17 research outputs found

    Viability of Lactobacillus paracasei LPC-37 in Swiss-type cheeses during their ripening

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    Przedmiotem bada艅 by艂y sery typu szwajcarskiego wyprodukowane z zastosowaniem probiotycznej kultury Lactobacillus paracasei LPC-37. Konsekwencj膮 podobnego sk艂adu chemicznego badanych ser贸w by艂o niewielkie zr贸偶nicowanie aktywno艣ci wody. Po 4 i 6 tygodniach dojrzewania stwierdzono wi臋kszy spadek aktywno艣ci wody ni偶 po 2 tygodniach. Z por贸wnania liczby pa艂eczek mlekowych w serach o r贸偶nym stopniu dojrza艂o艣ci wynika, 偶e najbardziej intensywny ich wzrost mia艂 miejsce podczas pierwszych dw贸ch tygodni dojrzewania. Statystycznie istotn膮 zale偶no艣膰 pomi臋dzy liczb膮 pa艂eczek Lactobacillus a aktywno艣ci膮 wody stwierdzono tylko w serach po pierwszym miesi膮cu przechowywania (r = 0,86).The objective of this study and analysis were Swiss-type cheeses manufactured using a probiotic culture of Lactobacillus paracasei LPC-37. Owing to the similar chemical composition of the cheeses studied, the diversification of their water activity was slight. It was reported that after 4 and 6 weeks of ripening, the cheeses showed a higher decrease in water activity than after 2 weeks of ripening. When comparing the count of lactobacilli in the cheeses of a varying degree of ripeness, it is found that the most intensive growth of micro-organisms occurred during the first two weeks of ripening. A statistically significant dependence (r=0.86) between the number of Lactobacillus and water activity was found only in cheeses that have been stored for one month

    Food Patterns of Polish Older People

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    Abstract Food patterns of Polish older people were separated and described. The research included 422 people aged 65+ years, living in 5 geographical locations. Participants of the study were selected in quota sampling. Criteria for recruitment included sex, age (65-74 or 75+ years) and family status (living alone or living with other people). Respondents were asked questions about consumption of 55 food products. The factor analysis allowed for separating 21 food patterns. They included from 1 to 3 groups of products, intake of which was mutually dependant. Big number of separated food patterns and small number of products forming joint food patterns speak in advocacy of relatively smali reciprocal relationship between different food items consumed by the seniors in Poland

    BMI and obesity incidence in relation to food patterns among Polish older people

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    BMI differentiation and obesity incidence in relation to food patterns of Polish older people were analysed. The research included 422 people aged 65+ years. 21 food patterns were separated by the factor analysis. On the basis of the self-reported body mass and height, the BMI and percentages of overweight or obese people were calculated. The increase of the BMI and overweight and obesity incidence for both sexes was unequivocally connected with eating rye. The increase of the BMI and overweight and obesity incidence depended among women on consuming pork raeat and alcoholic beverages. For men the increase in eating dairy products was connected with the overweight incidence increase. The role of fruit and vegetables needs to be explained in further studies