7 research outputs found
Comparison of different extraction methods to determine free and bound forms of B-group vitamins in quinoa
- Author
- A Gentili
- A Mihhalevski
- A Vercet
- AB Schumacher
- F Jesse
- G Ranhotra
- H Ashihara
- H-W Heldt
- Ildar Nisamedtinov
- J Ruales
- JB Tarr
- JF Gregory III
- K Bode
- K Hälvin
- Kristel Hälvin
- KV Giri
- L Alvarez-Jubete
- L Hederstedt
- M Caussette
- M Miranda
- M Miranda
- M Rapala-Kozik
- M Rychlik
- ME Peterson
- MJ Kozioł
- MM Polansky
- RJ Goldschmidt
- S Ndaw
- Toomas Paalme
- WB Stavinoha
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Influence of different flours and starches on gluten-free bread aroma
- Author
- A Lampi
- A-S Hager
- AL LĂłpez-Duarte
- AN Birch
- C Dall’Asta
- C Maraschin
- C Mota
- D Elgeti
- F Leenhardt
- HW Gardner
- J BeMiller
- J Pico
- JA Giménez-Bastida
- L Alvarez-Jubete
- L Piazza
- M Caussette
- M Jancurová
- M Pacyński
- MA MartĂnez-Anaya
- MN Laus
- N Aguilar
- P Poinot
- R Muñoz
- SA Valencia-Chamorro
- T Maeda
- W Blaszczak
- W Oleszek
- Y Hirose
- Y Zhang
- YQ Li
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Enzymatic Esterification under High-pressure CO2 Conditions for in situ Recovery of Butyric Acid from Anaerobic Fermenters
- Author
- A K Jha
- Byoung-In Sang
- C Delhomme
- C J Chuck
- C Sathesh-Prabu
- C Torres
- C van den Berg
- D W Park
- E C Peterson
- E Hernandez-Martin
- F Severini
- F Xin
- G D Yadav
- G Knothe
- H J Cha
- H T Hwang
- J Chun
- J F Zhao
- Jaesung Chun
- L Jiang
- M C P Zenevicz
- M Caussette
- M Dwidar
- M N Rhie
- M Sjoblom
- M Sjöblom
- N Qureshi
- P dos Santos
- R W Jenkins
- S O Seo
- S Park
- S Sun
- V Outram
- Z T Zhang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Characterization, Analysis, and Application of Fabricated Fe3O4-Chitosan-Pectinase Nanobiocatalyst
- Author
- AFSA Habeeb
- C Garcia-Galan
- C Mateo
- C Mateo
- Carlin Geor Malar
- G Spagna
- GL Miller
- H Jia
- HF Jia
- I Migneault
- J Kim
- K Hernández
- Kannaiyan Sathish Kumar
- KM Polizzi
- L Betancor
- L Betancor
- M Caussette
- M Koneracká
- M Sardar
- M Sathishkumar
- M Seenuvasan
- Madhava Anil Kumar
- MBF Martins
- MD Busto
- Muthulingam Seenuvasan
- Nagarajan Balaji
- O Barbosa
- OH Lowry
- PJ Halling
- PV Iyer
- R Fernández-Lafuente
- R Fernández-Lafuente
- R Fernández-Lafuente
- R Matsuno
- Sridhar Preethi
- WS Adriano
- Y Li
- Y Lu
- Z Lei
- Z Lei
- Z Lei
- Z Lei
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Effects of Microenvironment on Supported Enzymes
- Author
- A Borole
- A Kotha
- AA Artyomova
- AA Vertegel
- AF Groboillot
- AP Ison
- AS Bommarius
- AX Yan
- B Chen
- B Chen
- B Chen
- BS Lee
- C Daubresse
- C Lei
- C Mateo
- CA Palla
- CH Fan
- CT Kresge
- D Moelans
- DJ Blum
- E Bismuto
- E Katchalski-Katzir
- F Caruso
- F Gao
- Fei Gao
- GJ Chen
- Guanghui Ma
- H Jia
- H Takahashi
- HHP Yiu
- J Aparicio
- J Fan
- J Kim
- J Kim
- J Kim
- J Lee
- J Turková
- JF Diaz
- JS Beck
- K Frings
- K Kang
- K Kang
- KH Lee
- KR Jegannathan
- L Brady
- L Cao
- M Caussette
- M Caussette
- M Springuel-Huet
- M Yan
- MBF Martins
- MH Liao
- MHB Skovby
- MI González Siso
- MY Ozden
- O Kirk
- P Roach
- P Wang
- P Wang
- P Wang
- Q Jin
- R Fernandez-Lafuente
- RA Sheldon
- RV Bahulekar
- S Colombié
- S Hudson
- S Hudson
- S Omi
- SC Nigam
- T Tan
- TMS Chang
- TMS Chang
- U Hanefeld
- UT Bornscheuer
- VL Colvin
- W Zhou
- W Zhou
- Y Kang
- Y Li
- Y Mei
- Y Wada
- Y Wang
- Y Zhang
- Z Cabrera
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Effects of shear on proteins in solution
- Author
- A Bodalo
- AC Ross
- AC Ross
- AG McLeod
- AH Fradkin
- AK Tyagi
- AS Rosenberg
- B Sharma
- C Otero
- C Postel
- C. R. Thomas
- CA Siedlecki
- CAM Portugal
- CB Elias
- CR Thomas
- CR Thomas
- D Paolucci-Jeanjean
- D. Geer
- DB Ludwig
- DK Chou
- DM Krstic
- DMF Prazeres
- ET Reese
- F He
- H Baldascini
- H Schellekens
- H Schellekens
- HC Mahler
- HC Mahler
- HC Mahler
- I Jabbal-Gill
- J Jaspe
- JB Joshi
- JG Biddlecombe
- JG Biddlecombe
- JM Sanchez-Ruiz
- JR Clarkson
- JR Clarkson
- JS Bee
- JS Bee
- JS Bee
- JS Harrison
- K Imamura
- K Nakanishi
- L Baujard-Lamotte
- L Kreilgaard
- LGC Pereira
- LS Jones
- M Caussette
- M Caussette
- M Mohanty
- M Sauerborn
- M Tirrell
- ME Veen van der
- MEM Cromwell
- MH Kim
- N Rathore
- NB Bam
- NS Patil
- P Walstra
- PA Wierenga
- PD Virkar
- PT Gomme
- PT Gomme
- PV Iyer
- R Reis van
- R Thirumangalathu
- RK Sandwick
- RS Ghadge
- RS Ghadge
- RW Lencki
- S Colombie
- S Kiese
- SE Charm
- SE Charm
- SE Charm
- SJ Shire
- SR Brych
- ST Tzannis
- SY Patro
- T Serno
- TJ Harrington
- TJ Narendranathan
- TL Donaldson
- V Sluzky
- YF Maa
- YK Lee
- YM Kwon
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Rheological and thermal properties of royal quinoa and wheat flour blends for breadmaking
- Author
- A Gámbaro
- A Hansen
- A Horszwald
- AG Miller
- AM Vega-Gálvez
- AS Hager
- Association of Official Analytical Chemist
- B Bulut-Solak
- BX Fu
- C Brinegar
- C Brinegar
- C Onyango
- C. M. Haros
- DE Bath
- E Iglesias-Puig
- E Santos
- E. Yalcin
- F Janssen
- FF Yamin
- G Wu
- H Singh
- HYL Kim
- I Garcia-Mantra
- J Ballester-Sanchez
- J Jane
- J Waterschoot
- J. Ballester-Sánchez
- JA Gray
- JM Sanz-Penella
- K Lorenz
- KB Ruiz
- L Abugoch
- L Abugoch
- M Caussette
- M Haros
- M Haros
- M Reguera
- M. T. Fernández-Espinar
- MA MartĂnez-Anaya
- ME Steffolani
- N Lindeboom
- N Morita
- NA Aluwi
- PD Ribotta
- PKW Ng
- R Repo-Carrasco-Valencia
- R Stikic
- RAM Repo-Carrasco-Valencia
- RC Hoseney
- RF Tester
- S D´Amico
- S Lee
- S Wang
- SH Park
- T Renzo Di
- UK Laemmli
- W Michiyo
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study