14 research outputs found

    Experiencias de aprendizaje

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    Libro de experiencias de aprendizaje del grupo de investigación Giteca y de los semilleros de investigación en la que se visualizan las diferentes experiencias lideradas por instructores y aprendices en las diferentes áreas y líneas de formación.Book of learning experiences of the Giteca research group and the research hotbeds in which the different experiences led by instructors and apprentices in the different areas and lines of training are visualized.Propagación in vitro como un camino de aprendizaje para la formación profesional integral -- Experiencias significativas de aprendizaje, laboratorio de hematología y parasitología animal del Complejo Tecnológico para la Gestión Agroempresarial CTPGA-SENA -- Experiencias significativas adquiridas por aprendices en el área de SENNOVA, Complejo Tecnológico para la Gestión Agroempresarial. Regional – Antioquia -- El papel de la prensa escrita en el desarrollo de la competencia textual -- Aprendiendo a Emprender con un emprendedor -- Ven y te cuento sobre ADSI -- Observaciones fenológicas del cultivo de cacao (Theobroma cacao) en los municipios de Tarazá, El Bagre y Caucasia dentro de la formación del programa SENA emprende rural -- Tejiendo sueños desde la formación -- Forraje verde hidropónico como alternativa para disminuir la expansión de la frontera agrícola en el Putumayo -- La importancia del saber hacer para ser competente en el sector agrícola -- Experiencia significativa de aprendizaje semilleros de investigación -- La investigación como ente transformador de pensamientos -- Piscícola Paraguay; Mi Sueño, Mi Proyecto de Vida! -- Estrategia de aprendizaje a través de la investigación y la empresa aplicando un programa de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial –RSE -- Matemática aplicada para procesos agroindustriales de panificaciónna85 página

    Clinical Features of Guillain-Barré Syndrome With vs Without Zika Virus Infection, Puerto Rico, 2016

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    Importance: The pathophysiologic mechanisms of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) associated with Zika virus (ZIKV) infection may be indicated by differences in clinical features. Objective: To identify specific clinical features of GBS associated with ZIKV infection. Design, Setting, and Participants: During the ZIKV epidemic in Puerto Rico, prospective and retrospective strategies were used to identify patients with GBS who had neurologic illness onset in 2016 and were hospitalized at all 57 nonspecialized hospitals and 2 rehabilitation centers in Puerto Rico. Guillain-Barré syndrome diagnosis was confirmed via medical record review using the Brighton Collaboration criteria. Specimens (serum, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, and saliva) from patients with GBS were tested for evidence of ZIKV infection by real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction; serum and cerebrospinal fluid were also tested by IgM enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. In this analysis of public health surveillance data, a total of 123 confirmed GBS cases were identified, of which 107 had specimens submitted for testing; there were 71 patients with and 36 patients without evidence of ZIKV infection. Follow-up telephone interviews with patients were conducted 6 months after neurologic illness onset; 60 patients with and 27 patients without evidence of ZIKV infection participated. Main Outcomes and Measures: Acute and long-term clinical characteristics of GBS associated with ZIKV infection. Results: Of 123 patients with confirmed GBS, the median age was 54 years (age range, 4-88 years), and 68 patients (55.3%) were male. The following clinical features were more frequent among patients with GBS and evidence of ZIKV infection compared with patients with GBS without evidence of ZIKV infection: facial weakness (44 [62.0%] vs 10 [27.8%]; P \u3c .001), dysphagia (38 [53.5%] vs 9 [25.0%]; P = .005), shortness of breath (33 [46.5%] vs 9 [25.0%]; P = .03), facial paresthesia (13 [18.3%] vs 1 [2.8%]; P = .03), elevated levels of protein in cerebrospinal fluid (49 [94.2%] vs 23 [71.9%]; P = .008), admission to the intensive care unit (47 [66.2%] vs 16 [44.4%]; P = .03), and required mechanical ventilation (22 [31.0%] vs 4 [11.1%]; P = .02). Six months after neurologic illness onset, patients with GBS and evidence of ZIKV infection more frequently reported having excessive or inadequate tearing (30 [53.6%] vs 6 [26.1%]; P = .03), difficulty drinking from a cup (10 [17.9%] vs 0; P = .03), and self-reported substantial pain (15 [27.3%] vs 1 [4.3%]; P = .03). Conclusions and Relevance: In this study, GBS associated with ZIKV infection was found to have higher morbidity during the acute phase and more frequent cranial neuropathy during acute neuropathy and 6 months afterward. Results indicate GBS pathophysiologic mechanisms that may be more common after ZIKV infection

    A Comparative Study of Mortality Among Puerto Rican Injection Drug Users in East Harlem, New York, and Bayamon, Puerto Rico

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    Drug users have been found to be at high risk of mortality but the mortality experience of Hispanic drug users remains understudied. This study assessed mortality among Puerto Rican injection drug users (IDUs) in New York City (NY), and in Puerto Rico (PR). Study subjects were 637 IDUs from NY and 319 IDUs from PR. Mortality was ascertained using data from the National Death Index. Annual mortality rate of the NY cohort was 1.3 per 100 person years compared to the PR cohort with a rate of 4.8. Compared to the Hispanic population of New York City, the standardized mortality ratio (SMR) of the NY cohort was 4.4. Compared to the population of Puerto Rico, the SMR of the PR cohort was 16.2. The four principal causes of death were: NY—HIV/AIDS (50.0%), drug overdoses (13.3%), cardiovascular conditions (13.3%), and pulmonary conditions (10.0%); PR—HIV/AIDS (37.0%), drug overdoses (24.1%), sepsis (13.0%), and homicide (11.1%). Modeling time to death using Cox proportional hazards regression, the relative risk of mortality of the PR cohort as compared to the NY cohort was 9.2. The other covariates found to be significantly associated with time to death were age, gender, education, social isolation, intoxication with alcohol, and HIV seropositivity. The large disparity in mortality rates found in this study suggests that health disparities research should be expanded to identify intra-group disparities. Furthermore, these results point to an urgent need to reduce excess mortality among IDUs in Puerto Rico

    Shooting Gallery Operation in the Context of Establishing a Medically Supervised Injecting Center: Sydney, Australia

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    Shooting galleries (SGs) are illicit off-street spaces close to drug markets used for drug injection. Supervised injecting facilities (SIFs) are low threshold health services where injecting drug users (IDUs) can inject pre-obtained drugs under supervision. This study describes SG use in Kings Cross, Sydney before and after the opening of the Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre (MSIC), Australia’s first SIF. Operational and environmental characteristics of SGs, reasons for SG use, and willingness to use MSIC were also examined. An exploratory survey of SG users (n = 31), interviews with SG users (n = 17), and drug workers (n = 8), and counts of used needles routinely collected from SGs (6 months before and after MSIC) and visits to the MSIC (6 months after MSIC) were triangulated. We found five SGs operated during the study period. Key operational characteristics were 24-h operation, AUS$10 entry fee, 30-min time limit, and dual use for sex work. Key reasons for SG use were to avoid police, a preference not to inject in public, and assistance from SG operators in case of overdose. SG users reported high levels of willingness to use the MSIC. The number of used needles collected from SGs decreased by 69% (41,819 vs. 12,935) in the 6 months after MSIC opened, while MSIC visits increased incrementally. We conclude that injections were transferred from SGs to the MSIC, but SGs continued to accommodate injections and harm reduction outreach should be maintained