394 research outputs found

    Helminth infections, atopy, asthma and allergic diseases: protocol for a systematic review of observational studies worldwide.

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    INTRODUCTION: Childhood infections, particularly those caused by helminths are considered to be important environmental exposures influencing the development of allergic diseases. However, epidemiological studies focusing on the relationship between helminth infections and risk of allergic diseases, performed worldwide, show inconsistent findings. Previous systematic reviews of observational studies published 10 or more years ago showed conflicting findings for effects of helminths on allergic diseases. Over the past 10 years there has been growing literature addressing this research area and these need to be considered in order to appreciate the most contemporary evidence. The objective of the current systematic review will be to provide an up-to-date synthesis of findings of observational studies investigating the influence of helminth infections on atopy, and allergic diseases. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This systematic review protocol was registered at PROSPERO. We will search Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, AMED, ISI Web of Science, WHO Global Health Library, Scielo, IndMed, PakMediNet, KoreaMed, Ichushi for published studies from 1970 to January 2020. Bibliographies of all eligible studies will be reviewed to identify additional studies. Unpublished and ongoing research will also be searched in key databases. There will be no language or geographical restrictions regarding publications. Critical Appraisal Skills Programme quality assessment tool will be used to appraise methodological quality of included studies. A descriptive summary with data tables will be constructed, and if adequate, meta-analysis using random-effects will be performed. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses checklist will be followed for reporting of the systematic review. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Since this systematic review will be only based on published and retrievable literature, no ethics approval will be sought. The multidisciplinary team performing this systematic review will participate in relevant dissemination activities. Findings will be presented at scientific meetings and publish the systematic review in international, peer-reviewed, open-access journals. PROSPERO REGISTRATION NUMBER: CRD42020167249

    Desenvolvimento inicial de Plátano CV. D'Angola irrigado em diferentes populações.

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    O trabalho avaliou o desenvolvimento inicial da bananeira cv. D'Angola, tipo plátano, conduzidas no Distrito Irrigado Jaguaribe-Apodi (DIJA), em Limoeiro do Norte, Ceará, Brasil. As populações de 1.111 (Testemunha), 2.500, 2.778, 3.125, 3.571 e 4.167 plantas por hectare, obtidas, respectivamente, nos arranjos 3,0 x 3,0 m, 2,0 x 2,0 m, 2,0 x 1,8 m, 2,0 x 1,6 m, 2,0 x 1,4 m e 2,0 x 1,2 m, foram avaliadas aos 113 e 140 dias após o plantio (05/11/2014). Entre as avaliações, houve aumento de 20,9% no diâmetro do pseudocaule (15,3 a 18,5 cm), de 33,6% na altura da planta (160,5 a 214,4 cm) e de 11,5% no número de folhas vivas por planta (11,3 a 12,6 unidades). Em relação à testemunha, o tratamento com 3.125 plantas por hectare foi o único superior quanto ao diâmetro do pseudocaule (18 cm vs. 14.4 cm). Todos foram superiores quanto a altura da planta (187,5 vs. 144,0 cm) e semelhantes quanto ao número de folhas vivas (Dunnett, p < 0,05). Houve efeito linear para populações quanto ao número de folhas (y=10,6312+0,0004*x R²=50%)

    Prevalence of asthma and allergies in 13–14-year-old adolescents from Luanda, Angola

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    SETTING: The few epidemiological studies on asthma and allergic diseases performed in Africa have shown that the prevalence of these diseases is high or increasing. No such studies have been performed in Angola. OBJECTIVE : To determine the prevalence of asthma and other allergic diseases in Angolan adolescents. DESIGN: This was a descriptive, observational, crosssectional study in the province of Luanda, Angola, using the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood study methodology in adolescents aged 13 and 14 years. Twenty-three (12%) public schools were randomly selected. Data were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 22.0 software. RESULTS : A total of 3128 adolescents were included. The prevalence of asthma (wheezing in the previous 12 months) was 13.4%. The prevalence of rhinitis (sneezing, runny or blocked nose in the previous 12 months) was 27% and that of eczema (itchy skin lesions in the previous 12 months) was 20%; both were more prevalent in girls. Rhinitis was associated with a greater number of episodes of night cough in adolescents with asthma. Rhinitis and eczema, a split-type air conditioning system, and frequent intake (more than once per month) of paracetamol were associated with a higher risk of having asthma. CONCLUSION: Asthma and related allergic diseases are a public health problem in adolescents from Luanda. Preventive and control measures should be implemented.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comportamento de cultivares de mandioca (Manihot esculentaCrantz) DE mesa no Município de Belmonte, Bahia.

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    A expansão do mercado de mandioca de mesa depende de variedades que apresentem boas qualidades culinárias, baixa toxicidade cianogênicae resistência à deterioração pós-colheita (BORGES et al., 2002).A produtividade da mandioca no Brasil é baixa devido não serem adotadas práticas agronômicas de controle de pragas e doenças em seu cultivo, além de ocupar terras marginais, de baixa fertilidade, e com problemas climáticos adversos e uso de cultivares não adaptadas (FUKUDA, 1993). O uso de variedades melhoradas e adaptadas às condições edafoclimáticas locais é um dos meios para se promover melhoria do sistema de produção e aumentar o rendimento da mandioca na região (OLIVEIRA; DINIZ; CALDAS, 2006). É importante testes em diferentes cultivares para que se busque fazer a melhor escolha no plantio, aumentando as chances de maior produtividade e reduzir problemas com pragas e doenças. A introdução, seguida de avaliações criteriosas, além de constituir o método de melhoramento mais simples e menos oneroso para seleção, em mandioca, apresenta grande probabilidade de êxito em função da ampla diversidade genética disponível e ainda em crescente exploração (FUKUDA, 1999). O seguinte trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento de diferentes cultivares de mandioca de mesa no município de Belmonte, Bahia

    Prevalence of asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema in 6–7-year-old schoolchildren from Luanda, Angola

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    Background: Epidemiological data have shown that the prevalence of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema in children is still increasing, namely in Africa. However, there are no epidemiological studies on asthma or allergic diseases in Angolan children. Objective: To study the prevalence of asthma and other allergic diseases in Angolan children. Methods: Descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study, using the ISAAC study methodology, in the province of Luanda, Angola in 6-7-yearold children. Forty-six (8.3%) public schools were randomly selected. Data were analysed using the SPSS Statistics version 24.0 software. Results: A total of 3080 children were studied. Results showed that the prevalence of asthma (wheezing in the previous 12 months) was 15.8%, that of rhinitis (sneezing, runny or blocked nose in the previous 12 months) was 19% and that of eczema (itchy skin lesions in the previous 12 months) was 22%, without differences between sexes. Rhinitis was associated with a higher number of episodes of wheezing episodes, disturbed sleep and night cough, in children with asthma. Rhinitis, eczema, Split-type air conditioning system, antibiotic intake in the child's first year of life, frequent intake (more than once per month) of paracetamol and active maternal smoking were associated with a higher risk of having asthma, whereas electrical cooking was associated with a protective effect. Conclusion: Asthma and allergic diseases are highly prevalent in children from Luanda. A strategy for preventive and control measures should be implemented.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Manejo fitotécnico na cultura da mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) em Amargosa, Bahia. 2. controle de plantas daninhas.

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    A disponibilidade e o custo de mão-de-obra para o controle de plantas daninhas na cultura da mandioca representa um dos riscos de impossibilidade de aplicação de manejo adequado para garantia de alta produtividade, pois pode demandar até 50% da necessidade total (CARVALHO; PERESSIN; ARAÚJO, 2006). No cultivo da mandioca, o solo pode ficar descoberto e livre para o desenvolvimento das plantas daninhas por até cinco meses de idade da planta, a depender do sistema de produção utilizado, sendo negativo para a mandioca, já que é considerado o período crítico de competição (JOHANS; CONTIERO, 2006). Dos métodos de controle de plantas daninhas (cultural, mecânico e químico), o método cultural envolve o manejo adequado da cultura (adubação, espaçamento, cultivar) e o uso de coberturas vegetais, viva ou morta (SILVA et al., 2012) vem apresentando vantagens para a produtividade de raízes, devido a um maior controle e de menores número de capinas e de uso de mão de obra (SILVA et al., 2009; CARVALHO; RESENDE; SOUZA, 1990). Avaliar práticas de manejo das plantas daninhas, por meio de método cultural e mecânico na cultura da mandioca, no município de Elísio Medrado, Bahia, foi o objetivo deste trabalho

    Factors associated with poor asthma symptom control in adult Angolan regularly seen at an outpatient respiratory clinic

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    Background: Asthma is one of the most common chronic respiratory diseases and one of the most frequent causes of hospital care. Objectives: To describe the clinical characteristics of asthma and factors associated with its control. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at the Military Hospital in Luanda, from April 2018 to March 2019. Data collection was performed using questionnaires on asthma symptoms and treatment, socio-demographic and environmental questions, and a Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) questionnaire to assess the level of asthma control. Ordinal logistic regression analyses were performed. We estimated odds ratios, for higher categories of asthma control. P<0.05 was considered significant. Results: The sample consisted of 305 asthmatics ≥18-years-old, 56% women, with a mean age of 41.3 years. About 28% of patients had controlled asthma, 36% partially controlled and 35% uncontrolled. Poor asthma control was associated with frequent use of short-acting beta-2 agonists [OR 5.70 (95%CI 2.37;13.7)], oral corticosteroids [OR 3.68 (95%CI 2.24;6.04)], and incorrect inhaler technique [OR 4.08 (95%CI 1.25;13.3)]. Conclusions: A significant number of adults living in Luanda have uncontrolled asthma due to the under-use of inhaled corticosteroid therapy. It is necessary to develop strategic management and prevention plans to improve Angolan asthmatics' medical care.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Manejo fitotécnico na cultura da mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) em Amargosa, Bahia. 1. adubação mineral e orgânica.

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    A cultura da mandioca extrai elevadas quantidades de nutrientes, com destaque para potássio e nitrogênio (HOWELER, 1981), que, pelo fato de todo material colhido (raiz e parte aérea) ser retirado do campo, pode ser considerada como cultura esgotante do solo. Para exploração sustentável da mandioca, é necessário repor os nutrientes extraídos do solo, por meio de adubos minerais e orgânicos, a fim de manter sua produção por períodos prolongados. Estercos bovinos e resíduos da agroindústria representam as fontes orgânicas de uso mais facilitado para a agricultura, tais como a manipueira, que é o resíduo líquido obtido da prensagem da massa de raízes de mandioca por ocasião do fabrico de farinha (NOGUEIRA et al., 1992; DINIZ et al., 2009). O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a resposta da mandioca a diferentes fontes e combinações de adubos minerais e orgânicos em região de cultivo de mandioca no município de Amargosa, Bahia