896 research outputs found

    Spectral Action for Robertson-Walker metrics

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    We use the Euler-Maclaurin formula and the Feynman-Kac formula to extend our previous method of computation of the spectral action based on the Poisson summation formula. We show how to compute directly the spectral action for the general case of Robertson-Walker metrics. We check the terms of the expansion up to a_6 against the known universal formulas of Gilkey and compute the expansion up to a_{10} using our direct method

    Gravity, Non-Commutative Geometry and the Wodzicki Residue

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    We derive an action for gravity in the framework of non-commutative geometry by using the Wodzicki residue. We prove that for a Dirac operator DD on an nn dimensional compact Riemannian manifold with n≄4n\geq 4, nn even, the Wodzicki residue Res(D−n+2)(D^{-n+2}) is the integral of the second coefficient of the heat kernel expansion of D2D^{2}. We use this result to derive a gravity action for commutative geometry which is the usual Einstein Hilbert action and we also apply our results to a non-commutative extension which, is given by the tensor product of the algebra of smooth functions on a manifold and a finite dimensional matrix algebra. In this case we obtain gravity with a cosmological constant.Comment: 17p., MZ-TH/93-3

    Massive Hermitian Gravity

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    Einstein-Strauss Hermitian gravity was recently formulated as a gauge theory where the tangent group is taken to be the pseudo-unitary group instead of the orthogonal group. A Higgs mechanism for massive gravity was also formulated. We generalize this construction to obtain massive Hermitian gravity with the use of a complex Higgs multiplet. We show that both the graviton and antisymmetric tensor acquire the same mass. At the linearized level, the theory is ghost free around Minkowski background and describes a massive graviton with five degrees of freedom and an antisymmetric field with three degrees of of freedom. We determine the strong coupling scales for these degrees of freedom and argue that the potential nonlinear ghosts, if they exist, have to decouple from the gravitational degrees of freedom in strong coupling regime.Comment: 10 page

    Differential Algebras in Non-Commutative Geometry

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    We discuss the differential algebras used in Connes' approach to Yang-Mills theories with spontaneous symmetry breaking. These differential algebras generated by algebras of the form functions ⊗\otimes matrix are shown to be skew tensorproducts of differential forms with a specific matrix algebra. For that we derive a general formula for differential algebras based on tensor products of algebras. The result is used to characterize differential algebras which appear in models with one symmetry breaking scale.Comment: 21 page

    Resilience of the Spectral Standard Model

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    We show that the inconsistency between the spectral Standard Model and the experimental value of the Higgs mass is resolved by the presence of a real scalar field strongly coupled to the Higgs field. This scalar field was already present in the spectral model and we wrongly neglected it in our previous computations. It was shown recently by several authors, independently of the spectral approach, that such a strongly coupled scalar field stabilizes the Standard Model up to unification scale in spite of the low value of the Higgs mass. In this letter we show that the noncommutative neutral singlet modifies substantially the RG analysis, invalidates our previous prediction of Higgs mass in the range 160--180 Gev, and restores the consistency of the noncommutative geometric model with the low Higgs mass.Comment: 13 pages, more contours added to Higgs mass plot, one reference adde

    Non-Commutative Geometry and Chiral Perturbation Lagrangian

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    Chiral perturbation lagrangian in the framework of non-commutative geometry is considered in full detail. It is found that the explicit symmetry breaking terms appear and some relations between the coupling constants of the theory come out naturally. The WZW term also turns up on the same footing as the other terms of the chiral lagrangian.Comment: Latex, 9 page

    Massive Gravity Simplified: A Quadratic Action

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    We present a simplified formulation of massive gravity where the Higgs fields have quadratic kinetic term. This new formulation allows us to prove in a very explicit way that all massive gravity theories considered so far inevitably have Boulware-Deser ghost in non-trivial fluctuations of background metric.Comment: 8 pages, paragraph added proving that Bianchi identity does not imply vanishing of linearized curvatur

    SL(2,C) Gravity with Complex Vierbein and Its Noncommutative Extension

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    We show that it is possible to formulate gravity with a complex vierbein based on SL(2,C) gauge invariance. The proposed action is a four-form where the metric is not introduced but results as a function of the complex vierbein. This formulation is based on the first order formalism. The novel feature here is that integration of the spin-connection gauge field gives rise to kinetic terms for a massless graviton, a massive graviton with the Fierz-Pauli mass term, and a scalar field. The resulting theory is equivalent to bigravity. We then show that by extending the gauge group to GL(2,C} the formalism can be easily generalized to apply to a noncommutative space with the star product. We give the deformed action and derive the Seiberg-Witten map for the complex vierbein and gauge fields.Comment: Minor corrections. The noncommutative action in section 3 is simplified. Version to appear in Physical Review

    A survey of spectral models of gravity coupled to matter

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    This is a survey of the historical development of the Spectral Standard Model and beyond, starting with the ground breaking paper of Alain Connes in 1988 where he observed that there is a link between Higgs fields and finite noncommutative spaces. We present the important contributions that helped in the search and identification of the noncommutative space that characterizes the fine structure of space-time. The nature and properties of the noncommutative space are arrived at by independent routes and show the uniqueness of the Spectral Standard Model at low energies and the Pati-Salam unification model at high energies.Comment: An appendix is added to include scalar potential analysis for a Pati-Salam model. 58 Page

    Finiteness of 2D Topological BF-Theory with Matter Coupling

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    We study the ultraviolet and the infrared behavior of 2D topological BF-Theory coupled to vector and scalar fields. This model is equivalent to 2D gravity coupled to topological matter. Using techniques of the algebraic renormalization program we show that this model is anomaly free and ultraviolet as well as infrared finite at all orders of perturbation theory.Comment: 17 pages, Late
