242 research outputs found

    Identifying orthologs with OMA: A primer [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]

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    The Orthologous Matrix (OMA) is a method and database that allows users to identify orthologs among many genomes. OMA provides three different types of orthologs: pairwise orthologs, OMA Groups and Hierarchical Orthologous Groups (HOGs). This Primer is organized in two parts. In the first part, we provide all the necessary background information to understand the concepts of orthology, how we infer them and the different subtypes of orthology in OMA, as well as what types of analyses they should be used for. In the second part, we describe protocols for using the OMA browser to find a specific gene and its various types of orthologs. By the end of the Primer, readers should be able to (i) understand homology and the different types of orthologs reported in OMA, (ii) understand the best type of orthologs to use for a particular analysis; (iii) find particular genes of interest in the OMA browser; and (iv) identify orthologs for a given gene.  The data can be freely accessed from the OMA browser at https://omabrowser.org

    Identifying orthologs with OMA: A primer.

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    The Orthologous Matrix (OMA) is a method and database that allows users to identify orthologs among many genomes. OMA provides three different types of orthologs: pairwise orthologs, OMA Groups and Hierarchical Orthologous Groups (HOGs). This Primer is organized in two parts. In the first part, we provide all the necessary background information to understand the concepts of orthology, how we infer them and the different subtypes of orthology in OMA, as well as what types of analyses they should be used for. In the second part, we describe protocols for using the OMA browser to find a specific gene and its various types of orthologs. By the end of the Primer, readers should be able to (i) understand homology and the different types of orthologs reported in OMA, (ii) understand the best type of orthologs to use for a particular analysis; (iii) find particular genes of interest in the OMA browser; and (iv) identify orthologs for a given gene. The data can be freely accessed from the OMA browser at https://omabrowser.org

    How Much Does GenoGuard Really "Guard"? An Empirical Analysis of Long-Term Security for Genomic Data

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    Due to its hereditary nature, genomic data is not only linked to its owner but to that of close relatives as well. As a result, its sensitivity does not really degrade over time; in fact, the relevance of a genomic sequence is likely to be longer than the security provided by encryption. This prompts the need for specialized techniques providing long-term security for genomic data, yet the only available tool for this purpose is GenoGuard~\citehuang_genoguard:_2015. By relying on \em Honey Encryption, GenoGuard is secure against an adversary that can brute force all possible keys; i.e., whenever an attacker tries to decrypt using an incorrect password, she will obtain an incorrect but plausible looking decoy sequence. In this paper, we set to analyze the real-world security guarantees provided by GenoGuard; specifically, assess how much more information does access to a ciphertext encrypted using GenoGuard yield, compared to one that was not. Overall, we find that, if the adversary has access to side information in the form of partial information from the target sequence, the use of GenoGuard does appreciably increase her power in determining the rest of the sequence. We show that, in the case of a sequence encrypted using an easily guessable (low-entropy) password, the adversary is able to rule out most decoy sequences, and obtain the target sequence with just 2.5% of it available as side information. In the case of a harder-to-guess (high-entropy) password, we show that the adversary still obtains, on average, better accuracy in guessing the rest of the target sequences than using state-of-the-art genomic sequence inference methods, obtaining up to 15% improvement in accuracy

    OMA 2011: orthology inference among 1000 complete genomes

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    OMA (Orthologous MAtrix) is a database that identifies orthologs among publicly available, complete genomes. Initiated in 2004, the project is at its 11th release. It now includes 1000 genomes, making it one of the largest resources of its kind. Here, we describe recent developments in terms of species covered; the algorithmic pipeline—in particular regarding the treatment of alternative splicing, and new features of the web (OMA Browser) and programming interface (SOAP API). In the second part, we review the various representations provided by OMA and their typical applications. The database is publicly accessible at http://omabrowser.org

    OMA 2011: orthology inference among 1000 complete genomes

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    OMA (Orthologous MAtrix) is a database that identifies orthologs among publicly available, complete genomes. Initiated in 2004, the project is at its 11th release. It now includes 1000 genomes, making it one of the largest resources of its kind. Here, we describe recent developments in terms of species covered; the algorithmic pipeline—in particular regarding the treatment of alternative splicing, and new features of the web (OMA Browser) and programming interface (SOAP API). In the second part, we review the various representations provided by OMA and their typical applications. The database is publicly accessible at http://omabrowser.or

    A generalized Robinson-Foulds distance for labeled trees.

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    The Robinson-Foulds (RF) distance is a well-established measure between phylogenetic trees. Despite a lack of biological justification, it has the advantages of being a proper metric and being computable in linear time. For phylogenetic applications involving genes, however, a crucial aspect of the trees ignored by the RF metric is the type of the branching event (e.g. speciation, duplication, transfer, etc). We extend RF to trees with labeled internal nodes by including a node flip operation, alongside edge contractions and extensions. We explore properties of this extended RF distance in the case of a binary labeling. In particular, we show that contrary to the unlabeled case, an optimal edit path may require contracting "good" edges, i.e. edges shared between the two trees. We provide a 2-approximation algorithm which is shown to perform well empirically. Looking ahead, computing distances between labeled trees opens up a variety of new algorithmic directions.Implementation and simulations available at https://github.com/DessimozLab/pylabeledrf

    A generalized Robinson-Foulds distance for labeled trees

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    Background: The Robinson-Foulds (RF) distance is a well-established measure between phylogenetic trees. Despite a lack of biological justification, it has the advantages of being a proper metric and being computable in linear time. For phylogenetic applications involving genes, however, a crucial aspect of the trees ignored by the RF metric is the type of the branching event (e.g. speciation, duplication, transfer, etc). Results: We extend RF to trees with labeled internal nodes by including a node flip operation, alongside edge contractions and extensions. We explore properties of this extended RF distance in the case of a binary labeling. In particular, we show that contrary to the unlabeled case, an optimal edit path may require contracting “good” edges, i.e. edges shared between the two trees. Conclusions: We provide a 2-approximation algorithm which is shown to perform well empirically. Looking ahead, computing distances between labeled trees opens up a variety of new algorithmic directions. Implementation and simulations available at https://github.com/DessimozLab/pylabeledrf

    Matreex: Compact and Interactive Visualization for Scalable Studies of Large Gene Families.

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    Studying gene family evolution strongly benefits from insightful visualizations. However, the ever-growing number of sequenced genomes is leading to increasingly larger gene families, which challenges existing gene tree visualizations. Indeed, most of them present users with a dilemma: display complete but intractable gene trees, or collapse subtrees, thereby hiding their children's information. Here, we introduce Matreex, a new dynamic tool to scale up the visualization of gene families. Matreex's key idea is to use "phylogenetic" profiles, which are dense representations of gene repertoires, to minimize the information loss when collapsing subtrees. We illustrate Matreex's usefulness with three biological applications. First, we demonstrate on the MutS family the power of combining gene trees and phylogenetic profiles to delve into precise evolutionary analyses of large multicopy gene families. Second, by displaying 22 intraflagellar transport gene families across 622 species cumulating 5,500 representatives, we show how Matreex can be used to automate large-scale analyses of gene presence-absence. Notably, we report for the first time the complete loss of intraflagellar transport in the myxozoan Thelohanellus kitauei. Finally, using the textbook example of visual opsins, we show Matreex's potential to create easily interpretable figures for teaching and outreach. Matreex is available from the Python Package Index (pip install Matreex) with the source code and documentation available at https://github.com/DessimozLab/matreex

    How to build phylogenetic species trees with OMA [version 2; peer review: 2 approved with reservations]

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    Knowledge of species phylogeny is critical to many fields of biology. In an era of genome data availability, the most common way to make a phylogenetic species tree is by using multiple protein-coding genes, conserved in multiple species. This methodology is composed of several steps: orthology inference, multiple sequence alignment and inference of the phylogeny with dedicated tools. This can be a difficult task, and orthology inference, in particular, is usually computationally intensive and error prone if done ad hoc. This tutorial provides protocols to make use of OMA Orthologous Groups, a set of genes all orthologous to each other, to infer a phylogenetic species tree. It is designed to be user-friendly and computationally inexpensive, by providing two options: (1) Using only precomputed groups with species available on the OMA Browser, or (2) Computing orthologs using OMA Standalone for additional species, with the option of using precomputed orthology relations for those present in OMA. A protocol for downstream analyses is provided as well, including creating a supermatrix, tree inference, and visualization. All protocols use publicly available software, and we provide scripts and code snippets to facilitate data handling. The protocols are accompanied with practical examples

    A hands-on introduction to querying evolutionary relationships across multiple data sources using SPARQL [version 1; peer review: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations]

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    The increasing use of Semantic Web technologies in the life sciences, in particular the use of the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and the RDF query language SPARQL, opens the path for novel integrative analyses, combining information from multiple sources. However, analyzing evolutionary data in RDF is not trivial, due to the steep learning curve required to understand both the data models adopted by different RDF data sources, as well as the SPARQL query language. In this article, we provide a hands-on introduction to querying evolutionary data across multiple sources that publish orthology information in RDF, namely: The Orthologous MAtrix (OMA), the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) RDF platform, the Database of Orthologous Groups (OrthoDB) and the Microbial Genome Database (MBGD). We present four protocols in increasing order of complexity. In these protocols, we demonstrate through SPARQL queries how to retrieve pairwise orthologs, homologous groups, and hierarchical orthologous groups. Finally, we show how orthology information in different sources can be compared, through the use of federated SPARQL queries