752 research outputs found

    Black Holes in the Gauge Theoretic Formulation of Dilatonic Gravity

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    We show that two-dimensional topological BF theories coupled to particles carrying non-Abelian charge admit a new coupling involving the Lagrange multiplier field. When applied to the gauge theoretic formulation of dilatonic gravity it gives rise to a source term for the gravitational field. We show that the system admits black hole solutions.Comment: Action is improved to be reparametrization invariant. Misprintings corrected. 10 pages, Late

    Mud volcanoes in onshore Sicily: a short overview

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    A short overview on Sicilian mud volcanoes is given. A total of 8 sites are presently known and studied in Sicily, mainly located in central–southern Sicily (Caltanissetta basin). All of these are of small dimension and sometimes associated to water pools. Methane is the main emitted gaseous phase, with the exception of the Paternò site, dominated by CO2 due to its proximity to Mt. Etna. Emitted waters are of the chloride–sulphate–alkaline type, due to the dominance of NaCl as the main dissolved salt. Sicilian mud volcanoes represent a potential threat for humans but, at the same time, they are threatened by anthropic activities. The main risks are related to the damages produced by paroxysmal events, while their survival is threatened by illegal discharge of wastes, consumption of rural land and agricultural activities

    Topological quantum transition driven by charge-phonon coupling in the Haldane Chern insulator

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    In condensed matter physics many features can be understood in terms of their topological properties. Here we report evidence of a topological quantum transition driven by the charge-phonon coupling in the spinless Haldane model on a honeycomb lattice, a well-known prototypical model of Chern insulator. Starting from parameters describing the topological phase in the bare Haldane model, we show that the increasing of the strength of the charge lattice coupling drives the system towards a trivial insulator. The average number of fermions in the Dirac point, characterized by the lowest gap, exhibits a finite discontinuity at the transition point and can be used as direct indicator of the topological quantum transition. Numerical simulations show, also, that the renormalized phonon propagator exhibits a two peak structure across the quantum transition, whereas, in absence of the mass term in the bare Hadane model, there is indication of a complete softening of the effective vibrational mode signaling a charge density wave instability.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Possible Micrometeorological Anomalies Induced by Volcanic Activity Recorded at Stromboli Island (Aeolian Archipelago, Italy)

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    Hourly values of atmospheric pressure and air temperature have been acquired at the top of two volcanic islands, Stromboli and Salina in the Aeolian Archipelago (Italy), very similar in height and morphology but completely different with regard to their volcanic activity state: the former is permanently active, whereas the latter is extinguished. During the last four years Stromboli experienced normal activity, volcanic unrests, and an effusive eruption (August–November 2014).The comparative analysis of the recorded data, both in the time and frequency domains, evidenced a peculiar micrometeorological regime at Stromboli, more turbulent during unrests with respect to the quieter periods, but showing an apparent paradox during eruptions, characterized by a lower atmospheric turbulence. These observations suggest that the studied volcanic-micrometeorological system is chaotic, due to contemporary opposite transients generated in the atmosphere by volcanic activity changes, and that micrometeorological conditions in volcanic areas are controlled both by exogenous processes and volcanic activity

    Exact Quantum States for all Two-Dimensional Dilaton Gravity Theories

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    It is shown that the recently obtained quantum wave functionals in terms of the CJZ variables for generic 2d dilaton gravity are equivalent to the previously reported exact quantum wave functionals in geometrical variables. A third representation of these exact quantum states is also presented

    Non Abelian BF theories with sources and 2-D gravity

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    We study the interaction of non-Abelian topological BFBF theories defined on two dimensional manifolds with point sources carrying non-Abelian charges. We identify the most general solution for the field equations on simply and multiply connected two-manifolds. Taking the particular choice of the so-called extended Poincar\'e group as the gauge group we discuss how recent discussions of two dimensional gravity models do fit in this formalism.Comment: 20 pages, Latex, To appear in Phys Rev D5

    A WZW model based on a non-semi-simple group

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    We present a conformal field theory which desribes a homogeneous four dimensional Lorentz-signature space-time. The model is an ungauged WZW model based on a central extension of the Poincar\'e algebra. The central charge of this theory is exactly four, just like four dimensional Minkowski space. The model can be interpreted as a four dimensional monochromatic plane wave. As there are three commuting isometries, other interesting geometries are expected to emerge via O(3,3)O(3,3) duality.Comment: 8 pages, phyzzx, IASSNS-HEP-93/61 Texable versio

    Two channel model for optical conductivity of high mobility organic crystals

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    We show that the temperature dependence of conductivity of high mobility organic crystals Pentacene and Rubrene can be quantitatively described in the framework of the model where carriers are scattered by quenched local impurities and interact with phonons by Su-Schrieffer-Hegger (SSH) coupling. Within this model, we present approximation free results for mobility and optical conductivity obtained by world line Monte Carlo, which we generalize to the case of coupling both to phonons and impurities. We find fingerprints of carrier dynamics in these compounds which differ from conventional metals and show that the dynamics of carriers can be described as a superposition of a Drude term representing diffusive mobile particles and a Lorentz term associated with dynamics of localized charges.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Gauge Formulation of the Spinning Black Hole in (2+1)-Dimensional Anti-de Sitter Space

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    We compute the group element of SO(2,2) associated with the spinning black hole found by Ba\~nados, Teitelboim and Zanelli in (2+1)-dimensional anti-de Sitter space-time. We show that their metric is built with SO(2,2) gauge invariant quantities and satisfies Einstein's equations with negative cosmological constant everywhere except at r=0r=0. Moreover, although the metric is singular on the horizons, the group element is continuous and possesses a kink there.Comment: 10 page
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