672 research outputs found

    Non-Equilibrium Surface Tension of the Vapour-Liquid Interface of Active Lennard-Jones Particles

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    We study a three-dimensional system of self-propelled Brownian particles interacting via the Lennard-Jones potential. Using Brownian Dynamics simulations in an elongated simulation box, we investigate the steady states of vapour-liquid phase coexistence of active Lennard-Jones particles with planar interfaces. We measure the normal and tangential components of the pressure tensor along the direction perpendicular to the interface and verify mechanical equilibrium of the two coexisting phases. In addition, we determine the non-equilibrium interfacial tension by integrating the difference of the normal and tangential component of the pressure tensor, and show that the surface tension as a function of strength of particle attractions is well-fitted by simple power laws. Finally, we measure the interfacial stiffness using capillary wave theory and the equipartition theorem, and find a simple linear relation between surface tension and interfacial stiffness with a proportionality constant characterized by an effective temperature.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures (Corrected typos and References

    Crystallization in suspensions of hard spheres: A Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics simulation study

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    The crystallization of a metastable melt is one of the most important non equilibrium phenomena in condensed matter physics, and hard sphere colloidal model systems have been used for several decades to investigate this process by experimental observation and computer simulation. Nevertheless, there is still an unexplained discrepancy between simulation data and experimental nucleation rate densities. In this paper we examine the nucleation process in hard spheres using molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulation. We show that the crystallization process is mediated by precursors of low orientational bond-order and that our simulation data fairly match the experimental data sets

    Vancomycin-bearing Synthetic Bone Graft Delivers rhBMP-2 and Promotes Healing of Critical Rat Femoral Segmental Defects

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    For graft-assisted repair of large volumetric bone loss resulting from traumatic orthopedic injuries, strategies that simultaneously promote osteointegration/graft healing and mitigate risks for infections are highly desired. Previously, we developed a poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)-nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite (pHEMA-nHA) composite as a synthetic bone graft. The composite, when loaded with a single dose of 400-ng rhBMP-2/7 and press-fit into a 5-mm rat femoral segmental defect, led to bony callus fully bridging over the defect and substantial restoration of the torsional rigidity by 12 weeks. More recently, we showed that 4.8 wt% vancomycin can be encapsulated within the composite without compromising the structural and mechanical integrity. Additionally, FDA-approved rhBMP-2 can be absorbed onto the graft and both the vancomycin and rhBMP-2 can be released in a localized and sustained manner. Here we examine the efficacy of pHEMA-nHA-vancomycin grafts pre-absorbed with rhBMP-2 in repairing 5-mm rat femoral segmental defects, and determine if vancomycin hinders the repair. pHEMA-nHA-vancomycin or pHEMA-nHA with/without 3-µg rhBMP-2 were press-fit in 5-mm femoral defects in male rats. Histology, microcomputed tomography, and torsion testing were performed on 12-week explants to evaluate the extent and quality of repair. Partial bridging of the defect with bony callus by 12 weeks was observed with pHEMA-nHA-vancomycin without rhBMP-2 while full bridging with substantially mineralized callus and partial restoration of torsional strength was achieved with 3-µg rhBMP-2. The presence of vancomycin did not significantly compromise graft healing. The pHEMA-nHA-vancomycin graft, with the ability to deliver safe doses of osteogenic recombinant proteins and to simultaneously release the encapsulated antibiotics in a sustained manner holds promise in improving the clinical outcome of graft-assisted repair of traumatic bone injuries

    Elastomeric Osteoconductive Synthetic Scaffolds with Acquired Osteoinductivity Expedite the Repair of Critical Femoral Defects in Rats

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    Regenerative medicine aspires to reduce reliance on or overcome limitations associated with donor tissue-mediated repair. Structural bone allografts are commonly used in orthopedic surgery, with a high percentage of graft failure due to poor tissue integration. This problem is aggravated among elderly, those suffering from metabolic conditions, or those undergoing cancer therapies that compromise graft healing. Toward this end, we developed a synthetic graft named FlexBone, in which nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite (50-wt%) was structurally integrated with crosslinked poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate) hydrogel, which provides dimensional stability and elasticity. It recapitulates the essential role of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite in defining the osteoconductivity and biochemical microenvironment of bone because of its affinity for biomolecules. Here, we demonstrate that FlexBone effectively absorbed endogenously secreted signaling molecules associated with the inflammation/graft healing cascade upon being press-fit into a 5-mm rat femoral segmental defect. Further, when preabsorbed with a single dose of 400-ng recombinant human (rh) bone morphogenetic protein-2/7 heterodimer, it enabled the functional repair of the critical-sized defect by 8-12 weeks. FlexBone was stably encapsulated by the bridging bony callus and the FlexBone-callus interface was continuously remodeled. In summary, FlexBone combines the dimensional stability and osteoconductivity of structural bone allografts with desirable surgical compressibility and acquired osteoinductivity in an easy-to-fabricate and scalable synthetic biomaterial.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/90480/1/ten-2Etea-2E2010-2E0274.pd

    Electrophysiological Characteristics of Globus Pallidus Neurons

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    Extracellular recordings in primates have identified two types of neurons in the external segment of the globus pallidus (GPe): high frequency pausers (HFP) and low frequency bursters (LFB). The aim of the current study was to test whether the properties of HFP and LFB neurons recorded extracellularly in the primate GPe are linked to cellular mechanisms underlying the generation of action potential (AP) firing. Thus, we recorded from primate and rat globus pallidus neurons. Extracellular recordings in primates revealed that in addition to differences in firing patterns the APs of neurons in these two groups have different widths (APex). To quantitatively investigate this difference and to explore the heterogeneity of pallidal neurons we carried out cell-attached and whole-cell recordings from acute slices of the rat globus pallidus (GP, the rodent homolog of the primate GPe), examining both spontaneous and evoked activity. Several parameters related to the extracellular activity were extracted in order to subdivide the population of recorded GP neurons into groups. Statistical analysis showed that the GP neurons in the rodents may be differentiated along six cellular parameters into three subgroups. Combining two of these groups allowed a better separation of the population along nine parameters. Four of these parameters (Fmax, APamp, APhw, and AHPs amplitude) form a subset, suggesting that one group of neurons may generate APs at significantly higher frequencies than the other group. This may suggest that the differences between the HFP and LFB neurons in the primate are related to fundamental underlying differences in their cellular properties

    Orbital and spin physics in LiNiO2 and NaNiO2

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    We derive a spin-orbital Hamiltonian for a triangular lattice of e_g orbital degenerate (Ni^{3+}) transition metal ions interacting via 90 degree superexchange involving (O^{2-}) anions, taking into account the on-site Coulomb interactions on both the anions and the transition metal ions. The derived interactions in the spin-orbital model are strongly frustrated, with the strongest orbital interactions selecting different orbitals for pairs of Ni ions along the three different lattice directions. In the orbital ordered phase, favoured in mean field theory, the spin-orbital interaction can play an important role by breaking the U(1) symmetry generated by the much stronger orbital interaction and restoring the threefold symmetry of the lattice. As a result the effective magnetic exchange is non-uniform and includes both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic spin interactions. Since ferromagnetic interactions still dominate, this offers yet insufficient explanation for the absence of magnetic order and the low-temperature behaviour of the magnetic susceptibility of stoichiometric LiNiO_2. The scenario proposed to explain the observed difference in the physical properties of LiNiO_2 and NaNiO_2 includes small covalency of Ni-O-Li-O-Ni bonds inducing weaker interplane superexchange in LiNiO_2, insufficient to stabilize orbital long-range order in the presence of stronger intraplane competition between superexchange and Jahn-Teller coupling.Comment: 33 pages, 12 postscript figures, uses iopams.sty . This article features in New Journal of Physics as part of a Focus Issue on Orbital Physics - all contributions may be freely accessed at (http://stacks.iop.org/1367-2630/6/i=1/a=E05). The published version of this article may be found at http://stacks.iop.org/1367-2630/7/12

    Drospirenone-containing oral contraceptive pills and the risk of venous and arterial thrombosis: a systematic review

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    Background Previous studies have provided conflicting results regarding the effect of drospirenone-containing oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) on the risk of venous and arterial thrombosis. Objectives To conduct a systematic review to assess the risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE), myocardial infarction (MI), and stroke in individuals taking drospirenone-containing OCPs. Search strategy We systematically searched CINAHL, the Cochrane Library, Dissertation & Abstracts, EMBASE, HealthStar, Medline, and the Science Citation Index from inception to November 2012. Selection criteria We included all case reports, observational studies, and experimental studies assessing the risk of venous and arterial thrombosis of drospirenone-containing OCPs. Data collection and analysis Data were collected independently by two reviewers. Main results A total of 22 studies [six case reports, three case series (including 26 cases), and 13 comparative studies] were included in our systematic review. The 32 identified cases suggest a possible link between drospirenone-containing OCPs and venous and arterial thrombosis. Incidence rates of VTE among drospirenone-containing OCP users ranged from 23.0 to 136.7 per 100 000 woman-years, whereas those among levonorgestrelcontaining OCP users ranged from 6.64 to 92.1 per 100 000 woman-years. The rate ratio for VTE among drospirenonecontaining OCP users ranged from 4.0 to 6.3 compared with non-users of OCPs, and from 1.0 to 3.3 compared with levonorgestrel-containing OCP users. The arterial effects of drospirenone-containing OCPs were inconclusive. Author's conclusions Our systematic review suggests that drospirenone-containing OCP use is associated with a higher risk for VTE than both no OCP use and levonorgestrel -containing OCP use

    Dysregulation of Cytokine Response in Canadian First Nations Communities: Is There an Association with Persistent Organic Pollutant Levels?

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    In vitro and animal studies report that some persistent organic pollutants (POPs) trigger the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines. Whether POP exposure is associated with a dysregulation of cytokine response remains to be investigated in humans. We studied the strength of association between plasma POP levels and circulating cytokines as immune activation markers. Plasma levels of fourteen POPs and thirteen cytokines were measured in 39 Caucasians from a comparator sample in Québec City (Canada) and 72 First Nations individuals from two northern communities of Ontario (Canada). Caucasians showed significantly higher levels of organochlorine insecticides (β-HCH, p,p′-DDE and HCB) compared to First Nations. Conversely, First Nations showed higher levels of Mirex, Aroclor 1260, PCB 153, PCB 170, PCB 180 and PCB 187 compared to Caucasians. While there was no difference in cytokine levels of IL-4, IL-6, IL-10 and IL-22 between groups, First Nations had significantly greater average levels of IFNγ, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-5, IL-8, IL-12p70, IL-17A, TNFα and TNFβ levels compared to Caucasians. Among candidate predictor variables (age, body mass index, insulin resistance and POP levels), high levels of PCBs were the only predictor accounting for a small but significant effect of observed variance (∼7%) in cytokine levels. Overall, a weak but significant association is detected between persistent organochlorine pollutant exposure and elevated cytokine levels. This finding augments the already existing information that environmental pollution is related to inflammation, a common feature of several metabolic disorders that are known to be especially prevalent in Canada's remote First Nations communities

    Mycobacterium phlei cell wall complex directly induces apoptosis in human bladder cancer cells

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    Intact mycobacteria and mycobacterial cell wall extracts have been shown to inhibit the growth of human and murine bladder cancer. Their mechanism of action is, however, poorly understood. Mycobacterium phlei mycobacterial cell complex (MCC) is a cell wall preparation that has mycobacterial DNA in the form of short oligonucleotides complexed on the cell wall surface. In this study, we have investigated the possibility that MCC has anti-cancer activity that is mediated by two different mechanisms – a direct effect on cancer cell proliferation and viability and an indirect effect mediated by the production of interleukin 12 (IL-12), a cytokine known to possess anti-cancer activity. We have found that, although MCC is a potent inducer of IL-12 and IL-6 synthesis in monocytes and macrophages either in vitro or in vivo, it is unable to induce the synthesis of either IL-12, IL-6 or granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) by the human transitional bladder cancer cell lines HT-1197 and HT-1376. MCC is not directly cytotoxic towards these cancer cells, but induces apoptosis as determined by nuclear DNA fragmentation and by the release of nuclear mitotic apparatus protein. Mycobacterium phlei DNA associated with MCC is responsible for the induction of apoptosis. Our results indicate that MCC directly effects bladder cancer cells by inhibiting cellular proliferation through the induction of apoptosis, and has the potential for an indirect anti-cancer activity by stimulating cancer-infiltrating monocytes/macrophages to synthesize IL-12. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig
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