408 research outputs found

    The growth of bacteriophage and lysis of the host

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    1. A new strain of B. coli and of phage active against it is described, and the relation between phage growth and lysis has been studied. It has been found that the phage can lyse these bacteria in two distinct ways, which have been designated lysis from within and lysis from without. 2. Lysis from within is caused by infection of a bacterium by a single phage particle and multiplication of this particle up to a threshold value. The cell contents are then liberated into solution without deformation of the cell wall. 3. Lysis from without is caused by adsorption of phage above a threshold value. The cell contents are liberated by a distension and destruction of the cell wall. The adsorbed phage is not retrieved upon lysis. No new phage is formed. 4. The maximum yield of phage in a lysis from within is equal to the adsorption capacity. 5. Liberation of phage from a culture in which the bacteria have been singly infected proceeds at a constant rate, after the lapse of a minimum latent period, until all the infected bacteria are lysed. 6. If the bacteria are originally not highly in excess, this liberation is soon counterbalanced by multiple adsorption of the liberated phage to bacteria that are already infected. This leads to a reduction of the final yield

    Adsorption of bacteriophage under various physiological conditions of the host

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    The first step in the growth of bacteriophage is the combination of phage with the susceptible bacterial host. The rate of this combination is, under simple conditions, proportional to both the bacterial concentration and to the phage concentration. Various aspects of this process have been studied quantitatively by previous workers (1, 2). Their results will be analyzed and discussed in the sections entitled "Residual free phage," and "Theory of adsorption rates." The main purpose of this paper was the study of a detail of the adsorption process that had not previously received attention, namely the dependence of the rate constant of adsorption on the physiological state of the bacterial host. Such a dependence must be anticipated for two reasons. First, it is known that the size of a bacterium changes very considerably depending on its phase of growth in a given culture medium, and an increased cell surface should lead to an increase of the adsorption rate on to a given number of bacteria. Second, for motile bacteria, like E. coli, the adsorption will be faster when the bacteria move about rapidly than when their motility is reduced by adverse physiological conditions. Our experiments show that the rate constant under optimal conditions is more than sixty times greater than under poor conditions

    Effects of Cold Periods on the Stimulus-Response System of Phycomyces

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    The sporangiophores of Phycomyces do not exhibit phototropic responses when growth is arrested reversibly by cooling to 1°C. Unilateral UV stimuli (254 nm) applied during cold periods are stored for at least 2 hr and produce tropic responses away from the light after warm-up. During the cold period dark adaptation proceeds at a rate which decreases with the temperature

    Photoreactions in Phycomyces. Responses to the stimulation of narrow test areas with ultraviolet light

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    Equipment has been developed for ultraviolet illumination of sharply bounded test areas of the growing zone of sporangiophores of Phycomyces. The growing zone is opaque for this light and the tropic responses are negative. Periodic short narrow stimuli on alternating sides produce periodic tropic responses when applied at x > 0.5 mm, but none for x 0.1 mm. The lag between stimulus and response is 3.3 min. for any x > 0.5 mm. For smaller x the lag increases progressively. In all cases the tropic bend occurs at values of x > 0.5 mm. Sustained tropic stimuli, applied at constant height relative to ground, produce relatively sharp tropic bends. The center of the bend is at all times close to the simultaneous position of the stimulated area. The boundaries of a light-adapted zone move less than 0.1 mm in 10 min. relative to the sporangium. It is concluded that the receiving and adapting structures do not move relative to the sporangium, and that the responding system does not move relative to ground. The two systems move relative to each other with the speed of growth. The responding system does not extend above x = 0.5 mm

    Photoreactions in Phycomyes: growth and tropic responses to the stimulation of narrow test areas

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    Sporangiophores of Phycomyces in stage IV b have been stimulated by parallel light in test areas 0.2 mm. wide. The growth responses to large stimuli are very large, owing probably to light scattered within the specimen. For medium stimuli the sensitive zone coincides with the growth response zone obtained previously and excludes the region of maximum stretch. Sustained stimulations were used to elicit tropic responses. The bends formed travel away from the sporangium at a speed equal to the growth speed. Thus they remain very close to the stimulus when this is held at a constant level relative to ground but separate from it for stimuli programmed differently. The existence of a protoplasmic structure, the "inner wall," with the following properties is postulated: it is attached to the lower, non-growing part of the sporangiophore and grows by addition above the sensitive zone. It neither stretches nor twists in the sensitive zone. It is the seat of the light receptors and gives growth and tropic responses. The cell wall follows its bends by elastic stretch

    Interplay between the Reactions to Light and to Gravity in Phycomyces

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    Sporangiophores of Phycomyces do not grow directly towards a horizontal beam of light, but equilibrate at an angle of about 30° above the horizontal. After describing several related observations, this paper suggests that the dioptric properties of an obliquely illuminated cylindrical lens, illustrated by a dummy cell, as well as a negative geotropic response, play major roles in determining the direction of growth. The shift of the equilibrium direction of growth towards the vertical, or a purely geotropic response, over a tenfold range of very low intensities (around 10^6 quanta/cm^2 sec., or 10^-13 watt/cm^2) has been studied, and an action spectrum made, measuring the quantum fluxes producing a standard intermediate equilibrium direction of growth at different wavelengths. This may differ from the action spectra at higher intensities in lacking conspicuous maxima from 370 to 490 mµ. However, in the ultraviolet it parallels the other spectra, although without showing the much higher quantum efficiency of ultraviolet relative to visible light previously noted. Possible interpretations are discussed

    Absorption and Screening in Phycomyces

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    In vivo absorption measurements were made through the photosensitive zones of Phycomyces sporangiophores and absorption spectra are presented for various growth media and for wavelengths between 400 and 580 mµ. As in mycelia, ß-carotene was the major pigment ordinarily found. The addition of diphenylamine to the growth media caused a decrease in ß-carotene and an increase in certain other carotenoids. Growth in the dark substantially reduced the amount of ß-carotene in the photosensitive zone; however, growth on a lactate medium failed to suppress ß-carotene in the growing zone although the mycelia appeared almost colorless. Also when diphenylamine was added to the medium the absorption in the growing zone at 460 mµ was not diminished although the colored carotenoids in the bulk of the sporangiophore were drastically reduced. Absorption which is characteristic of the action spectra was not found. Sporangiophores immersed in fluids with a critical refractive index show neither positive nor negative tropism. Measurements were made of the critical refractive indices for light at 495 and 510 mµ. The critical indices differed only slightly. Assuming primary photoreceptors at the cell wall, the change in screening due to absorption appears too large to be counterbalanced solely by a simple effect of the focusing change. The possibility is therefore advanced that the receptors are internal to most of the cytoplasm; i.e., near the vacuole

    QED Corrections to Planck's Radiation Law and Photon Thermodynamics

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    Leading corrections to Planck's formula and photon thermodynamics arising from the pair-mediated photon-photon interaction are calculated. This interaction is attractive and causes an increase in occupation number for all modes. Possible consequences, including the role of the cosmic photon gas in structure formation, are considered.Comment: 15 pages, Revtex 3.


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    This monographic review on a fungus is not addressed to mycologists. None of the authors has been trained or has otherwise acquired a general proficiency in mycology. They are motivated by a common interest in the performances of signal handling exhibited by the sense organs of all organisms and by the desire to attack these as yet totally obscure aspects of molecular biology by the study of a microorganism with certain desirable properties. The sporangiophore of the fungus Phycomyces is a gigantic, single-celled, erect, cylindrical, aerial hypha. It is sensitive to at least four distinct stimuli: light, gravity, stretch, and some unknown stimulus by which it avoids solid objects. These stimuli control a common output, the growth rate, producing either temporal changes in growth rate or tropic responses. We are interested in the output because it gives us information about the reception of the various signals. In the absence of external stimuli, the growth rate is controlled by internal signals keeping the network of biochemical processes in balance. The external stimuli interact with the internal signals. We wish to inquire into the early steps of this interaction. For light, for instance, the cell must have a receptor pigment as the first mediator. What kind of a molecule is this pigment? Which organelle contains it? What chemical reaction happens after a light quantum has been absorbed? And how is the information introduced by this primary photochemical event amplified in a controlled manner and processed in the next step? How do a few quanta or a few molecules trigger macroscopic responses? Will we find ourselves confronted with devices wholly distinct from anything now known in biology