993 research outputs found

    Renormalization constants of local operators for Wilson type improved fermions

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    Perturbative and non-perturbative results are presented on the renormalization constants of the quark field and the vector, axial-vector, pseudoscalar, scalar and tensor currents. The perturbative computation, carried out at one-loop level and up to second order in the lattice spacing, is performed for a fermion action, which includes the clover term and the twisted mass parameter yielding results that are applicable for unimproved Wilson fermions, as well as for improved clover and twisted mass fermions. We consider ten variants of the Symanzik improved gauge action corresponding to ten different values of the plaquette coefficients. Non-perturbative results are obtained using the twisted mass Wilson fermion formulation employing two degenerate dynamical quarks and the tree-level Symanzik improved gluon action. The simulations are performed for pion masses in the range of 480 MeV to 260 MeV and at three values of the lattice spacing, a, corresponding to beta=3.9, 4.05, 4.20. For each renormalization factor computed non-perturbatively we subtract its perturbative O(a^2) terms so that we eliminate part of the cut-off artifacts. The renormalization constants are converted to MS-bar at a scale of mu=2 GeV. The perturbative results depend on a large number of parameters and are made easily accessible to the reader by including them in the distribution package of this paper, as a Mathematica input file.Comment: 36 pages, 11 figures and 6 tables. The results are included in electronic form (Mathematica files

    Center vortex model for the infrared sector of SU(4) Yang-Mills theory: String tensions and deconfinement transition

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    A random vortex world-surface model for the infrared sector of SU(4) Yang-Mills theory is constructed, focusing on the confinement properties and the behavior at the deconfinement phase transition. Although the corresponding data from lattice Yang-Mills theory can be reproduced, the model requires a more complex action and considerably more tuning than the SU(2) and SU(3) cases studied previously. Its predictive capabilities are accordingly reduced. This behavior has a definite physical origin, which is elucidated in detail in the present work. As the number of colors is raised in Yang-Mills theory, the corresponding infrared effective vortex description cannot indefinitely continue to rely on dynamics determined purely by vortex world-surface characteristics; additional color structures present on the vortices begin to play a role. As evidenced by the modeling effort reported here, definite signatures of this behavior appear in the case of four colors.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures containing 8 ps file

    A lattice study of the pentaquark states

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    We present a study of the pentaquark system in quenched lattice QCD using diquark-diquark and kaon-nucleon local and smeared interpolating fields. We examine the volume dependence of the spectral weights of local correlators on lattices of size 163×3216^3\times 32, 243×3224^3\times32 and 323×6432^3\times 64 at β=6.0\beta=6.0. We find that a reliable evaluation of the volume dependence of the spectral weights requires accurate determination of the correlators at large time separations. Our main result from the spectral weight analysis in the pentaquark system is that within our variational basis and statistics we can not exclude a pentaquark resonance. However our data also do not allow a clear identification of a pentaquark state since only the spectral weights of the lowest state can be determined to sufficient accuracy to test for volume dependence. In the negative parity channel the mass extracted for this state is very close to the KN threshold whereas in the positive parity channel is about 60% above.Comment: Manuscript expanded, discussion of two-pion system included, a comment regarding Ref.13 was corrected, version to appear in Phys. Rev. D, 19 figure

    On the center-vortex baryonic area law

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    We correct an unfortunate error in an earlier work of the author, and show that in center-vortex QCD (gauge group SU(3)) the baryonic area law is the so-called YY law, described by a minimal area with three surfaces spanning the three quark world lines and meeting at a central Steiner line joining the two common meeting points of the world lines. (The earlier claim was that this area law was a so-called Δ\Delta law, involving three extremal areas spanning the three pairs of quark world lines.) We give a preliminary discussion of the extension of these results to SU(N),N>3SU(N), N>3. These results are based on the (correct) baryonic Stokes' theorem given in the earlier work claiming a Δ\Delta law. The YY-form area law for SU(3) is in agreement with the most recent lattice calculations.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX4, 5 .eps figure

    The relevance of center vortices

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    We show remnants of chiral symmetry breaking in the center-projected theory. We construct and study an unambiguous definition of center vortices.Comment: LATTICE99(confine), 3 pages, 3 figure

    The Matter and the Pseudoscalar Densities in Lattice QCD

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    The matter and the pseudoscalar densities inside a hadron are calculated via gauge-invariant equal-time correlation functions. A comparison is made between the charge charge and the matter density distributions for the pion, the rho, the nucleon and the Δ+\Delta^+ within the quenched theory, and with two flavours of dynamical quarks.Comment: Typos corrected; 13 pages, 16 figure

    Delta-baryon electromagnetic form factors in lattice QCD

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    We develop techniques to calculate the four Delta electromagnetic form factors using lattice QCD, with particular emphasis on the sub-dominant electric quadrupole form factor that probes deformation of the Delta. Results are presented for pion masses down to approximately 350 MeV for three cases: quenched QCD, two flavors of dynamical Wilson quarks, and three flavors of quarks described by a mixed action combining domain wall valence quarks and dynamical staggered sea quarks. The magnetic moment of the Delta is chirally extrapolated to the physical point and the Delta charge density distributions are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Field emission properties of nano-composite carbon nitride films

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    A modified cathodic arc technique has been used to deposit carbon nitride thin films directly on n+ Si substrates. Transmission Electron Microscopy showed that clusters of fullerene-like nanoparticles are embedded in the deposited material. Field emission in vacuum from as-grown films starts at an electric field strength of 3.8 V/micron. When the films were etched in an HF:NH4F solution for ten minutes, the threshold field decreased to 2.6 V/micron. The role of the carbon nanoparticles in the field emission process and the influence of the chemical etching treatment are discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, submitted to J. Vac. Sc. Techn.