16 research outputs found

    International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Saint Louis Code), 2000, Electronic version

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    Najnovije izdanje Međunarodnog kodeksa botaničke nomenklature stupilo je na snagu mijenom milenija, 1. siječnja 2001. godine. Ono ukida sva prethodna izdanja. Rad je slobodan prikaz brojnih pravila, preporuka i primjera iz Kodeksa za znanstveno imenovanje biljaka, uključivÅ”i modrozelene alge, gljive, liÅ”ajeve, fotosintetske protiste, recentne i fosilne, kao i za imenovanje križanaca. Izvan sadržaja Kodeksa, autori su dodali primjere i odstupanja od pravila za gramatički rod imena rodova i vrsta, te dio o izgovoru i naglascima znanstvenih botaničkih imena.The latest edition of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature has taken effect at the change of millenia, on January 1, 2001. It supersedes all previous editions. This paper gives a selection of numerous rules, recommendations and examples from the Code for scientific nomenclature of plants, including cyanobacteria, fungi, lichens, photosynthetic protists, recent and fossil, as well as for nomenclature of hybrids. Besides the issues from the Code, authors added examples and exceptions to the rules on grammatical gender of the names of genera and species, and also a part on pronounciation and accents in scientific botanical names

    The flora of Istria: Juncaceae

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    A checklist, key and distribution were prepared for the Juncaceae family after research into the Istrian flora was completed. According to the checklist, the Juncaceae family in Istria includes two genera (Juncus and Luzula) and 27 taxa (species, subspecies and varieties). During research in 2003 and 2004, two new taxa were discovered in the Istrian flora: Juncus hybridus Brot. in ephemeral and wet locations along the Premantura Peninsula and Juncus littoralis C.A. Mey ssp. tommasinii (Parl.) Arcang. at the mouth of the RaŔa River

    Florističke značajke paŔnjaka na obiteljskim poljoprivrednim gospodarstvima u Istri

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    Vascular pasture flora was investigated at localities of 6 family-owned farms that raise sheep, situated from south to north of the Istrian Peninsula, Croatia. During the research in 2003, a total of 291 plant taxa (268 species and 23 subspecies) were found. The taxa belonged to 182 genera and 44 families. The most dominant families are: Compositae (14.78%) and Gramineae (14.78%), followed by Leguminosae (11.34%) and Labiatae (9.97%). According to analysis of life forms, the most numerous are Hemicryptophyta (49.83%) and Therophyta (27.15%).Vaskularna flora paÅ”njaka istraživana je na lokalitetima 6 obiteljskih gospodarstva koja imaju ovčarsku proizvodnju i smjeÅ”tena su od juga do sjevera istarskog poluotoka. Tijekom istraživanja 2003. godine ustanovljena je 291 biljna vrsta (268 vrsta i 23 podvrste) u okviru 182 roda i 44 porodice. Većina je biljaka pripadala skupinama Compositae (14.78%) i Gramineae (14.78%), slijedile su Leguminosae (11.34%) i Labiatae (9.97%). U spektru životnih oblika prevladavali su hemikriptofiti (49.83%) i terofiti (27.15%)


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    Ograničena dubina supstrata, suÅ”a, vjetar, visoke temperature i slaba drenaža uvjeti su koje mogu podnijeti samo određene biljne vrste. Ovim radom se želi istaknuti one biljne vrste koje mogu uspijevati u specifičnim životnim uvjetima kakvi vladaju na krovu, a koje ujedno ispunjavaju kriterije održavanja te one estetske.A shallow growing medium, draught, wind, high temperatures and bad drainage are conditions in which only rare plant species can grow. The goal of this paper is to highlight and describe plant species that can survive and grow on roofs and match criteria of maintenance and aesthetics at the same time

    International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants (I.C.N.C.P. or Cultivated Plant Code). Seventh Edition.

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    Kodeks uzgajanog bilja sustav je pravila, preporuka, primjera i biljeÅ”ki za imenovanje uzgajanog bilja u suglasnosti s Botaničkim kodeksom (2000). Botanički kodeks uređuje znanstvena imena divljeg i uzgajanog bilja u latinskom obliku, a Kodeks uzgajanog bilja uređuje imena odlika uzgajanog bilja, neke samo do stupnja roda (genus), a ostale do vrste ili niže od vrste, dodavanjem njihovih naziva znanstvenim imenima u bilo kojem jeziku, osim u latinskom. Kodeks se sada bavi s imenovanjem samo dviju kategorija uzgajanog bilja, to su kultivar i skupina. Nazivi u imenima uzgajanog bilja tiskovno se razlikuju od znanstvenih imena. Unatoč izrazu kultivar, u zakonodavstvu nekih zemalja i me|unarodnim objavama, riječi variety, sorta ili njihovi ekvivalenti u drugim jezicima zakonski su izrazi za riječ kultivar, ako točno odgovaraju odredbama ovoga Kodeksa. Novo izdanje Kodeksa razlikuje se od prethodnoga u 215 promjena članaka/stavaka. Kodeks djeluje retroaktivno i zamjenjuje sva prethodna izdanja.The Cultivated Plant Code is a system of rules, recommendations, examples and notes for naming cultivated plants in accordance with the Botanical Code (2000). The Botanical Code governs the scientific names in Latin form for both wild and cultivated plants, and the Cultivated Plant Code governs the naming of plants in cultivation, some only to level of genus but others to the level of species or below, by adding their epithets to the scientific names in any language, except in Latin. The Code now deals with the naming of just two categories of cultivated plants: the cultivar and the Group. Epithets in the names of cultivated plants should be distinguished typographically from the scientific names to which they are assigned. Notwithstanding the term cultivar, in some national and international legislation or other legal conventions, the words variety, sort or its equivalents in other languages are legal terms for the word cultivar, if they exactly correspond to the provisions as defined in this Code. This edition differs from previous one in 215 changes of articles/items. The Code functions retroactively and supersedes all previous editions

    International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants (I.C.N.C.P. or Cultivated Plant Code). Seventh Edition.

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    Kodeks uzgajanog bilja sustav je pravila, preporuka, primjera i biljeÅ”ki za imenovanje uzgajanog bilja u suglasnosti s Botaničkim kodeksom (2000). Botanički kodeks uređuje znanstvena imena divljeg i uzgajanog bilja u latinskom obliku, a Kodeks uzgajanog bilja uređuje imena odlika uzgajanog bilja, neke samo do stupnja roda (genus), a ostale do vrste ili niže od vrste, dodavanjem njihovih naziva znanstvenim imenima u bilo kojem jeziku, osim u latinskom. Kodeks se sada bavi s imenovanjem samo dviju kategorija uzgajanog bilja, to su kultivar i skupina. Nazivi u imenima uzgajanog bilja tiskovno se razlikuju od znanstvenih imena. Unatoč izrazu kultivar, u zakonodavstvu nekih zemalja i me|unarodnim objavama, riječi variety, sorta ili njihovi ekvivalenti u drugim jezicima zakonski su izrazi za riječ kultivar, ako točno odgovaraju odredbama ovoga Kodeksa. Novo izdanje Kodeksa razlikuje se od prethodnoga u 215 promjena članaka/stavaka. Kodeks djeluje retroaktivno i zamjenjuje sva prethodna izdanja.The Cultivated Plant Code is a system of rules, recommendations, examples and notes for naming cultivated plants in accordance with the Botanical Code (2000). The Botanical Code governs the scientific names in Latin form for both wild and cultivated plants, and the Cultivated Plant Code governs the naming of plants in cultivation, some only to level of genus but others to the level of species or below, by adding their epithets to the scientific names in any language, except in Latin. The Code now deals with the naming of just two categories of cultivated plants: the cultivar and the Group. Epithets in the names of cultivated plants should be distinguished typographically from the scientific names to which they are assigned. Notwithstanding the term cultivar, in some national and international legislation or other legal conventions, the words variety, sort or its equivalents in other languages are legal terms for the word cultivar, if they exactly correspond to the provisions as defined in this Code. This edition differs from previous one in 215 changes of articles/items. The Code functions retroactively and supersedes all previous editions