289 research outputs found
Comparing National Patterns of Medical Specialization: A Contribution to the Theory of Professions
"Im Mittelpunkt dieses Papiers steht die Frage nach den Ursachen fĂŒr die zunehmende Spezialisierung der medizinischen Profession in GroĂbritannien, Deutschland und den USA. In der Professionsforschung wird das PhĂ€nomen der wachsenden Ă€rztlichen Spezialisierung vor allem mit dem medizinisch-technischen Fortschritt, dem Konkurrenzdruck innerhalb der Ărzteschaft, der Ausdifferenzierung medizinischer Forschungs- und Ausbildungseinrichtungen, direkten staatlichen Eingriffen sowie organisatorischen VerĂ€nderungen im Medizinbetrieb erklĂ€rt, ohne jedoch den EinfluĂ von institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen auf die kausale Relevanz dieser unabhĂ€ngigen Variablen hinreichend zu berĂŒcksichtigen. Im Rahmen der Untersuchung wird zunĂ€chst gezeigt, daĂ die Bedeutung der unabhĂ€ngigen Variablen je nach Land variiert, um anschlieĂend den EinfluĂ des institutionellen Kontextes als intervenierender Variable herauszuarbeiten. Besonders hervorgehoben werden dabei jene Mechanismen, die die Zunahme der medizinischen Spezialisierung regulieren.
Combining spin-out and spin-in activities â the spin-along approach
After a long period of restructuring and outsourcing, companies are increasingly looking for new growth opportunities. Growth with existing prod-ucts or by expansion in new markets is limited. Therefore, companies are searching for ways to expand their activities in new businesses. A frequently used tool of multinational enterprises is corporate venturing. Within cor-porate venturing a further differentiation can be made in internal venturing and external venturing. Internal venturing promotes business ideas generated within the organization whereas external venturing promotes business ideas developed outside the company. Research has been able to show that venturing activi-ties both internal and external can create value. In this paper we explore a special case of venturing which we call the âspin-along approachâ. It can be seen as a combination of internal and external ven-turing. In the spin-along approach, a company encourages its employees to take their business idea external and to found a company. Successful companies might later be bought back and integrated into the parent company or the paren-tal will exit the company by selling its equity share. Through literature re-view we have identified different motivations, best practices, and barriers to the successful implementation of a spin-along approach. Furthermore, two case studies will be discussed and compared. We conclude that the approach can successfully complement internal innovation management.Corporate venturing; spin-along; venture leader; spin-out; spin-in; Deutsche Telekom Laboratories; Cisco Systems
Spin lifetimes and strain-controlled spin precession of drifting electrons in zinc blende type semiconductors
We study the transport of spin polarized electrons in n-GaAs using spatially
resolved continuous wave Faraday rotation. From the measured steady state
distribution, we determine spin relaxation times under drift conditions and, in
the presence of strain, the induced spin splitting from the observed spin
precession. Controlled variation of strain along [110] allows us to deduce the
deformation potential causing this effect, while strain along [100] has no
effect. The electric field dependence of the spin lifetime is explained
quantitatively in terms of an increase of the electron temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure
Die Regulierung von Professionsgrenzen: Struktur und Entwicklungsdynamik von Gesundheitsberufen im internationalen Vergleich
Der deutsche Gesundheitssektor sticht international durch seinen hohen Ărzteanteil hervor. In GroĂbritannien und den USA dagegen sind die nichtĂ€rztlichen Gesundheitsberufe vergleichsweise stĂ€rker besetzt. WĂ€hrend die Professionsforschung meist von der universellen »Dominanz« der Ă€rztlichen Profession ausgeht, zeigt der Autor, daĂ die Expansionschancen der nichtĂ€rztlichen Gesundheitsberufe von lĂ€nderspezifisch variierenden Beziehungen zur Ărzteschaft und sich unterscheidenden Strukturen des Marktzutritts herrĂŒhren.Abbildungen, Tabellen und Ăbersichten AbkĂŒrzungen Kapitel 1 Einleitung Kapitel 2 Empirische Analyse der Personalstruktur im Gesundheitswesen 2.1 Abgrenzung des Untersuchungsgegenstandes 2.2 Probleme der Datenerfassung und -analyse 2.2.1 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2.2.2 GroĂbritannien 2.2.3 Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika 2.3 Nationale BeschĂ€ftigungsstrukturen im Vergleich Kapitel 3 Forschungsstand und Perspektiven 3.1 Arbeitsmarkt, Technikentwicklung und Organisation des Gesundheitswesens 3.2 Professionsforschung 3.3 Folgerungen fĂŒr die weitere Vorgehensweise Kapitel 4 Die Entwicklung der Marktregulierung im historischen LĂ€ngsschnitt 4.1 Die historische Entwicklung in Deutschland 4.1.1 Von der Gewerbeordnung zur Reichsversicherungsordnung 4.1.2 Das Dritte Reich 4.1.3 Emanzipationsbestrebungen in der sozialliberalen Ăra 4.1.4 Stabilisierung der interprofessionellen Beziehungen 4.2 Die historische Entwicklung in GroĂbritannien 4.2.1 AnfĂ€nge der Marktregulierung 4.2.2 Der EinfluĂ des National Health Service 4.2.3 Folgen der Reorganisation des National Health Service 4.2.4 Der National Health Service unter Kostendruck 4.3 Die historische Entwicklung in den USA 4.3.1 Grundelemente der Marktregulierung 4.3.2 Die finanzielle Expansionsphase wĂ€hrend der sechziger Jahre 4.3.3 UmbrĂŒche auf der horizontalen Differenzierungsebene 4.3.4 Marktregulierung in der Ăra der Deregulierung Kapitel 5 Die Ebenen der Martkregulierung im vergleichenden Querschnitt 5.1 Aus- und Weiterbildung 5.2 Berufszulassung und Marktzutritt 5.3 Regelungen von TĂ€tigkeitsinhalten am Arbeitsplatz 5.4 Zwischenbilanz Kapitel 6 Die Bedeutung organisatorischer und finanzieller Faktoren 6.1 Der Bereich der ambulanten Versorgung 6.1.1 Der EinfluĂ verschiedener Organisationsmodelle 6.1.2 Der EinfluĂ verschiedener Zielorientierungen 6.1.3 Der EinfluĂ finanzieller Reize 6.2 Der Bereich der stationĂ€ren Versorgung Kapitel 7 Professionsstatus und horizontale Differenzierung 7.1 Die Rolle nationaler Professionskonzepte 7.2 Die horizontale Differenzierungsebene als Expansionsfaktor 7.3 Muster interprofessioneller Beziehungen Kapitel 8 Zusammenfassende SchluĂfolgerungen Literatur Statistische Quelle
On the Connection of Anisotropic Conductivity to Tip Induced Space Charge Layers in Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of p-doped GaAs
The electronic properties of shallow acceptors in p-doped GaAs{110} are
investigated with scanning tunneling microscopy at low temperature. Shallow
acceptors are known to exhibit distinct triangular contrasts in STM images for
certain bias voltages. Spatially resolved I(V)-spectroscopy is performed to
identify their energetic origin and behavior. A crucial parameter - the STM
tip's work function - is determined experimentally. The voltage dependent
potential configuration and band bending situation is derived. Ways to validate
the calculations with the experiment are discussed. Differential conductivity
maps reveal that the triangular contrasts are only observed with a depletion
layer present under the STM tip. The tunnel process leading to the anisotropic
contrasts calls for electrons to tunnel through vacuum gap and a finite region
in the semiconductor.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure
Excitonic photoluminescence in symmetric coupled double quantum wells subject to an external electric field
The effect of an external electric field F on the excitonic photoluminescence
(PL) spectra of a symmetric coupled double quantum well (DQW) is investigated
both theoretically and experimentally. We show that the variational method in a
two-particle electron-hole wave function approximation gives a good agreement
with measurements of PL on a narrow DQW in a wide interval of F including
flat-band regime. The experimental data are presented for an MBE-grown DQW
consisting of two 5 nm wide GaAs wells, separated by a 4 monolayers (MLs) wide
pure AlAs central barrier, and sandwiched between Ga_{0.7}Al_{0.3}As layers.
The bias voltage is applied along the growth direction. Spatially direct and
indirect excitonic transitions are identified, and the radius of the exciton
and squeezing of the exciton in the growth direction are evaluated
variationally. The excitonic binding energies, recombination energies,
oscillator strengths, and relative intensities of the transitions as functions
of the applied field are calculated. Our analysis demonstrates that this simple
model is applicable in case of narrow DQWs not just for a qualitative
description of the PL peak positions but also for the estimation of their
individual shapes and intensities.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures (accepted in Phys. Rev. B
Subspace-based damage detection on steel frame structure under changing excitation
International audienceDamage detection can be performed by detecting changes in the modal parameters between a reference state and the current (possibly damaged) state of a structure from measured output-only vibration data. Alternatively, a subspace-based damage detection test has been proposed and applied successfully, where changes in the modal parameters are detected, but the estimation of the modal parameters themselves is avoided. Like this, the test can run in an automated way directly on the vibration measurements. However, it was assumed that the unmeasured ambient excitation properties during measurements of the structure in the reference and possibly damaged condition stay constant, which is hardly satisfied by any application. A new version of the test has been derived recently that is robust to such changes in the ambient excitation. In this paper, the robust test is recalled and its performance is evaluated both on numerical simulations and a real application, where a steel frame structure is artificially damaged in the lab
Combining spin-out and spin-in activities â the spin-along approach
After a long period of restructuring and outsourcing, companies are increasingly looking for new growth opportunities. Growth with existing prod-ucts or by expansion in new markets is limited. Therefore, companies are searching for ways to expand their activities in new businesses. A frequently used tool of multinational enterprises is corporate venturing. Within cor-porate venturing a further differentiation can be made in internal venturing and external venturing. Internal venturing promotes business ideas generated within the organization whereas external venturing promotes business ideas developed outside the company. Research has been able to show that venturing activi-ties both internal and external can create value.
In this paper we explore a special case of venturing which we call the âspin-along approachâ. It can be seen as a combination of internal and external ven-turing. In the spin-along approach, a company encourages its employees to take their business idea external and to found a company. Successful companies might later be bought back and integrated into the parent company or the paren-tal will exit the company by selling its equity share. Through literature re-view we have identified different motivations, best practices, and barriers to the successful implementation of a spin-along approach. Furthermore, two case studies will be discussed and compared. We conclude that the approach can successfully complement internal innovation management
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