330 research outputs found

    Explorative Study on Urban Public Space Renovation during COVID-19: Test of a Visual Web-Based Survey about the City of Saint German en Laye, France

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    Background: The complex socio-epidemiological situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic forced cities to rapidly adapt to new prevention distancing measures. Several interventions have been made but specific tools are needed to rapidly verify the suitability of such design proposals. This study aims to describe the process of development and testing of a visual web-based survey to assess potential user feedback on Urban Public Space renovation for the city of Saint Germain-En-Laye (SGL), France during the pandemic. The renovation included pedestrianization strategies for the city center and the design and installation of new street furniture. Method: After an exploration of the literature and stakeholder interaction, an online survey composed of three sections and seven questions evaluating the project was developed to rapidly validate the design solution before its actual installation and compare the pre- and post-situation trough visual insights on a 5-point Likert scale. Data was collected through a Google Form and analyzed with descriptive statistics. Results: We received 371 full replies from Italian and French respondents. The survey results showed that the Urban Public Space proposal improved the baseline situation for different reasons, such as safety, sustainability, and accessibility. In fact, Solution A (the existing situation) obtained an average score of 2.08 while Solution B (the design solution) obtained 4.13. Conclusions: The features identified allowed for timely comparisons and possible insights, and the approach can be implemented in other medium-sized European cities dealing with Urban Public Space transformation during COVID-19

    Challenges in IAQ for Indoor Spaces: A Comparison of the Reference Guideline Values of Indoor Air Pollutants from the Governments and International Institutions

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    Since people spend most of their time inside buildings, indoor air quality (IAQ) remains a highlighted topic to ensure in the built environment to improve public health, especially for vulnerable users. To achieve a better indoor environment quality (IEQ), some countries’ governments or regional institutions have developed and published reference guideline values of various air pollutants to prevent the IAQ from becoming adverse to occupants. Beyond guidelines by World Health Organization (WHO), in some countries, there are specific institutional requirements on the IAQ, and others integrated it into the building regulation for the built environment. This paper is based on the literature research, summarized from previously conducted works by the authors, on the chemical reference values of IAQ-related regulations and guidelines published by several Governments or related institutions from various regions around the World. Despite these efforts at standardization and legislation, many indoor air quality monitoring activities conducted in several countries still fall short of the main indications produced. By comparing the reference values of 35 pollutants, both physical and chemical ones, which are proposed in documents from 23 regions included so far, the IAQ research and prevention actions on progress in different regions should be included in monitoring plans with guidelines/reference values in their current state. The outcome of the paper is to define the current trends and suggest some perspectives on the field of interest for improving the indoor air quality of generic spaces at an international level. It becomes evident that, at the global level, IAQ represents a complex political, social, and health challenge, which still suffers from the absence of a systematic and harmonized approach. This is not a new situation; the issue was raised more than 40 years ago, and despite efforts and a pandemic, the situation has not changed

    Measuring the expected increase in cycling in the city of Milan and evaluating the positive effects on the population’s health status: a Community-Based Urban Planning experience

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    BACKGROUND: It's scientifically known that inactivity is one of the major risk factors for Non-Communicable Diseases. One of the elements affecting the choice of transport mode, regarding circulation in the city, is the cities' urban morphology, i.e. the infrastructural facilities for the slow mobility service. Cyclability, in fact, can help to increase daily physical activity level, therefore becoming a protective factor for individual health. METHODS: After a literature review about the state of the art regarding the correlation between built environment, active transport and quantification of the physical activity level, we have developed a specific questionnaire to collect information about current and forecast use of bicycle, in case of improvement and implementation of the cycling network. The questionnaire also investigated social and health aspects concerning the anamnesis of the interviewees (age, gender, health status, sport activity performed, etc) and users' opinions about existing infrastructure and planned interventions, designed to promote cycling mobility. Aim of the research was to quantify the increase of physical activity people would have realized in front of an improvement of the specific infrastructures, and the expected positive effects in terms of health. RESULTS: The collected data (343 interviewed in a district of Milan, named "Zona 7") demonstrate that through the implementation of the cycle network, there would be more cyclists to practice the 150 minutes weekly of physical activity recommended by WHO: time spent in cycling, indeed, would increases by 34.4% compared to the current level of cyclability, as detected by our survey. CONCLUSIONS: The investigation confirmed that urban interventions, especially those in small-scale, could play a key role in the promotion of healthy lifestyles, inducing therefore important positive effects on the population health. It was also carried out an application of the WHO "Health Economic Assessment Tool" to evaluate the benefits in terms of Non-Communicable Diseases' reduction, specifically a provisional quantification of deaths saved

    Bridging Epidemiological Data with Features of the Urban Context: An experience of Urban Public Health within the City of Milan, Italy.

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    Referring to the Research Project ‘‘Enhancing Healthcare and Well-Being Through the Potential of Big Data: An Integration of Survey, Administrative, and Open Data to Assess Health Risk in the City of Milan with Data Science’’ the Authors present preliminary results regarding a survey distributed to a sample of citizens across all neighborhoods of Milano city. This survey sought to collect data regarding health risk factors of this population, including both individual (e.g. socio- demographic characteristics, behaviors, etc.) and community (e.g. environmental/morphological features, available social services, etc.) data. A digital survey was designed to collect information on the health conditions, risk factors, and lifestyle characteristics of a representative sample of the Milanese population at the neighborhood level, with reference to the census tracts and Local Identity Units (NIL). Collected survey data are entered into a system containing corresponding individual health information acquired from the Local Health Authority databases, creating a synthesized information profile with each respondent’s state of health, including existing conditions, health services used, and drug therapies. The disseminated survey was developed from comparisons with similar experiences at the national/international level and divided into 60 multiple choice questions (6 for Sociodemographic profile; 8 for Context of residence; 12 for Functional limitations; 25 for Behaviors and lifestyles; 9 for Access to health services). The data from urban analysis conducted on the NIL of the City of Milan are assessed with particular reference to the theme of bicycle-pedestrian accessibility (Walkability) in the urban context and repercus- sions on the adoption of Healthy Lifestyles. The models developed through this research are expected to provide critical insight for designing health promotion, health protec- tion, and disease prevention interventions aimed both at individual and community level

    Ripensare l'identificabilitĂ  delle Case della ComunitĂ  per garantire l'efficacia del servizio sociosanitario.

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    Introduzione: Il DM 77/2022 ha sottolineato l’importanza di rendere le nuove Case della Comunità (CdC) facilmente riconoscibili e accessibili per massimizzarne l’utilizzo e l’efficacia. La mancanza di riconoscibilità e una comunicazione inefficace possono infatti compromettere gli obiettivi del PNRR. Scopo: Questa ricerca esamina le strategie presenti attualmente nella letteratura scientifica riguardo la creazione di un’identità distintiva nelle CdC evidenziandone le funzioni di prevenzione e cura. Metodo: Attraverso una revisione sistematica degli studi su “placemaking” e “sense of place” nell’ambito delle strutture socio- sanitarie, sono state individuate strategie e best practice di design dell’ambiente costruito e della comunicazione, finalizzate a sviluppare un’identità efficace. Risultati: Sono stati individuati 23 studi relativi al design e urbanistica, healthcare management, tecnologie sanitarie, psicologia ambientale e sociologia delle organizzazioni. La combinazione di elementi come design distintivo, identità visiva esterna e interna, segnaletica, spazi esterni, materiali innovativi, installazioni interattive ed elementi digitali, illuminazione, trasparenza e visibilità interna, spazi per eventi ed attività comunitarie riveste un ruolo cruciale nell’efficacia dei servizi erogati, stimolando l’appartenenza e l’accessibilità per una maggiore interazione e coinvolgimento della collettività. Conclusioni: Le strategie proposte possono svolgere un ruolo cruciale nell’efficacia dei servizi offerti dalle CdC e nella promozione della salute, migliorando il comfort, la soddisfazione dei pazienti e l’affluenza ai servizi di medicina predittiva. Impatto e contributi: La ricerca propone un quadro innovativo per la progettazione delle CdC. I risultati integrano le direttive del DM 77/2022 migliorando l’accessibilità e il riconoscimento delle strutture. Le implicazioni riguardano il benessere delle comunità e il suo coinvolgimento nei servizi di prevenzione e cura. Infine, questa ricerca stimola ulteriori indagini enfatizzando l’importanza dell’ambiente costruito nella promozione della salute

    From building regulations and local health rules to the new local building codes. A national survey in Italy on the prescriptive and performance requirements for a new performance approach

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    BACKGROUND: World Health Organization has highlighted the need to strengthen the relationship between health and built environment factors, such as inappropriate housing conditions. Building Regulations and Local Health Rules provide safety and building hygiene in construction practices. Currently the Italian Government is giving rise to a Building Regulation Type and the paper aims to verify the present contents of recent innovative Local Health Rules and Building Regulations of several Italian municipalities for supporting the performance approach of the future Building Regulations including hygienic issues. METHODS: The analysis examines both Building Regulations and Local Health Rules of a sample of about 550 cities, analysing some specific fields of interest: urban field, outdoor issues, housing features, housing restrictions, and qualitative aspects. RESULTS: The analysis focuses on some specific aspects defining the general data reported in Building Regulations and Local Health Rules, in particular around surfaces, heights, lighting and aeration ratio, basements and semi-basements, gas radon, building greenery, etc. CONCLUSION: The investigation permitted to have a wide vision on the present State of the Art in order to highlight some innovative aspects and design approaches of Building Regulations and Local Health Rules. New perspectives in the new regulations should have a performance approach, starting also from the recent SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

    COVID-19 and cities. From urban health strategies to the pandemic challenge. a decalogue of public health opportunities

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    Contesto e scopo del lavoro. La pandemia in corso di COVID-19, che al giorno d'oggi ha superato 2,5 milioni di infezioni notificate nel mondo e circa 200.000 morti, è un forte promemoria che l'urbanizzazione ha cambiato il modo in cui persone e comunità vivono, lavorano e interagiscono, ed è necessario rendere i sistemi e le capacità locali resilienti per prevenire la diffusione di malattie infettive. Come possiamo riprogettare il concetto di sanità pubblica in relazione all'ambiente costruito e alle città contemporanee? Metodi. Secondo le dichiarazioni e lo scenario precedenti, l'obiettivo di questo documento è integrare gli obiettivi strategici di Urban Health, concentrando le possibili risposte, sia immediate che a medio-lungo termine, agli attuali aspetti ambientali, sociali ed economici del "periodo" di distanziamento fisico. Risultati. Le azioni immediate sono 01. programmare la flessibilità degli orari delle città; 02. pianificare una rete di mobilità intelligente e sostenibile; 03. definire un piano di servizi di vicinato; 04. sviluppare una digitalizzazione del contesto urbano, promuovendo le comunità intelligenti; 05. ripensare l'accessibilità ai luoghi della cultura e del turismo. Le azioni a medio lungo termine sono 06. progettare la flessibilità interna degli spazi abitativi domestici; 07. ripensare le tipologie di edifici, favorendo la presenza di spazi semi-privati ​​o collettivi; 08. rinnovare la rete dei servizi di assistenza di base; 09. integrare i piani di emergenza ambientale esistenti, con quelli relativi alle emergenze sanitarie; 10. migliorare la consapevolezza delle parti interessate sui fattori che influenzano la salute pubblica nelle città. Conclusioni. Il decalogo delle opportunità di sanità pubblica può fornire una base utile per progettisti (architetti e urbanisti), responsabili politici, esperti di sanità pubblica e agenzie sanitarie locali, nel promuovere azioni e politiche volte a trasformare le nostre città in ambienti di vita più salutari e salutogenici.Background and aim of the work. The ongoing pandemic of COVID-19, which nowadays has exceeded 2.5 million notified infections in the world and about 200,000 deaths, is a strong reminder that urbanization has changed the way that people and communities live, work, and interact, and it’s necessary to make the systems and local capacities resilient to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. How we can re-design the concept of Public Health in relation to the built environment and the contemporary cities? Methods. According to the previous statements and scenario, aim of this paper is to integrate the Urban Health strategic objectives, focusing the possible responses, both immediate and medium-long term, to the current environmental, social, and economic aspects of the ‘period’ of physical distancing. Results.Immediate Actions are 01. program the flexibility of city schedules; 02. plan a smart and sustainable mobility network; 03. define a neighborhood services’ plan; 04. develop a digitization of the urban context, promoting the smart communities; 05. re-think the accessibility to the places of culture and tourism. Medium-long term Actions are 06. design the indoor flexibility of domestic living spaces; 07. re-think building typologies, fostering the presence of semi-private or collective spaces; 08. renovate the basic care services’ network; 09. integrate the existing environmental emergency plans, with those related to the health emergencies; 10. improve stakeholders’ awareness of the factors affecting Public Health in the cities. Conclusions. The Decalogue of Public Health opportunities may provide a useful basis for Designers (Architects and Urban Planners), Policy Makers, Public Health experts and Local Health Agencies, in promoting actions and policies aimed to transform our cities in healthier and Salutogenic living environments

    A proposal of hygienic and sanitary standards for the new Building Code in Italy

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    The traditional emphasis of Public Health on the type and quality of housing today merges with other wider determinants of health such as: the neighbourhood, the community and the "place" where a home is located, but also the policies that make access to a healthy home within everyone's reach. At the neighbourhood scale, context-related aspects heavily influence the internal quality and real usability of the buildings themselves, with particular reference to factors such as the quality of the site, the relationship between the building and the context, the presence and quality of the greenery and open spaces surrounding the building, as well as all measures that make it possible to reduce the building's impact on the environment, to protect it against environmental pollution, and to manage the building in an integrated manner for maintenance purposes. Creating healthy living environments means referring to the different dimensions mentioned above, and this not only requires the attention of Public Health operators, but also implies an integration of vision and objectives among various professional skills and competences that puts health at the center of all policies. This proposal, which starts from the analysis of existing local hygiene regulations and scientific literature, aims to take stock of a number of areas considered fundamental for the assessment of building hygiene aspects, with particular reference to the eco-sustainability of buildings and adaptation to climate change. The aspects identified can be considered as a starting point for the preparation of integrated building and hygiene regulations based on documented effective practices for the protection of Public Health

    Symmetrical anatomical variant of the anterior belly of the digastric muscle: clinical implicat

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    The digastric muscle is an important surgical landmark. Several anatomical variants of the digastric muscle are reported in literature and, in particular, the presence of accessory anterior bellies of the muscle is not uncommon. Here, an unreported symmetrical variant of the digastric muscle was found during a dissection of the suprahyoid region. The dissection showed digastric muscles with an accessory anterior belly, which originated from the anterior belly of muscles in proximity and anteriorly to the intermediate tendon. The accessory bellies were fused together on the midline and were attached with a unique tendon to the inner surface of the mental symphysis. These muscles completely filled the submental triangle. This unreported anatomical variant could be considered an additional contribution to description of the anatomical variants of the digastric muscle, with several implications in head and neck pathology, diagnosis and surgery.

    The myloglossus in a human cadaver study: common or uncommon anatomical structure?

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    Background: Additional extrinsic muscles of the tongue are reported in literature and one of them is the myloglossus muscle (MGM). Since MGM is nowadays considered as anatomical variant, the aim of this study is to clarify some open questions by evaluating and describing the myloglossal anatomy (including both MGM and its ligamentous counterpart) during human cadaver dissections. Materials and methods: Twenty-one regions (including masticator space, sublingual space and adjacent areas) were dissected and the presence and appearance of myloglossus were considered, together with its proximal and distal insertions, vascularisation and innervation. Results: The myloglossus was present in 61.9% of cases with muscular, ligamentous or mixed appearance and either bony or muscular insertion. Facial artery provided myloglossal vascularisation in the 84.62% and lingual artery in the 15.38%; innervation was granted by the trigeminal system (buccal nerve and mylohyoid nerve), sometimes (46.15%) with hypoglossal component. Conclusions: These data suggest us to not consider myloglossus as a rare anatomical variant.
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