303 research outputs found

    Oral History Conversation with Monserrat Perez Corral (Whatever It Takes)

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    This is an oral history conversation

    New expert- based coastal classification: a GIS tool to compare and analyze coastal regions

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    A coastline is the area where interaction of the sea and land processes occurs. Coastal areas are very high- dynamic regions, continuously affected and permanently formed by littoral geomorphologic processes (Bird 2008). The configuration of a coast is associated with variou s factors, such as the geological setting, s ub strate -lithology, ecosystem characteristics, regional climate, wave and tidal regimes, human development and near shore infrastructure. To conduct a coastal classification in broad se n se i s a fairly com plex task, depending on the objective of the work. Many di.fferent concepts h ave been applied to coasts in attempts to characterize dominant features in terms of physical or biological propertie s, modes of evolution, geographic occurrence, among others (Finkl 2004). Also, the need for a better coastal management dueto the wodd-wide human pressures on the coastal zone and the resulting vulnerability when erosion processes and human activity come into conflict, motivated the development of coastal classification criteria that fit di.fferent purposes (Finkl 2004, I h1 et al 2006, Appelq ui st 2013, Appelq uist y B alstr0m 2014 ). Sorne of the ear lier classification approaches were broad in scope but lacked important details while other specialized systems were topicallytoo focused. As a result of more com prehensive studies of coasts and the increasing availability of digital information, such as Geographic Information System (GIS) frameworks, integrated and systematics approaches to coastal cla ssifi cation are now the preferred options (Finkl 2004 y Scheffers et al 2012). Present-day managem e nt demands require problem solutions, which ovedook and integrate the marine, littoral and terrestrial sphere of the coastal zone

    Reflexiones sobre el futuro del derecho de autor

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    Digital technology and Internet have produced a structuralchange of extraordinary consequences in intellectual property.The infrastructure is as important to the solution as law. However, theworld of collective management is outdated. It represents a world ofseparate territories, not the multijurisdictional world of the Internetor the convergence of expression in digital technology. It is necessaryto reshape it. We need a global infrastructure that permits simpleand global licensing, so that licensing cultural works legally getto be easier than obtaining it illegally. The format must be coherentand comprehensive, in order to make a simpler and uniformed copyrightand consequently legitimize this way to promote creativity.La tecnología digital e Internet han producido un cambioestructural de consecuencias extraordinarias en la propiedadintelectual, en el cual la infraestructura es una parte tan importantede la solución, como la ley. En este contexto el sistema de la gestióncolectiva resulta anticuado, en la medida que representa unmundo de territorios separados, multijurisdiccional, incompatiblecon Internet y la convergencia de expresión que permite la tecnologíadigital. Debemos promover el desarrollo de una infraestructuramundial que permita una concesión de licencias en forma simple yglobal, tan fácil como la obtención de las mismas en forma ilegal.Para ello los modelos de negocio deben evolucionar y adaptarse alnuevo contexto de distribución mundial, de costos marginales insignificantesy altamente competitivos. El formato debe ser coherentey global, para hacer más sencillo y uniforme el derecho de autor,si queremos legitimar este modo de promoción de la creatividad

    Soft Law. Nuevos enfoques para el desarrollo progresivo del Derecho Internacional de la Propiedad intelectual

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    Current intellectual property’s international trade, promotedlargely by digital technology and Internet development, requirespragmatic and secure solutions. Codified Private InternationalLaw (Conflict of Laws) is irrelevant in this context. To progress in thesolution, it is necessary to add to those treaties common principlesdeveloped by experts. Accordingly, soft law, through harmonizingcertain principles and uniform administrative practices, offers a newperspective on Private International Law. These hybrid instruments,provide immediate practical benefits, and ensure access to justice forIntellectual Property consumers in the international scope.El comercio internacional de la propiedad intelectual (PI), promovido en gran medida por las tecnologías de la información y el desarrollo de Internet, requiere de soluciones pragmáticas y seguras. El Derecho Internacional Privado (DIPR) codificado es inoperante en este contexto. Para progresar en las soluciones, es necesario complementar el enfoque de las fuentes fundado en los tratados, con principios comunes elaborados por expertos. En este sentido el soft law,  por la flexibilidad de armonización de principios y uniformidad de ciertas prácticas administrativas, ofrece una nueva perspectiva del DIPR. Estos instrumentos intermedios entre el Derecho y el no Derecho, proveen beneficios prácticos inmediatos, además de garantizar el acceso a la justicia de los consumidores de PI en el ámbito internacional