1,530 research outputs found

    Design-Studie fĂŒr einen kompakten Niederenergie- Elektronenspeicherring fĂŒr die Radiometrie im UV/VUV Spektralbereich

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    Inhalt dieser Arbeit ist die Design-Studie fĂŒr einen kompakten Niederenergie-Elektronenspeicherring fĂŒr die Radiometrie. Im Ring sollen Elektronen mit Energien im Bereich von 200 MeV bis 600 MeV gespeichert werden können, wobei die Emittanz möglichst klein und die Strahllebensdauer ĂŒber den gesamten Energiebereich bei einem Strom von 100 mA mindestens eine Stunde sein sollten.Diese Vorgaben wurden in Abstimmung mit einem der potentiellen Hauptnutzer, der Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), festgelegt und sollen den Speicherring zu einer optimalen Synchrotronstrahlungsquelle fĂŒr die Radiometrie im ultravioletten und vakuumultravioletten Spektralbereich mit Photonenenergien zwischen etwa 5 eV und 200 eV machen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden die aus physikalischer Sicht wichtigsten Teilsysteme eines Speicherringes konzeptioniert: Magnetoptik, Hochfrequenz-, Vakuum-, Diagnose- und Injektionssystem sowie die Magnetauslegung. Außerdem werden die zu erwartenden Synchrotronstrahlungsspektren berechnet. Der entworfene Speicherring hat einen Umfang von 34.2 m und besteht aus zwei "Triple Bend Achromat"-Bögen, die durch gerade Strecken miteinander verbunden sind. In eine dieser geraden Strecken kann ein maximal 5.6 m langes "Insertion Device" eingebaut werden, die andere ist durch die Injektionselemente und das Hochfrequenz-Cavity belegt. Insgesamt können mit dem Design des hier vorgestellten Speicherringes alle gestellten Anforderungen erfĂŒllt werden: die natĂŒrliche Emittanz ist vergleichsweise niedrig und liegt bei gĂŒnstigen linearen und nichtlinearen Eigenschaften der Magnetoptik nah an ihrem minimal möglichen Wert. Mit der gewĂ€hlten Auslegung von Magnetoptik, Hochfrequenz- und Vakuumsystem betrĂ€gt die Strahllebensdauer mit einem Speicherringstrom von 100 mA bei niedrigen Elektronenenergien zwischen (200...300)MeV etwas ĂŒber eine Stunde und steigt auf mehr als sechs Stunden bei der Maximalenergie von 600 MeV. Die Strahllebensdauer ĂŒbertrifft damit im gesamten Energiebereich die Vorgabe.The subject of this work is the preparation of a design study for a compact low energy electron storage ring for radiometry in the ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet spectral range. Electrons with energies between 200 MeV and 600 MeV are to be stored. A small natural emittance is desired and the lifetime of a stored electron beam of 100 mA should not be less than one hour in the considered energy range. These major guidelines have been fixed in cooperation with one of the potential main users, the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), to optimize the storage ring for radiometric applications in the ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet spectral range with photon energies from approximately 5 eV to 200 eV. In this work the physical layout for the most important subsystems is given: magnet optics, rf-, vacuum-, diagnostic and injection system as well as the main magnet design. Additionally the expected synchrotron radiation spectra are calculated. The storage ring has a circumference of 34.2 m and consists of two Triple Bend Achromat cells, connected by two long straight sections. In one of these straight sections a 5.6 m long insertion device can be build in. The other one is occupied by the injection elements and the rf-cavity. All aspired guidelines are feasible with the presented storage ring design: the natural emittance is comparably small and with good linear and nonlinear optical properties close to its minimum value. With the presented solution (magnet optics, rf- and vacuum-system) the electron beam lifetime with 100 mA ring current is slightly above one hour at energies between (200...300) MeV and increases to more than 6 hours at the maximum energy of 600 MeV. Thus beam lifetime exceeds the guidelines at all energies

    Trading with National Currency: Is the Turkish Lira Stable?

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    The purpose of this paper is to study the stability of using national currencies for trading between Turkey and its partners in order to mitigate the risks of exchange rate volatility. We have employed wavelet coherence technique to data extracted for the Turkish lira against the currencies of its major trade partners: Germany, Russia, China, Italy, and UK. The time series cover the period from March 1996 to October 2019. Our findings show that the Turkish lira exchange rate with the German, Russian, Italian, and UK currency pairs is stable in the long-term. The exchange rate between the Turkish lira and the Chinese yuan needs further studying before a decision can be taken. The findings have important implications for policymakers and traders

    ASTRA based swarm optimizations of the BERLinPro Injector

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    The Berlin Energy Recovery Linac Project BERLinPro is a compact ERL to develop the accrelator physics and technology to generate and accelarte a 100 mA, 1 mm mrad normalized emittance beam. One of the project challenges is to generate a beam of this kind in the injector line of the machin

    Evaluation of Project Managers Understanding of Safety Management Plan on Construction Site.

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    Safety Management Plan (SMP) is a collection of documents that outline how the principal contractor will manage health and safety for employees, sub-contractors, suppliers, visitors and the general public. SMP formulates the approach to risk management and minimizes the potential human and financial loss to employers and employees alike. Thus, project managers are not expected to be health and safety experts, nor are they expected to conduct thorough worksite inspection. However, a basic appreciation of the safety and regulations issue most frequently encounter in construction site will help to ensure a safe work environment for employee and contractors, and minimize potential liability exposure. The objective of the paper is to determine the level of understanding of safety management system in workplace among the project managers of some selected sites in Kuala Lumpur. Structured or standardized questionnaires were used in the project manager’s interview at 5 different construction sites, on average, the score form the five sites as regard to project manager’s interview is 71.67%. In conclusion, the project managers have virtually all the potential and significant knowledge of the safety management plan practice in their sites, but still there was the need for improvement in the knowledge among the project managers as regard to the safety management system. The study therefore, recommended that in order to improve on the knowledge of safety management system on sites adequate training program should be incorporate into the organisational action plan for project managers. Such training program organised by National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Malaysia could be of great help in improving the knowledge of safety management system among the project manager.   Keywords Safety, Health, Management, Construction, Pla

    Severe respiratory distress in term infants born electively at high altitude

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    BACKGROUND: We studied the contribution of elective delivery to severe respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in term babies born at high altitude. METHODS: We prospectively studied the charts of term babies born in Taif Maternity Hospital (1640 m above sea level) between 1/1/2004 and 31/10/2004 who developed RDS and required mechanical ventilation. RESULTS: 8634 deliveries occurred from 37–<41 weeks; 13 (0.15%) had RDS requiring mechanical ventilation. Seven infants delivered at 37–<38 weeks, (OR for RDS = 26 95%CI -4.6 to 5.8), five delivered at 38–<39 weeks, (OR for RDS = 10 95%CI -4.9 to 5.4) and one delivered at >39 weeks. Six of 13 infants were electively delivered without documented lung maturity. CONCLUSION: Infants born at 37 and 38 weeks' gestation remain at significantly increased risk for severe RDS. Elective delivery is responsible for 50% of the potentially avoidable cases. Our data suggest that the altitude does not seem to influence the incidence of severe RDS in term infants born electively

    Novel Method of Cell-Free In Vitro Synthesis of the Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 1 Gene

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    Recombinant DNA projects generally involve cell-based gene cloning. However, because template DNA is not always readily available, in vitro chemical synthesis of complete genes from DNA oligonucleotides is becoming the preferred method for cloning. This article describes a new, rapid procedure based on Taq polymerase for the precise assembly of DNA oligonucleotides to yield the complete human fibroblast growth factor 1 (FGF1) gene, which is 468 bp long and has a G+C content of 51.5%. The new method involved two steps: (1) the design of the DNA oligonucleotides to be assembled and (2) the assembly of multiple oligonucleotides by PCR to generate the whole FGF1 gene. The procedure lasted a total of only 2 days, compared with 2 weeks for the conventional procedure. This method of gene synthesis is expected to facilitate various kinds of complex genetic engineering projects that require rapid gene amplification, such as cell-free whole-DNA library construction, as well as the construction of new genes or genes that contain any mutation, restriction site, or DNA tag

    Modeling Survival Distributions For Certain Real-World Applications Using Nonparametric Hypothesis Testing

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    By analyzing the failure behavior of the recorded survival data, we expect to analyze the different processing strategies or functionality of the tools or systems used in this nonparametric statistical test. It is anticipated that the test data would either behave exponentially or like the NBUE Property. If the survival results are NBUE, it is anticipated that the suggested treatment plan would be successful. Contrarily, As shown in the application section, if the data are exponential, the suggested treatment plan wont have any positive or negative consequences on patients. We evaluated the suggested tests efficacy and power for both complete and censored data, compared the outcomes with those of existing tests, and then applied the test to a variety of real-world data to demonstrate its validity

    Clinical Conundrum: An Inflammatory AAA
A Cautionary Tale

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