93 research outputs found

    Brand management is a component of management of intellectual property of the enterprise

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    Дьякова М. С. Бренд-менеджмент – складова частина управління інтелектуальною власністю підприємства / М. С. Дьякова // Вісник Приазовського державного технічного університету : зб. наукових праць / ПДТУ. – Маріуполь, 2014. – Вип. 27. – С. 48-54. – (Серія : Економічні науки).В статті проведено ретельний аналіз поглядів на поняття бренд- менеджмент в сучасній та зарубіжній літературі. Доведено, що існує величезна кількість понять бренд-менеджменту, однак жодне з них не враховує елемент управління і захист інтелектуальних прав. Також доведено, що відсутність науково обґрунтованого підходу до проектування та створення систем управління брендом на підприємстві призводить до пріоритетного прийняття стихійних або вузькоспеціалізованих рішень, які за своєю сутністю не можуть володіти необхідним потенціалом для розвитку. Виділено три ієрархічні рівні управління охорони бренда: державний рівень; рівні підприємств; суспільний рівень. Удосконалено схему етапів формування системи управління інтелектуальною власністю на підприємствах шляхом додавання етапу під назвою «Бренд-менеджмент». Також наведена покрокова схема формування бренду на підприємстві з рахуванням прав інтелектуальної власності. Зроблено висновок, що комплексна система управління брендом, а також використання бренд-менеджменту на підприємствах дасть змогу підвищити конкурентоспроможність товару та вийти на якісно новий рівень отримання прибутку на підприємстві.В статье проведен тщательный анализ взглядов на понятие бренд-менеджмент в современной и зарубежной литературе. Доказано, что существует множество понятий бренд-менеджмента, однако ни один из них не учитывает элемент управления и защиту интеллектуальных прав. Также доказано, что отсутствие научно обоснованного подхода к проектированию и созданию систем управления брендом на предприятии приводит к приоритетному принятию стихийных или узкоспециализированных решений, которые по своей сути не могут обладать необходимым потенциалом для развития. Выделено три иерархических уровня управления охраной бренда: государственный уровень; урони предприятий; общественный уровень. Усовершенствована схема этапов формирования системы управления интеллектуальной собственностью на предприятиях путем добавления этапа под названием «Бренд-менеджмент». Также приведена пошаговая схема формирования бренда на предприятии с учетом прав интеллектуальной собственности. Сделан вывод, что комплексная система управления брендом, а также использование бренд-менеджмента на предприятиях позволит повысить конкурентоспособность товара и выйти на качественно новый уровень получения прибыли на предприятии.A thorough analysis of the views on the concept of brand management in the modern and foreign literature was given in the article. It was proved that there are many concepts of brand management, but none of them takes into account such element as management and protection of intellectual property rights. It was also proved that the lack of scientifically substantiated approach to the design and development of systems of management of the brand at the enterprise leads to adoption in the priority of natural or highly specialized solutions which in its essence can not have the necessary potential for development. Three hierarchical levels of management of protection of the brand were highlighted: State level; the enterprise level; public level. The scheme of stages of forming of the system of management of intellectual property at the enterprises was improved. It was improved by adding a phase called «the use of brand management and formation of the brand of the enterprise». Also was shown step by step scheme of formation of brand at the enterprise in view of intellectual property rights. The author concluded that the complex system of management of brand and the use of brand management at the enterprises would increase the competitiveness of the goods and reach a new level of profit at the enterprise

    Human psychology in emergency situations

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    The article deals with the issues of the psychological state and psychological behavior of people in emergency situations. The article presents a list of psychological states, psychological behavior of a person that create difficulties in making decisions, in providing first aid to the victimВ статье рассмотрены вопросы психологического состояния и психологического поведения людей при чрезвычайных ситуациях. Представлен перечень психологических состояний, психологического поведения человека, создающих трудности в принятии решения, в оказании первой помощи пострадавшем

    Using health impact assessment (HIA) to understand the wider health and well-being implications of policy decisions: the COVID-19 ‘staying at home and social distancing policy’ in Wales

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    Background: Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is promoted as a decision-informing tool by public health and governmental agencies. HIA is beneficial when carried out as part of policy development but is also valuable as a methodology when a policy is being implemented to identify and understand the wider health and well-being impacts of policy decisions, particularly when a decision needs to be taken rapidly to protect the population. This paper focusses on a HIA of the ‘Staying at Home and Social Distancing Policy’ or ‘lockdown’ in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Wales conducted by the Welsh national public health institute. It describes the process and findings, captures the learning and discusses how the process has been used to better understand the wider health and well-being impacts of policy decisions beyond direct health harm. It also examines the role of public health institutes in promoting and using HIA. Methods: A HIA was conducted following a standard HIA five step process. A literature review was undertaken alongside 15 qualitative semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders, and relevant health and demographic data were collated. The results were triangulated and analysed to form a holistic assessment of the policy decision and its impacts. Results: A wide range of major health and well-being impacts of the lockdown in Wales were identified across the determinants of health, which included positive and negative social, economic, environmental and mental well-being impacts beyond the impact on direct health. Populations affected included children and young people, those on low incomes and women as well as those whose health has been directly impacted by COVID-19 such as older people. The work highlighted the benefit that HIA can bring in emphasizing impacts which can inform policy and shared learning with others. Conclusion: HIA is a largely underused tool to understand the impact of policy and political decisions, particularly when a decision has been taken at speed. This case study highlights how HIA provide evidence and information for advocacy and further work by public health institutes, health agencies and policy makers

    Adenosine-regulated mechanisms in the pathogenesis of ventilation disorders in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis

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    Uncovering involvement of the purinergic system in the pathogenesis of ventilation disorders (VD) may provide additional information about the pathophysiological mechanisms leading to the development of VD in pulmonary tuberculosis (PT). The aim was to identify a relationship between the parameters of adenosine metabolism, inflammatory response and altered ventilation metabolism in PT patients. Materials and methods. Obstructive and mixed PT patients were assigned to subgroups with/without VD for assessing adenosine deaminase activity (ADA-1, 2) in serum, mononuclear cells, neutrophils; ecto-5’-nucleotidase (ecto-5’-NT); CD26 (dipeptidyl peptidase-4, DPP-4), phagocyte oxidative burst measured by NO generation. Results. PT patients showed decreased ADA-1 and CD26 (DPP-4), but increased ADA-2. Elevated intracellular adenosine concentration was found in mononuclear cells in patients lacking VD, whereas patients with mixed and obstructive VD — had it in neutrophils. Mononuclear cells of patients with PT lacking VD as well as with obstructive VD type had decreased NO3– concentration. Neutrophil hyperactivity was recorded in all groups of PT patients. Patients with PT lacking VD as well as with mixed VD type showed that the parameters of external respiration were associated with activity of extra-/intracellular ADA, whereas obstructive VD was caused by excessive formation of serum adenosine. Changes in respiratory function in PT were associated with decreased level of serum NO radicals, impaired nitrogen-dependent bactericidal phagocyte activity, and overproduced neutrophil oxygen radicals. Conclusion. Purinergic regulation is involved in regulating inflammatory and compensatory processes in PT patients as well as impaired ventilation efficiency. The most severe respiratory disorders observed in PT patients with mixed VD type are associated with the most prominent changes in nucleotidase activity, particularly ecto-ADA-2 and DPP-4/CD26

    Facilitators, Barriers and Views on the Role of Public Health Institutes in Promoting and Using Health Impact Assessment—An International Virtual Scoping Survey and Expert Interviews

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    Public health institutes have an important role in promoting and protecting the health and well-being of populations. A key focus of such institutes are the wider determinants of health, embracing the need to advocate for ‘Health in All Policies’ (HiAP). A valuable tool to support this is the health impact assessment. This study aims to support public health institutes to advocate more successfully for the use of health impact assessments and HiAP in order to promote and protect health, well-being and equity. During July 2021, a quantitative online survey was undertaken across international networks with 17 valid responses received. Semi-structured interviews were also administered with nine expert representatives and analysed thematically. In total, 64.7% (n = 11) of survey respondents were aware of health impact assessments and 47.1% (n = 8) currently conducted health impact assessments. It was noted that there are differing approaches to HIAs, with a need for a clear set of standards. Barriers to use included lack of knowledge, training and resources. Overall, 64.7% (n = 11) of survey respondents would like to do more to develop knowledge and capacity around health impact assessments. The results from this study can serve as a platform to help build knowledge, networks and expertise, to help support a ‘Health in All Policies’ approach and address inequalities which exist in all societies

    Exploring the social value of Public Health Institutes: An international scoping survey and expert interviews

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    Introduction: Making the case for investing in preventative public health by illustrating not only the health impact but the social, economic and environmental value of Public Health Institutes is imperative. This is captured by the concept of Social Value, which when measured, demonstrates the combined intersectoral value of public health. There is currently insufficient research and evidence to show the social value of Public Health Institutes and their work across the life course, population groups and settings, in order to make the case for more investment. Methods: During July 2021, a quantitative online self-administered questionnaire was conducted across international networks. Semi-structured interviews were also carried out with nine representatives to gain a deeper understanding. A thematic analysis was undertaken on the data collected. Results: In total, 82.3% (n = 14) were aware of the terminology of social value and 58.8% (n = 10) were aware of the economic method of Social Return on Investment. However, only two Institutes reported capturing social and community impacts within their economic analysis and only 41.2% (n = 7) currently capture or measure the social value of their actions. Interviews and survey responses indicate a lack of resources, skills and buy-in from political powers. Finally, 76.5% (n = 12) wanted to do more to understand and measure wider outcomes and impact of their actions. It was noted this can be achieved through enhancing political will, developing a community of best practice and tools. Conclusion: This research can inform future work to understand how to measure the holistic social value of Public Health Institutes, in order to strengthen institutional capacity and impact, as well as to achieve a more equitable society, and a more sustainable health system and economy, making the case for investing in public health, as we recover from COVID-19

    The social value of investing in public health across the life course: A systematic scoping review

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    Background: Making the case for investing in public health by illustrating the social, economic and environmental value of public health interventions is imperative. Economic methodologies to help capture the social value of public health interventions such as Social Return on Investment (SROI) and Social Cost-Benefit Analysis (SCBA) have been developed over past decades. The life course approach in public health reinforces the importance of investment to ensure a good start in life to safeguarding a safe, healthy and active older age. This novel review maps an overview of the application of SROI and SCBA in the existing literature to identify the social value of public health interventions at individual stages of the life course. Methods: A systematic scoping review was conducted on peer-reviewed and grey literature to identify SROI and SCBA studies of public health interventions published between January 1996 and June 2019. All primary research articles published in the English language from high-income countries that presented SROI and SCBA outputs were included. Studies were mapped into stages of the life course, and data on the characteristics of the studies were extracted to help understand the application of social value methodology to assess the value of public health interventions. Results: Overall 40 SROI studies were included in the final data extraction, of which 37 were published in the grey literature. No SCBA studies were identified in the search. Evidence was detected at each stage of the life course which included; the birth, neonatal period, postnatal period and infancy (n = 2); childhood and adolescence (n = 17); adulthood (main employment and reproductive years) (n = 8); and older adulthood (n = 6). In addition, 7 studies were identified as cross-cutting across the life course in their aims. Conclusion: This review contributes to the growing evidence base that demonstrates the use of social value methodologies within the field of public health. By mapping evidence across stages of the life course, this study can be used as a starting point by public health professionals and institutions to take forward current thinking about moving away from traditional economic measures, to capturing social value when investing in interventions across the life course


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    Aim. The purpose of this research was informational content assessment of the anamnestic data in diagnosing of chronic endometritis before its histologic confirmation and possibility of the timely beginning of complex therapy of pathology.Materials and methods. To achieve the aim of the retrospective analysis of 303 case reports of patients who underwent endometrium papel biopsy as a part of examination plan before assisted reproductive treatment in 2017. A particular interest, in our case, submitted the special anamnesis including consideration of menstrual, sexual and reproductive functions, past gynecologic diseases and interventions.Results. In the analysis of the received results the most constant signs of chronic endometritis: disorders of menstrual and seсretory functions; the high index of intrauterine interventions, considerable frequency of identification of endometrium polyps and the cervical channel (40,1%), pathological cervical neoplasia (30,8%) were noted.Conclusion. Thus, anamnestic data of patients with the verified endometritis, especially extended one, with inclusion of nonconventional, but relevant at the present stage additional signs, have shown high informational content for neoadjuvant diagnosis of pathology of endometrium of inflammatory character. Only against the background of timely initiated complex therapy, numerous endometrial receptivity parameters are restored, which leads to relief of clinical symptoms and lays the foundation for the successful implementation of reproductive function


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    Role of nitric oxide in the pathogenesis of pulmonary tuberculosis has been studied in 77 patients with new infiltrate pulmonary tuberculosis and 34 patients with fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis. The level of cumulative and endogenous nitrite depended on the clinical form of tuberculosis: in infiltrate pulmonary tuberculosis patients it was within the limits of reference ranges, and in fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis patients it was significantly lower. Results of statistical analysis point out at the significant homogeneity (monofunctionality) of the set of rates, defining the level of NO metabolites in blood serum in infiltrate pulmonary tuberculosis, namely: impact of adenosine deaminase, levels of α1-protease inhibitor, ceruleoplasmin and age. On the contrary in case of fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis the diverse (multi-functional) complexes were detected including clinical blood rates providing influence on the reduction of NO level in blood. Nitric oxide in the patients with both clinical forms of tuberculosis correlated with classical markers of system inflammatory response, thus nitric oxide can be regarded as an integral component of inflammatory response with potential evaluation of prognosis of specific lesions during follow-up of changes

    Cost of health inequality to the NHS in Wales

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    Background: Forty years from the seminal work of Welsh GP Julian Tudor Hart on the Inverse Care Law, inequalities in health and healthcare remain deeply embedded in Wales. There is a wider gap (over 17 years) in healthy life expectancy between people living in the most and least deprived neighborhoods in Wales. This health inequality is reflected in additional healthcare use. In this study we estimate the cost of inequality associated with this additional healthcare use to the publicly funded National Health Service (NHS) in Wales. Methods: We retrieved administrative data on all NHS inpatient admissions, outpatient and accident and emergency attendances in Wales between April 2018 and March 2019 from Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW). Hospital service use data were translated to costs using Healthcare Resource Group (HRG) and health service specific unit cost data and linked with area level mid-year population and deprivation indices in order to calculate the healthcare costs associated with socioeconomics deprivation. Results: Inequality in healthcare use between people from more and less deprived neighborhoods was associated with an additional cost of £322 million per year to the NHS in Wales, accounting for 8.7% of total NHS hospital expenditure in the country. Emergency inpatient admissions made up by far the largest component of this additional cost contributing £247.4 million, 77% of the total. There are also substantial costs of inequality for A&E attendances and outpatient visits, though not maternity services. Elective admissions overall have a negative cost of inequality, since among men aged 50–75 and women aged 60–70, elective utilization is actually negatively associated with deprivation. Conclusion: There are wide inequalities in health and healthcare use between people living in more deprived neighborhoods and those living in less deprived neighborhoods in Wales. Tackling health inequality through a combination of health promotion and early intervention policies targeted toward deprived communities could yield substantial improvement in health and wellbeing, as well as savings for the Welsh NHS through reduced use of emergency hospital care