286 research outputs found

    Dynamic range of hypercubic stochastic excitable media

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    We study the response properties of d-dimensional hypercubic excitable networks to a stochastic stimulus. Each site, modelled either by a three-state stochastic susceptible-infected-recovered-susceptible system or by the probabilistic Greenberg-Hastings cellular automaton, is continuously and independently stimulated by an external Poisson rate h. The response function (mean density of active sites rho versus h) is obtained via simulations (for d=1, 2, 3, 4) and mean field approximations at the single-site and pair levels (for all d). In any dimension, the dynamic range of the response function is maximized precisely at the nonequilibrium phase transition to self-sustained activity, in agreement with a reasoning recently proposed. Moreover, the maximum dynamic range attained at a given dimension d is a decreasing function of d.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    On the Aging Dynamics in an Immune Network Model

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    Recently we have used a cellular automata model which describes the dynamics of a multi-connected network to reproduce the refractory behavior and aging effects obtained in immunization experiments performed with mice when subjected to multiple perturbations. In this paper we investigate the similarities between the aging dynamics observed in this multi-connected network and the one observed in glassy systems, by using the usual tools applied to analyze the latter. An interesting feature we show here is that the model reproduces the biological aspects observed in the experiments during the long transient time it takes to reach the stationary state. Depending on the initial conditions, and without any perturbation, the system may reach one of a family of long-period attractors. The pertrubations may drive the system from its natural attractor to other attractors of the same family. We discuss the different roles played by the small random perturbations (noise) and by the large periodic perturbations (immunizations)

    Excitable Scale Free Networks

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    When a simple excitable system is continuously stimulated by a Poissonian external source, the response function (mean activity versus stimulus rate) generally shows a linear saturating shape. This is experimentally verified in some classes of sensory neurons, which accordingly present a small dynamic range (defined as the interval of stimulus intensity which can be appropriately coded by the mean activity of the excitable element), usually about one or two decades only. The brain, on the other hand, can handle a significantly broader range of stimulus intensity, and a collective phenomenon involving the interaction among excitable neurons has been suggested to account for the enhancement of the dynamic range. Since the role of the pattern of such interactions is still unclear, here we investigate the performance of a scale-free (SF) network topology in this dynamic range problem. Specifically, we study the transfer function of disordered SF networks of excitable Greenberg-Hastings cellular automata. We observe that the dynamic range is maximum when the coupling among the elements is critical, corroborating a general reasoning recently proposed. Although the maximum dynamic range yielded by general SF networks is slightly worse than that of random networks, for special SF networks which lack loops the enhancement of the dynamic range can be dramatic, reaching nearly five decades. In order to understand the role of loops on the transfer function we propose a simple model in which the density of loops in the network can be gradually increased, and show that this is accompanied by a gradual decrease of dynamic range.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Emergence of Hierarchy on a Network of Complementary Agents

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    Complementarity is one of the main features underlying the interactions in biological and biochemical systems. Inspired by those systems we propose a model for the dynamical evolution of a system composed by agents that interact due to their complementary attributes rather than their similarities. Each agent is represented by a bit-string and has an activity associated to it; the coupling among complementary peers depends on their activity. The connectivity of the system changes in time respecting the constraint of complementarity. We observe the formation of a network of active agents whose stability depends on the rate at which activity diffuses in the system. The model exhibits a non-equilibrium phase transition between the ordered phase, where a stable network is generated, and a disordered phase characterized by the absence of correlation among the agents. The ordered phase exhibits multi-modal distributions of connectivity and activity, indicating a hierarchy of interaction among different populations characterized by different degrees of activity. This model may be used to study the hierarchy observed in social organizations as well as in business and other networks.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, submitte

    Response of electrically coupled spiking neurons: a cellular automaton approach

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    Experimental data suggest that some classes of spiking neurons in the first layers of sensory systems are electrically coupled via gap junctions or ephaptic interactions. When the electrical coupling is removed, the response function (firing rate {\it vs.} stimulus intensity) of the uncoupled neurons typically shows a decrease in dynamic range and sensitivity. In order to assess the effect of electrical coupling in the sensory periphery, we calculate the response to a Poisson stimulus of a chain of excitable neurons modeled by nn-state Greenberg-Hastings cellular automata in two approximation levels. The single-site mean field approximation is shown to give poor results, failing to predict the absorbing state of the lattice, while the results for the pair approximation are in good agreement with computer simulations in the whole stimulus range. In particular, the dynamic range is substantially enlarged due to the propagation of excitable waves, which suggests a functional role for lateral electrical coupling. For probabilistic spike propagation the Hill exponent of the response function is α=1\alpha=1, while for deterministic spike propagation we obtain α=1/2\alpha=1/2, which is close to the experimental values of the psychophysical Stevens exponents for odor and light intensities. Our calculations are in qualitative agreement with experimental response functions of ganglion cells in the mammalian retina.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, to appear in the Phys. Rev.