52 research outputs found


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    Globalization of the defense industrial complex, including the production and sale of weapons, has increased the extent to which highly sophisticated weaponry is shared. As the number one arms producer and seller in the world, the United States (U.S.) must be cognizant of its potential consequences. This thesis analyzes the impacts of the globalization of the defense industrial complex on U.S. national security via increased international production, U.S. sale of weapons to allies, and U.S. sale of weapons to regional alliances. Chapter one explores the globalization of defense production, post-Cold War, through the joint production effort of the Joint Strike Fighter, and the rise of China as a competitor defense manufacturing hub with differing foreign policy interests. Chapter two focuses on how U.S. arms transfers to allies affect alliances by exploring U.S.-Saudi and U.S.-Egypt arms transfer alliances. Chapter three assesses the impact of U.S. arms transfers on regional alliances and U.S. national security by analyzing the effects of such on the Arab League, the African Union, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). This thesis demonstrates that these aspects of the globalization of the defense industrial complex affect U.S. national military and economic security and the ability of the U.S. to attain its foreign policy objectives. U.S. production and sale of weapons to foreign parties’ bolsters U.S. economic and military might through contributions to U.S. GDP and cost sharing of U.S. defense acquisitions, while simultaneously providing an avenue to strengthen alliances and increase influence. At the same time, the U.S. must continue to guard against the negative side effects of this globalization; the proliferation of complex and highly capable weaponry, competitor defense production hubs, and weapons falling into enemy hands

    Short term effects of milrinone on biomarkers of necrosis, apoptosis, and inflammation in patients with severe heart failure

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Inotropes are associated with adverse outcomes in heart failure (HF), raising concern they may accelerate myocardial injury. Whether biomarkers of myocardial necrosis, inflammation and apoptosis change in response to acute milrinone administration is not well established.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Ten patients with severe HF and reduced cardiac output who were to receive milrinone were studied. Blood samples were taken just before initiation of milrinone and after 24 hours of infusion. Dosing was at the discretion of the patient's attending physician (range 0.25–0.5 mcg/kg/min). Plasma measurements of troponin, myoglobin, N-terminal-pro-BNP, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-α, soluble Fas, and soluble Fas-ligand were performed at both time points.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Troponin was elevated at baseline in all patients (mean 0.1259 ± 0.17 ng/ml), but there was no significant change after 24 hours of milrinone (mean 0.1345 ± 0.16 ng/ml, p = 0.44). There were significant improvements in interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-α, soluble Fas, and soluble Fas-ligand (all p < 0.05) indicative of reduced inflammatory and apoptotic signaling compared to baseline.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In conclusion, among patients with severe HF and low cardiac output, ongoing myocardial injury is common, and initiation of milrinone did not result in exacerbation of myocardial injury but instead was associated with salutary effects on other biomarkers.</p

    Dane demograficzne jako czynniki ryzyka aktywnej postaci gruźlicy płuc

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    Background. The incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis is dependent on many factors, not just health but also demographics. The primary objective of the study was to identify and evaluate selected risk factors for active tuberculosis in patients treated in the former specialist clinic in the eastern part of Lublin Province and to compare them with the ones researched by other authors. Material and methods. The work was retrospective as it concerns the analysis of the data drawn from the records of 100 patients with active tuberculosis. The information on the examined patients included the following parameters: sex, age, place of residence and marital status. Results. The majority of the studied population were male (69.0%), among whom the highest proportion concerned the fourth age group, i.e. 51-60 years old (mean 36.3%). As for sex and place of residence of the patients, the proportion of the infected men living in the country was twice as high (68.7%) when compared to women (31.3%). However, there were no differences with regard to the subpopulation percentage of women (67.8%) and men (66.7%). In turn, considering the sex and marital status of the examined persons, we found that the highest proportion of men were bachelors − 39.1%, while the percentage of married persons was similar among men (56, 5%) and women (58.1%). Conclusions. The analysis of the data shows that in the studied area pulmonary tuberculosis is most common among married men aged 51-60 years living in the country.Wprowadzenie. Zapadalność na gruźlicę płuc zależy od wielu czynników, nie tylko zdrowotnych, lecz również wskaźników demograficznych. Celem pracy była identyfikacja i ocena wybranych czynników ryzyka gruźlicy prątkującej w populacji chorych leczonych w specjalistycznym ośrodku lecznictwa zamkniętego we wschodniej części województwa lubelskiego oraz porównanie ich z wynikami badań innych autorów. Materiał i metody. Praca miała charakter retrospektywny i była oparta na analizie danych pochodzących z historii chorób 100 pacjentów z aktywną postacią gruźlicy płuc. Zakres zbieranych danych obejmował następujące parametry: płeć, wiek, miejsce zamieszkania oraz stan cywilny badanych chorych. Wyniki. W badanej populacji większość stanowili mężczyźni (69,0%), wśród których najwyższy odsetek odnotowano w czwartej grupie wieku, tj. 51- 60 lat (36,3%). Biorąc pod uwagę płeć i miejsca zamieszkania badanych osób, to aż dwukrotnie wyższy był odsetek mężczyzn zamieszkałych na wsi (68,7%) w porównaniu z kobietami (31,3%). Jednak nie ma różnic w udziałach badanych w subpopulacji kobiet (67,8%) i mężczyzn (66,7%). Z kolei uwzględniając płeć i stan cywilny badanych stwierdzono, że w badanej populacji dowiedziono, że największy udział mieli tu mężczyźni zaliczeni do kategorii stanu cywilnego (kawaler) 39,1%, natomiast zbliżone były udziały osób będących w związku małżeńskim, zarówno wśród mężczyzn (56,5%), jak i kobiet (58,1%). Wnioski. Z analizy uzyskanych danych wynika, że gruźlica płuc na terenie objętym badaniami występuje najczęściej u mężczyzn w grupie wieku 51-60 lat, mieszkających na wsi i pozostających w związku małżeńskim