21 research outputs found

    Media tradizionali e media digitali, cos'è cambiato?

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    La transizione dai vecchi ai nuove media digitali

    Quel che resta della telepolitica. La campagna elettorale 2006 nell'analisi Mediamonitor

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    Nel volume sono presentati i principali risultati emersi dall’attività di ricerca condotta dall’Osservatorio Mediamonitor in occasione delle elezioni politiche del 9 e 10 aprile 2006. Rispetto al versante dell’offerta di contenuti di campagna elettorale, nelle settimane precedenti a questo evento è stato svolto un monitoraggio quotidiano delle trasmissioni televisive di approfondimento politico delle sette reti nazionali concentrandosi sulle performances dei candidati, sugli stili di conduzione giornalistica e sull’emersione e sviluppo dei temi di campagna. All’analisi della Tv di approfondimento politico, si è affiancata un’indagine, anch’essa con cadenza quotidiana, della televisione di intrattenimento – La politica “fuori luogo”, che dà anche il titolo ad uno dei saggi – spesso luogo di emersione dell’agenda dei cittadini, potenzialmente differente da quella dei politici, ma anche talvolta spazio di ripresa e di rimando dei temi e degli eventi di campagna elettorale. L’analisi è stata accompagnata dalla rassegna stampa quotidiana, centrata in particolare sulle rappresentazioni della stampa rispetto alla campagna stessa e al tema comunicazione, e sono stati raccolti e analizzati quotidianamente i dati relativi all’audience televisiva, oltre al parallelo percorso di indagine rispetto a meccanismi di trasferimento delle opinioni politiche nell’ambito di Internet. Il volume, quindi, mira a ricalcare, anche nella sua articolazione, la multifocalità dello sforzo di ricerca messo in campo, articolato essenzialmente intorno all’analisi dell’offerta televisiva, all’analisi sui dati di ascolto e alle forme di circolazione e condivisione dell’informazione politica, a partire da fenomeni di leadership d’opinione online.In this book are presented the main findings from research carried on by Mediamonitor Observatory, during General Elections held on 9th and 10th april 2006. The research has been articulated mainly on the analysis of television broadcasts (both political and entertainment programs), on the analysis of audience data, and on circulation and sharing of political information, also in terms of online opinion leadership

    Digital Astroturfing. Una ricognizione sull’attività dei Social bot accounts in campagna elettorale.

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    Il saggio esplora l'attività dei social bots in campagna elettoral

    “Una guerra, di fatto, invincibile”. Le narrative dei tg nell’attentato di Trébes

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    In recent years we have had to deal with a new kind of terrorism, a mass media terrorism, which is able to give the attacks a new driving force and a very special connotation, com- pared to the past. This essay analyzes the communication styles of the main Italian news broadcasts in the reporting of the Trèbes attack (23rd March of 2018) and aims to explain precisely how cultural narratives - and in particular media storytelling - build a structure of meaning in which to contain the single episode of violence, following the logic of television genres, such as fiction. With interpretative frames around facts, they represent symbolic re- sources to access the world with a standardized, hybrid and repetitive narrative structure

    Together We Buy, Alone {I} Quit: {S}ome Experimental Studies of Online Persuaders

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    We present a simple web experiment in which participants are asked to listen to a small number of songs and download the two they liked the most. In the experiment, participants were subject to common types of online feedbacks such as star ratings, recommendations and expert advice. Somewhat surprisingly, such online cues had no impact on market shares, but a significant difference emerged as far as market volume was concerned. When operating under the influence of online cues conjuring the presence of others activities soared: participants downloaded, listened to and rated songs much more than in the other scenarios

    TAVR and Dialysis Are a Challenging Combination. A Case Report and Systematic Review of Literature

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    Advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with poor outcomes in patients undergoing surgical aortic valve replacement, while its prognostic role in transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) remains unclear. Advanced CKD was defined according to estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR): 15–29 mL/min/1.73 m2 (Stage 4—CKD G5), <15 mL/min/1.73 m2 (Stage 5—CKD G5), and CKD G5D if the patient is on hemodialysis. End-stage renal disease (ESRD) increases the risk of developing heart valve disease, mainly aortic stenosis. Nonetheless, ESRD is also known to carry a very high surgical risk, and all the main scoring systems (i.e., STS, Euroscore II) developed to assess prognosis in patients undergoing cardiac surgery take into account this risk factor. Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) appears to be a feasible alternative to surgical valve replacement (SAVR), but the initial trials testing this approach systematically excluded patients on dialysis. Several observational studies have been recently conducted among patients with severely impaired renal function and all found a worse prognosis in both the short and long term. We present a case report in which a successful TAVR procedure was performed due to severe symptomatic aortic stenosis in a subject with severe nephropathy. The patient in chronic dialysis developed an early degeneration of aortic bioprosthesis Medtronic CoreValve, which required surgical replacement with a mechanical valve