine max and Moringa oleifera: nutritional values, processing methods and mixed foods

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    For fighting malnutrition in the developing countries, using soybean and Moringa oleifera plant materials can be considered as the cheaper and the most sustainable approach. The objective of our review is to identify and present the nutritional potential of these two agro-resources. We conducted a literature review on the two products in scientific databases and articles over the period 2016-2017.Soymilk, one of the end-products of Glycine max (soy), is a highly nutritious drink containing a high quality protein which can greatly contribute to strengthen some human body functions. Regarding M. oleifera, it’s called “miracle plant” because of the usefulness of all its parts in nutrition, medicine and cosmetic. Therefore, the association of soy and moringa thanks to different processing methods would help to obtain mixed products restoring nutritional balance.Keywords: Glycine max, Moringa oleifera, nutritional value, processing methods, mixed product

    Évaluation de la qualitĂ© bactĂ©riologique des eaux de puits et de forage Ă  LomĂ©, Togo

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    Objectif : Le but de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’évaluer la qualitĂ© microbiologique des eaux de puits et de forage collectĂ©es dans la ville de LomĂ©.MĂ©thodologie : Au total, 207 Ă©chantillons d’eau de puits et de 197 Ă©chantillons d’eau de forages de la ville de LomĂ© collectĂ©s entre juin 2012 et juillet 2013 ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s en utilisant les mĂ©thodes  normalisĂ©es de routine de l’Association Française de Normalisation (AFNOR).RĂ©sultats et conclusion : Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© une non-conformitĂ© des eaux de puits par rapport aux germes de contamination fĂ©cale dans 65% des cas et dans 70% des cas par rapport Ă  E coli. Les eaux de forages Ă©taient contaminĂ©es Ă  53,54% par la flore aĂ©robie mĂ©sophile, Ă  26,77% par les coliformes  totaux et Ă  2,03% par les streptocoques fĂ©caux. La prĂ©sence des germes indicateurs de contamination  fĂ©cale dans les eaux analysĂ©es expose les consommateurs au risque de gastro-entĂ©rites. Des mesures  doivent ĂȘtre prises pour la surveillance et la dĂ©sinfection de ces eaux avant leur utilisation. Mots clĂ©s : Eau, puits, forage ; qualitĂ© bactĂ©riologique,  Togo. Evaluation of the bacteriological quality of wells and drillings water in LomĂ©, TogoObjective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the microbiological quality of wells and drillings water collected in the city of LomĂ©.Methodology: A total of 207 well water samples and 197 samples of water from drillings in the city of LomĂ© collected between June 2012 and July 2013 were analyzed using standard routine methods of the French Association of Standardization (AFNOR).Results and Conclusion : The results showed non-compliance of well water related to fecal  contaminationgerms in 65% of cases and in 70% of cases related to E. coli. The drillings waters were contaminated in  cases 53.54% by mesophilic aerobic flora, in 26.77% cases by total coliforms and in 2.03% cases by fecal streptococci. The presence of indicator organisms of fecal contamination in the analyzed waters exposes consumers to the risk of gastroenteritis. Measures should be taken to  monitoring and disinfection of this water before use.Keywords: Water, wells, drilling, bacteriological quality, Togo