1,286 research outputs found

    Polynomial Structure of Topological String Partition Functions

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    We review the polynomial structure of the topological string partition functions as solutions to the holomorphic anomaly equations. We also explain the connection between the ring of propagators defined from special K\"ahler geometry and the ring of almost-holomorphic modular forms defined on modular curves.Comment: version 2: references fixe

    Perda Bernuansa Syariah dan Hubungannya dengan Konstitusi

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    Legal history found that the practice of judicial review has been long recognized in the Muslim community starting the period of the propthet Muhammad Rasullah Saw hundreds years ago long before Justice John Marshall of the United States of AmericaĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢s Supreme Court in 1803 made a decision for a constitutional case Ć¢ā‚¬Ėœwrit of mandamusĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢ filed by Marbury. The US Supreme Court declared the Judiciary Act 1789 was against the Article II Section of 2 of the US Constitution. The propthe Muhammad saw was remined by Allah SWT for his statement that over the prophtet ojection to use honey as medicine was against the holly Quran. The holly Quran is the hightest-ranked sources of law in Islam. In term of the Perda Syariah should be no objection as long it is line with the holy Quran and no doubt the Perda should also considered in line with the 1945 Constituio

    Efektivitas Perpaduan Komponen Anggaran Dalam Prosedur Anggaran: Pengujian Kontinjensi Matching

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    This study investigates effect of matching among budget components in budgeting procedure on managerial performance. Budget component include budget participation, budget target, budget revision, and budget evaluation. Research finding shows that participation doesn't have impact on budget goal. Fit between budget goal and budget revision and budget evaluation have positive effect on managerial performance but not significant. While budget revision and budget evaluation has significant effect. Empirical evidences indicate that budget revision and budget evaluation are not contingency factors of budget goal difficulty. Research suggests investigating strategic planning as contingency factor of budget procedure

    Asas-asas Hukum Modern Dalam Hukum Islam

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    The legal principle is important because it is the truth which is used as a base of thinking and reasoning, especially in the law enforcement and implementation. The principle of law is the most important subsystem of one system of law and legal principle. The principle ranks above the rule system. It is not only because the principle of the law is more universal in character, but also because it reflects the values and cultural message which should be embodied in the rule of law. Theprinciple of law may be cited as the basis or reason for the formation of a rule of law or is a ratio legis of legal rule that contains the values, spirit, ideas of social or ethical views to be established. In the view of Islam, as mention in the Quran, Islam is a complete and perfect teachings. Completeness and perfection is spoken by Allah Almighty in the Quran sura Al Maaidah/5: 3. Although the rule of Allah in the teaching of Islam is perfect, the principle of Islamic law which is still considered legal principles derived from western scientific thought

    Open Virtual Structure Constants and Mirror Computation of Open Gromov-Witten Invariants of Projective Hypersurfaces

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    In this paper, we generalize Walcher's computation of the open Gromov-Witten invariants of the quintic hypersurface to Fano and Calabi-Yau projective hypersurfaces. Our main tool is the open virtual structure constants. We also propose the generalized mirror transformation for the open Gromov-Witten invariants, some parts of which are proven explicitly. We also discuss possible modification of the multiple covering formula for the case of higher dimensional Calabi-Yau manifolds. The generalized disk invariants for some Calabi-Yau and Fano manifolds are shown and they are certainly integers after re-summation by the modified multiple covering formula. This paper also contains the direct integration method of the period integrals for higher dimensional Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces in the appendix.Comment: 24pages, 5figure

    Pemodelan Endapan Batubara Kabupaten Bulungan Provinsi Kalimantan Utara

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    Pemodelan endapan batubara adalah suatu kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi lapisan dan tebal batubara agar memberikan efisiensi dan akurasi di lokasi penambangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemenerusan seam batubara yang terdapat di lokasi penambangan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode korelasi dengan menggunakan data log bor (seam, thickness, depth ). Hasil cross section A-A\u27 dari arah selatan ke utara dengan ketebalan rata-rata 15,32m. Cross section B-B\u27 dari arah selatan ke utara dengan ketebalan rata-rata 8,08m. Cross section C-C\u27 dari arah selatan ke utara dengan ketebalan rata-rata 8m. Cross section D-D\u27 dari arah selatan ke utara dengan ketebalan rata-rata 19,09m. Cross section E-E\u27 dari arah selatan ke utara dengan ketebalan rata-rata 11,95m. Cross section F-F\u27 dari arah selatan ke utara dengan ketebalan rata-rata 13,25m. Dari hasil korelasi 6 cross section, disimpulkan bahwa kemenerusan seam batubara relatif lebih tebal dari arah selatan menuju arah utara


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    Surabaya sebagai salah satu kota besar di Indonesia, tidak lepas dari berbagai macam permasalahan publik. Salah satu diantaranya adalah kemacetan lalu-lintas. Maksud perjalanan pengguna jalan sangat beragam, seperti bekerja, berbelanja, atau sekedar jalan-jalan. Dengan demikian terdapat banyak pembangkit lalu lintas yang memicu terjadinya kemacetan. Menurut hasil survei Dinas Perhubungan Surabaya, tingkat pelayanan jalan di kota Surabaya berada pada level F yang artinya terhambat hingga macet. Pengguna jalan yang mayoritas adalah sepeda motor sejumlah 97.968 dan mobil pribadi yaitu 26.677 menjadi pendukung kemacetan yang ada. Atas dasar pemikiran tersebut, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Kondisi Lingkungan Fisik terhadap kemacetan lalu-lintas di Kota Surabaya.Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh segmen jalan di kota Surabaya yang mengalami kemacetan. 10 segmen jalan diambil sebagai sampel dan diukur tingkat kemacetannya dalam menit per kilometer (menit/km). Variabel kemacetan lalu-lintas dianalisis hubungannya dengan variabel-variabel kondisi lingkungan fisik. Zonasi wilayah terkait jalan dilihat secara kelingkungan dan kewilayahan. Model SPSS digunakan untuk pengolahan datanya secara statistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hubungan kondisi lingkungan fisik dengan kemacetan lalu-lintas yang dijelaskan dari variabel kepadatan pusat pelayanan umum, jumlah persimpangan, lebar jalan, kepadatan penduduk, menunjukkan nilai korelasi yang tinggi yaitu 0,829 dan dapat dikatakan hubungannya cukup kuat. Nilai R Square diperoleh 0,688 yang artinya pengaruh variabel dari kondisi lingkungan fisik terhadap kemacetan lalu-lintas sebesar 68,8%. Variabel yang paling menentukan terhadap kemacetan lalu-lintas di Surabaya adalah persimpangan jalan. Nilai beta persimpangan jalan menunjukkan angka tertinggi yaitu 0,664 artinya dalam penelitian ini pengaruh persimpangan terhadap kemacetan lalu-lintas paling besar. Dari penelitian ini, diharapkan pemerintah melakukan peninjauan ulang durasi waktu traffic light secara berkala dan pembuatan jalur alternatif baru serta kebijakan dalam pembangunan pusat pelayanan umum di masa mendatang yang mengharuskan memiliki ANDAL yaitu analisis dampak lalu-lintas.Kata Kunci : Kondisi Lingkungan Fisik, Kemacetan Lalu-lintasAbstractSurabaya as one of the big cities in Indonesia, can not be separated from a variety of public issues. One of them is traffic congestion. The purpose of road users traveling very diverse, such as work, shopping, or just a walk. Thus there are many plants that trigger traffic congestion. According survey Department of Transportation Surabaya, level of service in the city of Surabaya is at level F, which means obstructed by jammed. The majority of road users are some 97,968 motorcycles and 26,677 private cars are a supporter of the existing congestion. On the basis of this conceptual , this study aimed to know the effect of Physical Environmental Conditions on traffic congestion in the city of Surabaya. The population of this research is all the road segment in the city of Surabaya experiencing congestion. 10 road segments sampled and measured the level of congestion in minutes per kilometer (min/km). The variable traffic congestion analyzed the releations with variables the physical environment areas. Zoning of region roads reviewed in ecological and territorial. SPSS Model used for statistical data processing. The results showed that correlations the condition of the physical environment with traffic congestion that are described from the variable density of public service center, the total of intersections, the width of roads, population density, showed a high correlation value is 0.829 and it can be said quite strong relationship. R Square value of 0.688, which means that the influence of variable physical environmental conditions on traffic congestion by 68.8%. The most decisive variable for traffic congestion in Surabaya is a crossroads. Crossroads beta value shows the highest rate 0.664, means that in this study the effect of crossroads traffic congestion at major. From this study, it is expected the government to the review duration of the traffic light at regular intervals and the creation of new alternative line, as well as the center of development policy in the public service in the future that requires having ANDAL or the traffic impact analysis.Keywords: Physical Environment Condition, Traffic Congestio

    Sinteza 1-acil-2-alkiltio-1,2,4-triazolobenzimidazola s antimikotskim, protuupalnim i analgetskim učinkom

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    Some new derivatives of 1,2,4-triazolo[2,3-a]benzimidazoles were synthesized through the reaction of 1,2-diaminobenzimidazole with carbon disulfide. The resulting 1,2,4-triazolo[2,3-a]benzimidazole-2-thione intermediate reacted with one equivalent of the appropriate respective alkyl halide to give the corresponding 2-alkylthio derivative 3a-g. The latters were acylated to afford the 1-acyl-2-alkylthio-1,2,4-triazolo[2,3-a]-benzimidazole derivatives 4-10 in good yields. Structures of the new compounds were verified on the basis of spectral and elemental methods of analyses. Fourteen of the prepared compounds were tested for their possible antifungal activities. Most of the tested compounds showed activity against Candida albicans and Fusarium oxysporum comparable to that of fluconazole as a reference drug. Compounds 8a, 9a, and 10d are the most active ones against most of the used fungi. Compounds 3e, 4d, 5d, 6d, 7d, 8c, 8d, 9d, and 10d were tested for their anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects; most of these compounds showed potent and significant results compared to indomethacin. Moreover, ulcerogenicity and the median lethal dose (LD50) of the most active compound 8d were determined in mice; LD50 was found to be 275 mg kg-1 (i.p.).Sintetizirani su novi derivati 1,2,4-triazolo[2,3-a]benzimidazola reakcijom 1,2-diaminobenzimidazola s ugljičnim disulfidom. Nastali 1,2,4-triazolo[2,3-a]benzimidazol-2-tioni reagiraju s jednim ekvivalentom odgovarajućeg alkil halida pri čemu nastaju 2-alkiltio derivati 3a-g. Acilacijom produkata 3 dobiveni su derivati 1-acil-2-alkiltio-1,2,4-triazolo[2,3-a]-benzimidazola 4-10 u dobrim iskoriÅ”tenjima. Strukture novih spojeva potvrđene su spektroskopskim metodama i elementarnom analizom. Ispitivano je antimikotsko djelovanje 14 priređenih spojeva, uz flukonazol kao poredbenu tvar. Većina testiranih spojeva djeluje na Candida albicans i Fusarium oxysporum slično kao flukonazol. Najaktivniji su bili spojevi 8a, 9a i 10d. Produkti 3e, 4c, 5c, 6c, 7c, 8b, 8c, 9c i 10c ispitani su na protuupalno i analgetsko djelovanje, uz indometacin kao poredbenu tvar. Većina spojeva ima značajno djelovanje. Najaktivniji spoj testiran je na ulcerogenost. Srednja letalna doza (LD50) određena je na miÅ”evima i iznosi 275 mg kg-1 (i.p.)
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