27 research outputs found

    More on Gopakumar-Vafa formula: coefficients ℱ0 and ℱ1

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    Violation of the phase space general covariance as a diffeomorphism anomaly in quantum mechanics

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    We consider a topological quantum mechanics described by a phase space path integral and study the 1-dimensional analog for the path integral representation of the Kontsevich formula. We see that the naive bosonic integral possesses divergences, that it is even naively non-invariant and thus is ill-defined. We then consider a super-extension of the theory which eliminates the divergences and makes the theory naively invariant. This super-extension is equivalent to the correct choice of measure and was discussed in the literature. We then investigate the behavior of this extended theory under diffeomorphisms of the extended phase space and despite of its naive invariance find out that the theory possesses anomaly under nonlinear diffeomorphisms. We localize the origin of the anomaly and calculate the lowest nontrivial anomalous contribution.Comment: 36 page

    Twisted characters and holomorphic symmetries

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    We consider holomorphic twists of arbitrary supersymmetric theories in four dimensions. Working in the BV formalism, we rederive classical results characterizing the holomorphic twist of chiral and vector supermultiplets, computing the twist explicitly as a family over the space of nilpotent supercharges in minimal supersymmetry. The BV formalism allows one to work with or without auxiliary fields, according to preference; for chiral superfields, we show that the result of the twist is an identical BV theory, the holomorphic βγ\beta\gamma system with superpotential, independent of whether or not auxiliary fields are included. We compute the character of local operators in this holomorphic theory, demonstrating agreement of the free local operators with the usual index of free fields. The local operators with superpotential are computed via a spectral sequence, and are shown to agree with functions on a formal mapping space into the derived critical locus of the superpotential. We consider the holomorphic theory on various geometries, including Hopf manifolds and products of arbitrary pairs of Riemann surfaces, and offer some general remarks on dimensional reductions of holomorphic theories along the (n−1)(n-1)-sphere to topological quantum mechanics. We also study an infinite-dimensional enhancement of the flavor symmetry in this example, to a recently-studied central extension of the derived holomorphic functions with values in the original Lie algebra that generalizes the familiar Kac--Moody enhancement in two-dimensional chiral theories

    Chiral algebras in Landau-Ginzburg models

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