21 research outputs found

    Variations Ă  courte Ă©chelle des populations planctoniques le long de la cĂŽte entre Batroun et Jbeil

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    D6.7 Report on the experience of conducting the case studies

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    One of the main aims of the case studies was to publish improved market reports. The data collected as part of the six case studies have been, or will shortly be, published in the five improved national organic market reports and one first regional market report (MOAN case study). This will make a contribution towards filling the many gaps that continue to exist in organic market data collection in Europe

    ProblÚmes de santé liés aux voyages chez les femmes enceintes : une étude cas-contrÎle

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    Introduction : Un nombre croissant de femmes enceintes partent en voyage vers des destinations toujours plus lointaines. Beaucoup d’études abordent cette thĂ©matique avec des mises en garde concernant diverses pathologies pouvant ĂȘtre rencontrĂ©es Ă  l’étranger et elles sensibilisent les professionnels de la santĂ© Ă  ce sujet. Cepandant, on ne retrouve pas d’étude formelle qui dĂ©montre la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© de la femme enceinte en voyage en comparaison Ă  la population gĂ©nĂ©rale. Objectifs : Il s’agit de dĂ©terminer si les femmes enceintes sont plus Ă  risque de rencontrer des problĂšmes de santĂ© en voyage. Si tel est le cas, le but est de diminuer ce risque en amĂ©liorant la prĂ©vention prĂ©-voyage. MĂ©thodes : Une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective cas-contrĂŽle incluant des clientes ayant consultĂ© le Centre de Vaccination et de MĂ©decine des Voyages (CVMV) entre 2008 et 2018 a Ă©tĂ© conduite. Des binĂŽmes femme enceinte (cas) - femme non enceinte (contrĂŽle) ont Ă©tĂ© formĂ©s avec appariement sur Ăąge, ethnie, destination et durĂ©e du voyage, date de dĂ©part, conditions de voyage et type de voyage. Les voyageuses ont rĂ©pondu par tĂ©lĂ©phone Ă  un questionnaire Ă  propos de la survenue de problĂšmes de santĂ© pendant le voyage et/ou le mois suivant le retour. La mesure de rĂ©sultat primaire Ă©tait la survenue d’évĂ©nement(s) clinique(s) singificatif(s) (ECS) dĂ©fini(s) comme un rapatriement, une hospitalisations sur place ou pendant le mois suivant le retour ou une consultation mĂ©dicale sur place. RĂ©sultats : 86 binĂŽmes cas-contrĂŽle ont rĂ©pondu au questionnaire de santĂ©. 8/86 (9.3%) femmes enceinte ont eu un ou des ECS(s) versus 3/86 (3.5%) femmes non enceintes (OR=2.8, 95% CI 0.65-17.10, p=0.21). Concernant les hospitalisation(s) et rapatriement(s) qui sont les Ă©vĂ©nements les plus marquants, 6 Ă©vĂ©nements de ce type sont survenus chez les femmes enceintes versus 0 chez les femmes non enceintes (Fisher exact test, p=0.029). Les causes de ces problĂšmes de santĂ© Ă©taient d’origine infectieuse ou directement inhĂ©rente Ă  la grossesse. Discussion et conclusion : Cette Ă©tude a permis de dĂ©montrer que les femmes enceintes sont plus Ă  risque d’ĂȘtre sĂ©rieusement malades, et donc hospitalisĂ©es ou rapatriĂ©es lors d’un voyage. Il est donc important de sensibiliser les femmes enceintes et les professionnels de la santĂ© Ă  ce risque avant de partir. Il faudrait s’assurer d’une bonne couverture par l’assurance maladie pour les hospitalisations et rapatriement, voire mĂȘme organiser un service de tĂ©lĂ©mĂ©decine pour un contact avec les spĂ©cialistes de mĂ©decine des voyages et gynĂ©cologues afin de conseiller les femmes enceintes malades sur la meilleure attitude Ă  suivre durant leur voyage, y compris pour la prise d’anti-infectieux sur place

    Economic Performance of Pre-Crops in a Three-Year Rotation Program for Organic Vegetable Production

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    28th International Horticultural Congress on Science and Horticulture for People (IHC) / International Symposium on Organic Horticulture - Productivity and Sustainability -- AUG 22-27, 2010 -- Lisbon, PORTUGALWOS: 000314777600041A four year experiment is being carried out, at Ege University Department of Horticulture, in which three different pre-crops are tested under an organic management system as compared to fallow. The aim of the experiment is to identify the most suitable rotation program for organic vegetable production in Turkey. Vicia sativa (common vetch), Brassica oleracea var. italica (broccoli), Vicia faba 'Sevilla' (faba bean) and fallow are tested as preceding (winter) crops. During the experiment carried out between 2007 and 2009, the main crops were tomato (2007), zucchini (2008) and pepper (2009). Broccoli represented the farmers' choice as a winter vegetable. Vetch (incorporated) and faba bean (partially harvested and incorporated) were selected as legumes well adapted to the regional conditions. Soil fertility was maintained by incorporation of the crop residues at the end of both cycles and addition of organic-certified commercial compost (Bioaktif) and compost tea during the main cycle. All the management, including disease and pest management, was carried out according to the organic regulations valid in Turkey and the EU. During the production seasons, all variable costs and revenue, during both the pre-crop and main crop cycles, were recorded and gross margin calculated for each treatment. Economic analysis showed that broccoli as a pre-crop required the highest variable costs followed by faba bean, vetch and fallow, in all three years. Total revenue was the highest in plots where broccoli was the pre-crop. It is followed by faba bean plots mostly because higher yields were obtained in main crop plots following faba bean. The least profitable was fallow - main crop rotation. Broccoli plants also have some extra benefits like adding a high amount of biomass to soil and suppressing weed growth due to shading and allelopathic effects.Int Soc Hort Sci (ISHS

    Strategies to improve quality and safety and reduce costs along the food supply chain

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    The paper aims at contributing to a better understanding of the linkage between supply chain performance and possible performance improvement with respect to food quality and safety. Therefore, the paper addresses the question whether the level of collaborative planning and close supply chain relationships could help improve quality and safety of organic supply chains. The three main weaknesses in the performance of European organic supply chains identified are high logistic and transport costs, the level of input costs and low expenditure on research and product development. While we found a high level of collaboration for information sharing, there is almost no collaboration with respect to joint decisions on optimal order quantity and inventory requirements as well as for all cost relevant issues of the supply chain. As the potential to benefit from economics of scale on a company level is often limited in organic supply chains, we suggest to make use of the cost reducing potential of collaboration

    Optimization of organic and conventional olive agricultural practices from a Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing perspectives

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    Olive growing is an important cultural and traditional system in the Mediterranean region that has considerable environmental impacts. Italy is ranked second in the world in terms of olive production and olive-cultivated area. Apulia is Italy’s largest olive growing region and accounts for 33% of the total Italian surface area planted to olive trees. Organic farming is assumed to have beneficial effects by reducing the environmental impacts of agricultural practices. However, literature shows that this system is not always less harmful to the environment than the conventional one. This study investigates this hypothesis through the comparison of environmental impacts and economic performances between organic and conventional olive systems in Apulia region. It also provides options to optimize the agricultural practices that could contribute to the reduction of the environmental impacts. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was applied to evaluate the environmental impacts, and Life Cycle Costing (LCC) was utilized to assess the economic performance of the studied systems referring to one hectare as functional unit and to a system boundary limited to olive production (cradle-to-farm gate). Results showed a lower environmental impact of agricultural practices in the organic system, mainly due to the higher efficiency in reducing the impact on fossil fuel depletion. Moreover, the organic system resulted to have higher Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return values that indicate its higher profitability as compared to the conventional system. Optimization of fertilization is the first priority to optimize olive growing, particularly in the organic system, since manure fertilization results in higher costs and higher environmental impact on almost all impact categories compared to synthetic foliar fertilization. Good agricultural practices with electrically-driven irrigation system, mechanical weeding and biological pest control, no-tillage or reduced tillage can be considered as further optimization options to mitigate environmental burdens and reduce their costs