3 research outputs found

    Association of probiotics with gut flora in early life and its effects on obesity in mice

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    A high prevalence of overweight and obesity has been observed in the past few decades in many countries. Overall, policies for production of healthier foods and environments are recommended for the prevention of obesity. Until recently, little action has been taken on this issue (Swinburn et al. 2013). It has been proposed that alterations in the composition of the gut microbiota known as dysbiosis may be related to the development of obesity (Neyrinck et al. 2012). The first goal of this study was to isolate the predominant bifidobacterium species from the stools of breast-fed infants, and to identify them by their 16S rRNA genes. The strains that were identified were B. longum subsp. longum FA1 and B. breve M4A. The survival rates measured six months after lyophilisation were 74.74% and 99.6% for B. longum subsp. longum FA1 and B. breve M4A, respectively. In a second step the growth of B. breve M4A and B. longum subsp. longum FA1 was examined in skimmed-milk media supplemented with different levels of yeast extract and in combination with glucose or oligofructose. These media increased the count of the strains after conservation by lyophilisation. Supplementation with glucose or oligofructose decreased the doubling time and increased the viable cell count. Factorial design showed a nonlinear relationship between skimmed-milk media, bacterial count number and acid production indicating an opposite impact of yeast extract with the supplementation of glucose or oligofructose in skimmed-milk media. Response surface plots were applied to optimize the supplemented skimmed-milk media. Both strains grew more rapidly in supplemented media than in the skimmed milkbased medium alone. The fermentation in skimmed milk was dependent on nutrient availability and the carbon source. The addition of yeast extract with glucose or oligofructose to skimmed milk increased the growth rate and acid production, compared with skimmed milk alone, when incubated anaerobically at 37°C for 48 hours. Acid production was higher in B. breve M4A than in B. longum subsp. longum FA1 when inoculated into skimmed milk supplemented with yeast extract with glucose or oligofructose. The second goal of the study was to evaluate the in vivo anti-obesity effect of B. breve M4A and B. longum subsp. longum FA1 in young mice fed an high-fat diet (HFD). Three (male mice C57BL/6JRj) groups, the model HFD group and treatment (HFD-FA1 and HFD-M4A) groups were fed an HFD to induce obesity. After feeding the mice a HFD for six weeks, animals receiving B. breve M4A (4.1 × 10_6 CFU/mL) and B. longum subsp. longum FA1 (2.9 × 10_6 CFU/mL) had significantly lower (p < 0.01) weight gain compared to mice fed a high-fat diet only. Mice fed B. breve M4A supplemented with 0.3% yeast extract and 3% glucose exhibited significantly lower serum triglycerides (p < 0.05) compared with the HFD group. The daily consumption (2.9×10_6 CFU/day) of B. longum subps. longum FA1 and (4.1×10_6 CFU/day) B. breve M4A (p < 0.01) significantly increased the amount of bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria in the large intestine. This study showed that Bifidobacterium species and their acid-production reduced weight gain and energy metabolism. Thus, bifidobacteria supplementation may be one mean for reducing obesity and related chronic Non-commuicable diseases.In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten wurde in vielen LĂ€ndern eine steigende PrĂ€valenz von Übergewicht und Adipositas beobachtet. Allgemein werden zur AdipositasprĂ€vention sowohl die Herstellung gesundheitsfördernder Lebensmittel als auch eine gesundheitsfördernde Umwelt empfohlen. Dennoch sind bisher wenige erfolgreiche Maßnahmen implementiert worden (Swinburn et al. 2013). Es wurde vermutet, dass VerĂ€nderungen in der Zusammensetzung der Darmmikrobiota, bekannt als Dysbiose, mit der Entstehung von Adipositas zusammenhĂ€ngen (Neyrinck et al. 2012). Erstes Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war, vorherrschende Bifidobacterium-Arten aus dem Stuhl von gestillten SĂ€uglingen zu isolieren und anhand ihrer 16S rRNA Gene zu identifizieren. Gefunden wurden B. longum subsp. longum FA1 und B. breve M4A. Die Überlebensrate der Bakterien, gemessen sechs Monate nach Lyophilisierung, lag bei 74.74% fĂŒr B. longum subsp. longum FA1 beziehungsweise 99.6% fĂŒr B. breve M4A. Dann wurde das Wachstum von B. breve M4A und B. longum subsp. longum FA1 in Magermilch-Medien untersucht, die mit verschiedenen Konzentrationen von an Hefeextrakt in Kombination mit Glucose oder Oligofructose angereichert waren. Diese Medien erhöhten die Anzahl an StĂ€mmen nach Konservierung mittels Lypophilisierung. Die Supplementation verkĂŒrzte die Verdopplungszeit und erhöhte die Anzahl der lebensfĂ€higen Zellen. Der faktorielle Versuchsplan zeigte eine nicht lineare Beziehung zwischen Magermilch-Medien, Bakterienanzahl und SĂ€ureproduktion. Dies deutet auf eine gegensĂ€tzliche Auswirkung von Hefeextrakt mit Glucose- oder Oligofructose-Supplementation in Magermilch-Medien hin. Response Surface Plots wurden angewandt, um die supplementierten Magermilch-Medien zu optimieren. Beide StĂ€mme wuchsen schneller in supplementierten Medien als in Medien auf Magermilchbasis alleine. Die SĂ€ureproduktion lag höher bei B. breve M4A als bei B. longum subsp. longum FA1, wenn sie in Magermilch supplementiert mit Hefeextrakt sowie Glucose oder Oligofructose inokuliert wurde. Die FermentationsfĂ€higkeit in Magermilch hing von NĂ€hrstoffverfĂŒgbarkeit und der Kohlenstoffquelle ab. Weiteres Ziel der Studie war es, die Anti-Adipositas AktivitĂ€t von B. breve M4A und B. longum subsp. longum FA1 an jungen MĂ€usen, denen eine fettreiche Nahrung gefĂŒttert wurde, zu untersuchen. Drei (Male mice C57BL/6JRj) Gruppen, einer Kontroll-HFDGruppe und beiden interventionsgruppen (HFD-FA1 und HFD-M4A) wurde eine fettreiche Nahrung gefĂŒttert, um Adipositas hervorzurufen. Nach einem Zeitraum von sechs Wochen zeigten MĂ€use, die B. breve M4A (4.1 × 10_6 CFU/day) und B. longum subsp. longum FA1 (2.9 × 10_6 CFU/day) erhalten hatten, einen statistisch signifikant niedrigeren (p < 0.01) Gewichtszuwachs im Vergleich zu MĂ€usen, die nur die fettreiche Nahrung erhielten. MĂ€use, die mit B. breve M4A, welches mit 0.3% Hefeextrakt und 3% Glucose angereichert war, gefĂŒttert wurden, wiesen signifikant niedrigere Serum Triglyceride (p < 0.05) auf im Vergleich zu der HFD Gruppe. TĂ€glicher Konsum (2.9×10_6 CFU/day) von B. longum subps. longum FA1 und (4.1×10_6 CFU/day) B. breve M4A erhöhte signifikant (p < 0.01) die Anzahl an Bifidobakterien und zu den MilchsĂ€urebakterien im Dickdarm. Die Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die geringere Gewichtszunahme, die gĂŒnstigeren und die geringere Fettspeicherung in der Leber von der Gabe der untersuchten Bifidobakterien und deren SĂ€ureproduktion gĂŒnstig beeinflusst wurden. Demzufolge erscheint eine Anreicherung der Nahrung mit Solchen als förderlich, um Adipositas und damit zusammenhĂ€ngende Gesundheitsfolgen zu vermeiden

    Low prevalence of hepatitis B and C among tuberculosis patients in Duhok Province, Kurdistan: Are HBsAg and anti-HCV prerequisite screening parameters in tuberculosis control program?

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    Objective/background: Viral hepatitis, particularly hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV), infections and tuberculosis (TB) are a global public health concern. Co-infection with HBV or HCV among TB patients may potentiate the risk of hepatotoxicity induced by anti-TB drugs. Hence, the aim of this study was to identify the prevalence of HBV and HCV among TB patients included in the Duhok National Tuberculosis Program (NTP). Methods: The Duhok NTP Center is a specialized institution in Duhok City, Iraq, concerned with management and follow-up of TB patients. A cross-sectional study was conducted at the center between June 2015 and May 2016. All documented TB patients were analyzed on the basis of socio-demographic and other characteristics. Thereafter, all patients underwent screening for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), anti-HCV, and anti-HIV using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The results obtained were analyzed by entering the data in binary format into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. A p value of <.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results: Two-hundred fourteen documented TB patients were recruited in this study, with 127 (59.3%) males and 87 (40.7%) females. The mean age of the patients was 40.34 years (±20.29). Of the total number of patients, four cases (1.8%) were HBsAg-positive and one case (0.9%) was positive for anti-HCV. The variables significantly associated with HBV were history of surgical dental procedure [odds ratio (OR), 0.04; 95% confidence interval (CI), −0.01 to 0.04; p = .03], and nationality (OR, 13.67; 95% CI, 0.46–210.85; p = .007). Conclusion: The prevalence of HBV and HCV co-infection among TB patients in this study was low. This may be explained by the low rate of blood transfusion among the patients, the very low prevalence of HIV infections in Kurdistan, the negative history of injection drug use, and adherence to universal infection-control measures, including vaccination for HBV. Both history of dental intervention and belonging to a Syrian population were independent risk factors for HBV/TB co-infection