600 research outputs found

    Towards effective information content assessment: analytical derivation of information loss in the reconstruction of random fields with model uncertainty

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    Structures are abundant in both natural and human-made environments and usually studied in the form of images or scattering patterns. To characterize structures a huge variety of descriptors is available spanning from porosity to radial and correlation functions. In addition to morphological structural analysis, such descriptors are necessary for stochastic reconstructions, stationarity and representativity analysis. The most important characteristic of any such descriptor is its information content - or its ability to describe the structure at hand. For example, from crystallography it is well known that experimentally measurable S2S_2 correlation function lacks necessary information content to describe majority of structures. The information content of this function can be assessed using Monte-Carlo methods only for very small 2D images due to computational expenses. Some indirect quantitative approaches for this and other correlation function were also proposed. Yet, to date no methodology to obtain information content for arbitrary 2D or 3D image is available. In this work, we make a step toward developing a general framework to perform such computations analytically. We show, that one can assess the entropy of a perturbed random field and that stochastic perturbation of fields correlation function decreases its information content. In addition to analytical expression, we demonstrate that different regions of correlation function are in different extent informative and sensitive for perturbation. Proposed model bridges the gap between descriptor-based heterogeneous media reconstruction and information theory and opens way for computationally effective way to compute information content of any descriptor as applied to arbitrary structure.Comment: Keywords: correlation functions, structure characterization, structural descriptors, image analysis, information conten

    Correlation analysis in the chemistry of free radicals

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    Published data now available on the use of correlation analysis in free-radical chemistry are discussed systematically. The scales of 'radical' σ-constants of substituents proposed previously are analysed. It is shown that none of them is applicable as a general scale because almost in all cases, it is impossible to separate correctly the proper radical and polar contributions to the overall effect of substituents. A new approach to the quantitative estimation of the relationship between the structure and reactivity of molecules in free-radical processes called r-2-analysis is proposed. The bibliography includes 238 references


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    The article analyzes the methodical problems of teaching the clinical anatomy in medical schools, discusses the peculiarities of the organization of competency-based training in the unity of classroom and independent work of students. Emphasis is placed on the existence of some discrepancy between the expectations and the learning outcomes, which is related to the students’ insufficiently high educational motivation, not always appropriate application of methods and techniques by the teachers. High educational results are possible with the joint efforts of all subjects of education. Interviews and questionnaires of students and teachers to identify reserves of improving the quality of knowledge (100 respondents) showed that the leading form of acquiring new knowledge is an interactive lecture. The perception of theoretical material depends on the structure, the visual richness of such lecture. The second place were given for practical work (models, albums, videos, etc.) and third – for independent work (solving anatomical problems, preparation of individual and group projects). Provided the students are internally motivated, the tasks are systematic and visible, these kinds of work will deepen knowledge and ability competencies (analyze, differentiate, organize). The authors’ attention is focused on the application of such training methods as scribing, mnemonic schemes, compiling a descriptive story and more.У статті проаналізовано методичні проблеми викладання клінічної анатомії у вищих медичних навчальних закла­дах, розглянуто особливості організації компетентнісно орієнтованого навчання в єдності аудиторної та самостійної роботи студентів. Зроблено акцент на існуванні певної невідповідності між очікуваннями та результатами навчання, що пов’язано з недостатньо високою навчальною мотивацією студентів, не завжди доцільним застосуванням методів і прийомів навчання викладачами. Високі освітні результати можливі за умови спільних зусиль усіх суб’єктів навчання. Інтерв’ювання та анкетування студентів і викладачів на предмет виявлення резервів підвищення якості знань (100 респондентів) показали, що провідною формою набуття нових знань є інтерактивна лекція, від структурованості, проблемності, візуальної насиченості якої залежить сприйняття теоретичного матеріалу. Друге місце респонденти надали практичній роботі (муляжі, альбоми, відео тощо), а третє – самостійній роботі (розв’язання анатомічних задач, підготовка індивідуальних і групових проектів), що за умови внутрішньої вмотивованості студентів, системності та осяжності завдань сприятиме поглибленню набутих знаннєвих та уміннєвих компетенцій (аналізувати, диференціювати, систематизувати). Увага авторів зосереджується на застосуванні таких прийомів навчання, як скрайбінг, мнемосхеми, складання описової розповіді тощо

    Heterophosphacyclanes in organic synthesis

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    The review gives a systematic account of the use of mono- and di-heterophosphacyclanes, containing σ3-, σ4- and σ5- phosphorus atoms, for the synthesis of phosphorus-free organic substances. Data concerning the reaction mechanisms, the reactivities of cyclic organophosphorus compounds, and the factors determining the synthetic result of their chemical reactions are presented. In certain cases, the effectiveness of the employment of cyclic and acyclic phosphorus-containing reagents is compared. The bibliography includes 178 references. © 1994 Russian Academy of Sciences and Turpion Ltd

    Substituent effects on thermochemical properties of free radicals. New substituent scales for C-centered radicals

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    In this work, we have analyzed substituent effects on ionization potentials and electron affinities of C-centered radicals in terms of operational atomic contributions. The analysis was based on ionization potential data for 48 C-centered radicals and electron affinity data for 20 C-centered radicals. For both sets of data, the correlation between predicted numbers and experimental data was good (R = 0.98). Based on these operational atomic parameters, additive substituent constants have also been derived, and equations for prediction of ionization potentials and electron affinities of C-centered radicals are presented


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    Market research of the information systems applied in case of management of designing and production at the entities of the knowledge-intensive industries is carried out. the main functions are revealed and characteristics of the integrated information system of controlling of complex products which application will allow to reduce costs for creation of products are determined. the structure and standard structure of the integrated information system is offered


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    The conceptual model of formation of financial strategy of a sustainable development of the enterprise is developed. Main units of model provide implementation of long-term economic targets, carrying out diagnostics of current state and size of resource potential in the future, optimization of structure of the capital, planning of financial activity, realization of the corresponding complex of actions

    The Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Geothermal Exploitation Monitoring: Khankala Field Example

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    The article is devoted to the use of unmanned aerial vehicle for geothermal waters exploitation monitoring. Development of a geothermal reservoir usually requires a system of wells, pipelines and pumping equipment and control of such a system is quite complicated. In this regard, use of unmanned aerial vehicle is relevant. Two test unmanned aerial vehicle based infrared surveys have been conducted at the Khankala field (Chechen Republic) with the Khankala geothermal plant operating at different regimes: during the first survey – with, and the second – without reinjection of used geothermal fluid. Unmanned aerial vehicle Geoscan 201 equipped with digital (Sony DSX-RX1) and thermal imaging (Thermoframe-MX-TTX) cameras was used. Besides different images of the geothermal plant obtained by the surveys, 13 thermal anomalies have been identified. Analysis of the shape and temperature facilitated determination of their different sources: fire, heating systems, etc., which was confirmed by a ground reconnaissance. Results of the study demonstrate a high potential of unmanned aerial vehicle based thermal imagery use for environmental and technological monitoring of geothermal fields under operation


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    The conceptual model of formation of financial strategy of a sustainable development of the enterprise is developed. Main units of model provide implementation of long-term economic targets, carrying out diagnostics of current state and size of resource potential in the future, optimization of structure of the capital, planning of financial activity, realization of the corresponding complex of actions