33 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Reclamability of Molding Sands with New Inorganic Binders

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    One of the purposes of the application of chemically modified inorganic binders is to improve knocking out properties and the related reclamability with previously used in foundry inorganic binder (water glass), which allowing the use of ecological binders for casting non- ferrous metals. Good knocking out properties of the sands is directly related to the waste sands reclamability, which is a necessary condition of effective waste management. Reclamation of moulding and core sands is a fundamental and effective way to manage waste on site at the foundry, in accordance with the Environmental Guidelines. Therefore, studies of reclamation of waste moulding and core sands with new types of inorganic binders (developed within the framework of the project) were carried out. These studies allowed to determine the degree of recovery of useful, material, what the reclaimed sand is, and the degree of its use in the production process. The article presents these results of investigation. They are a part of broader research programme executed under the project POIG.01.01.02-00- 015/09 "Advanced materials and technologies"

    Investigating of the Knocking Out Properties of Moulding Sands with New Inorganic Binders Used for Castings of Non-ferrous Metal Alloys in Comparison with the Previously Used

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    The article presents the results of investigations, which make a fragment of the broad-scale studies carried out as a part of the projectPOIG.01.01.02-00-015/09 “Advanced materials and technologies”.One of the objectives of the introduction of new inorganic binders is to provide a good knocking out properties of moulding sands, whilemaintaining an appropriate level of strength properties.Therefore, a logical continuation of the previous studies were carried out the tests knocking out properties of moulding sands with newinorganic binders, including making moulds, pouring them by the chosen of non-ferrous metal alloys, knoking-out, and determining theknocking out work.The results of the study were related to the research results obtained by applying the moulding sand performed by existing technology

    Choice of mould-making technology for the modified ablation casting process

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki prób i badań przeprowadzonych z różnymi dodatkami do mas formierskich opartych o wodorozpuszczalne spoiwa nieorganiczne do ablacyjnego wybijania. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań technologicznych i prób stanowiskowych wytypowano skład masy, zapewniającej dobrą jakość odlewów i skuteczne wybijanie form z zastosowaniem chłodzenia ablacyjnego. Opracowany skład masy zapewnia odpowiednio dużą wytrzymałość wykonywanych form i jednocześnie masa ta jest podatna na destrukcyjne działanie medium chłodzącego (wody). Przeprowadzone próby dają zadowalające wyniki i dają nadzieję na możliwość stosowania tej metody w przemyśle.The article presents the results of tests and studies carried out within the framework of statutory activities on various additives to moulding sands based on water-soluble inorganic binders for ablative knocking out of castings. As a result of technological research and bench tests, the composition of moulding sand providing high quality castings and easy knocking out of moulds combined with ablative cooling was selected. The developed moulding sand composition produces moulds which not only possess the required high strength but are also susceptible to the destructive effect of a cooling medium (water). The results of conducted experiments are satisfactory and raise hope as to further possible use of this method in the industry

    Effect of Bentonite Clay Addition on the Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Conventional Moulding Sands

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    Bentonites and clays are included in the group of drilling fluids materials. The raw materials are mainly clay minerals, which are divided into several groups, like montmorillonite, kaolinite, illite, biotite, muscovite, nontronite, anorthoclase, microcline, sanidine or rutile, differing in chemical composition and crystal lattice structure. Clay minerals have a layered structure forming sheet units. The layers merge into sheets that build up to form the structure of the mineral. The aim of the studies carried out in the ŁUKASIEWICZ Research Network - Foundry Research Institute is to explore the possibility of using minerals coming from Polish deposits. The article outlines the basic properties of hybrid bentonites, which are a mixture of bentonite clay called beidellite, originating from overburden deposits of the Turoszów Mine, and foundry bentonite from one of the Slovak deposits. As part of the physico-chemical tests of minerals, measurements included in the PN-85/H-11003 standard, i.e. montmorillonite content, water content and swelling index, were carried out. Additionally, the loss on ignition and pH chemical reaction were determined. Based on the thermal analysis of raw materials, carried out in the temperature range from 0 to 1000⁰C, changes occurring in these materials during heating, i.e. thermal stability in contact with liquid metal, were determined. Examinations of the sand mixture based on pure clay and bentonite and of the sand mixture based on hybrid bentonites enabled tracing changes in permeability, compressive strength and tensile strength in the transformation zone as well as compactability referred to the clay content in sand mixture. Selected technological and strength parameters of synthetic sands are crucial for the foundry, because they significantly affect the quality of the finished casting. Based on the analysis of the results, the optimal composition of hybrid bentonite was selected

    A R C H I V E S of F O U N D R Y E N G I N E E R I N G Application of a New Innovative Ceramic Material for Investment Casting Technology

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    Abstract The article presents the research results of a new ceramic material, in which olivine sand was used as the matrix. This new ceramic material was studied at the angle of its application in the investment casting technology. This material will be mainly used for preparing self-supporting moulds for castings made of aluminium and magnesium alloys, replacing the expensive material -molochite which has been used so far. The article presents the results of mineralogical research of olivine sand, as well as thermophysical research of the new ceramic material made on the olivine sand matrix. Comparative research of both materials was conducted, i.e. with the olivine and molochite matrix, then the assessment of the quality of the new ceramic material was made. What is more, the research results of the developed ceramics and its usefulness for the production of castings are presented

    Environmentally Friendly Mould Technology

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    One of the factors that contribute to the development of foundry moulding technology is environmental protection. The related challenges are effectively satisfied by a new inorganic binder that has been designed for castings made of non-ferrous metal alloys. This article presents in a concise way the test results, showing the ecological character of the new binder at the stage of making moulds, pouring them with metal and cooling of castings, indicating the possibilities for an economic re-use of waste materials formed during practical application of this technology. The results were compared with the results obtained on the sands with organic binders. Studies were carried out under the project POIG.01.01.02-00-015/09 "Advanced materials and technologies.

    Reclamability of moulding sands with new inorganic binders for non-ferrous castings

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań, stanowiących wycinek prac prowadzonych w ramach projektu POIG.01.01.02-00-015/09 „Zaawansowane materiały i technologie”, którego jednym z celów jest wprowadzenie do wykonywania odlewów z metali nieżelaznych, nowych, ekologicznych spoiw nieorganicznych. Zastosowanie modyfikowanych chemicznie spoiw nieorganicznych ma na celu poprawę wybijalności i związanej z tym regenerowalności mas formierskich z udziałem stosowanego dotychczas w odlewnictwie spoiwa nieorganicznego (szkła wodnego), a tym samym umożliwienie stosowania spoiw ekologicznych do odlewania stopów metali nieżelaznych. Regeneracja mas formiersko-rdzeniowych jest podstawowym i efektywnym sposobem zagospodarowania odpadów na miejscu w odlewni, zgodnie z wytycznymi ochrony środowiska. Dlatego przeprowadzone zostały badania regeneracji zużytych mas formiersko-rdzeniowych z nowymi gatunkami spoiw nieorganicznych opracowanych w ramach projektu. Wyniki tych badań zaprezentowano w artykule. Badania te pozwoliły na określenie stopnia odzysku materiału użytecznego, jakim jest piasek zregenerowany, jak i stopnia jego wykorzystania w procesie produkcyjnym. W artykule przedstawiono również wyniki badań regeneracji wielokrotnej, stanowiące kontynuację wcześnie prowadzonych badań wstępnych. Opisane w artykule badania obejmują również walidację wyników w warunkach przemysłowych.The article presents results of an investigation which constitutes a section of research under the project POIG.01.01.02-00-015/09 “Advanced materials and technologies”, one of the aims which is the introduction of new ecological inorganic binders into making casts from non-ferrous metals. The application of chemically modified inorganic binders aims at improving knock-out properties and related to it reclamability of moulding sands with the participation of, previously used in foundry practice, inorganic binder (water glass), and at the same time allowing the application of ecological binders for casting non-ferrous metal alloys. Reclamation of moulding and core sands is a fundamental and effective way to manage waste on site at the foundry in accordance with the environmental guidelines. Therefore, studies of reclamation of waste moulding and core sands with new types of inorganic binders, developed within the framework of the project, were carried out. The article presents these results of the investigation. These studies allowed determining the degree of recovery of useful material, that is the reclaimed sand, and the degree of its utilisation in the production process. The article also presents the investigation results of multiple reclamation, which is the continuation of a previously conducted initial investigation. The investigation described in the present article also includes the validation of results under industrial conditions

    Investigating of the knocking out properties of moulding sands with new inorganic binders used for casting of non-ferrous metal alloys in comparison with the previously used. Archives of Foundry Engineering

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    Abstract The article presents the results of investigations, which make a fragment of the broad-scale studies carried out as a part of the project POIG.01.01.02-00-015/09 "Advanced materials and technologies". One of the objectives of the introduction of new inorganic binders is to provide a good knocking out properties of moulding sands, while maintaining an appropriate level of strength properties. Therefore, a logical continuation of the previous studies were carried out the tests knocking out properties of moulding sands with new inorganic binders, including making moulds, pouring them by the chosen of non-ferrous metal alloys, knoking-out, and determining the knocking out work. The results of the study were related to the research results obtained by applying the moulding sand performed by existing technology

    Characteristics of new generation water and alcohol coatings and their impact on the quality of the casting surface layer

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    Rosnące wymagania odbiorców odlewów dotyczące dokładności wymiarowej oraz chropowatości powierzchni odlewów wymuszają na producentach (odlewniach) stosowanie powłok ochronnych na formy i rdzenie. Celem nanoszenia powłok jest: zabezpieczenie przed przypalaniem się (przywarciem) tworzywa formy do odlewu, zmniejszenie chropowatości powierzchni odlewów, ułatwienie usunięcia odlewu z wnęki formy. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nowej generacji powłok wieloskładnikowych, przeprowadzone zgodnie z polską normą PN-H-11011:1997. Zbadano gęstość badanych powłok, zawartość substancji suchej, wskaźnik sedymentacji oraz ilość wydzielanych przez powłoki gazów. Przeprowadzono również wytopy mające na celu określenie wpływu zastosowanych powłok na jakość powierzchni zewnętrznej odlewów staliwnych.The increasing requirements of casting users regarding the dimensional accuracy and surface roughness of castings force the manufacturers, i.e. foundries, to use protective coatings on moulds and cores. Coatings are applied in order to protect the casting against the burn-on defects (mould material adhering to the casting surface), to reduce the surface roughness of castings, and to facilitate casting removal from the mould cavity. This paper presents the results of studies of multi-component coatings of the new generation made in accordance with the Polish Standard PN-H-11011:1997. Tests included the density of coatings, the content of dry matter, the sedimentation index and the amount of gas emitted by the coating. Melts were made to determine the impact of coating on the quality of the external surface of steel castings

    Recycling of waste moulding sands with new binders

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    This paper presents the results of research which is part of studies carried out under the project POIG.01.01.02-00-015/09 "Advanced Materials and Technologies", one of the aims of which is to introduce new, environment-friendly, inorganic binders to the production of castings from non-ferrous metals. The paper presents the results of research on the management of waste moulding sands prepared according to the new technology, including their multiple reclamation and management of post-reclamation waste. Studies of multiple reclamation are a continuation of the preliminary research described earlier. The programme of the studies described in this paper also included validation of the results under industrial conditions