308 research outputs found

    A review of offshore wind turbines: global added capacity, monopile structure foundations stresses and deflection

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    Offshore wind power is now a significant source of clean renewable energy. The paper summarizes the key findings from recent energy studies on the growth in offshore wind power's added capacity to the global energy system. The review paper referred to parts of the configuration of offshore wind turbines (OWTs) and their supporting structures, and focused on the monopole support structure due to its importance in building offshore wind farms and studying and discussing the most published research related to the mono support structure and its response to wind loads and wave loads affecting them. Recent studies have varied between numerical analysis research, research and master's theses and doctoral theses on calculating stresses on offshore wind turbines. Due to the importance of the topic, studies on computational fluid dynamics (CFD), which have developed greatly in recent years, have been reviewed (simulation and simulation research). Hybrids (RTHS) and experimental research. The paper concluded with the conclusion that the interest in experimental studies and research close to the conditions of marine turbines is through the construction of special laboratories that include advanced equipment with quantitative measurements, with high technical standards and good reliability, developments of simulation tools of various forms in order to approach efficient and low-cost design

    Automatic panoramic medical image stitching improvement based on feature-based approach

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    Clarification publications in the medical field are very important in making doctors the right decision by finding evidence to support his decision, therefore, the importance of collecting medical images and combining them with multiple overlapping areas of the same scene is important. This (processing, multimedia images and their medical applications) is very difficult. Our system proposed in this paper is applicable to the medical field of scoliosis and other Rib cage. The problem is the narrow vision of the X-ray machine and the lack of a large picture in one frame, the best solution is to combine more than one x-ray image into one panoramic image, our proposed method relies on in light of feature based methodology by Circle (Oriented-FAST and Rotated-BRIEF). The rapid wave approach is used to describe the feature through the use of BRIEF technology, the standard that has been adopted in our technology to describe the performance of the planning is based on the processing time and image quality created. The purpose of using the feature extraction approach in our technology is to obtain a high-resolution panoramic image plus short processing time, the results that we were able to obtain, according to the experimental results applied, resulted in ORB image quality and recording time

    Implementasi Algoritma MCL (Markov Cluster Algorithm) pada Pengelompokan Berita Digital dengan Representasi Graph

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    Berita digital yang akan terus bertambah dan berkembang memunculkan permasalahan baru untuk memodelkan data berita digital yang tersimpan dalam database lebih mudah untuk dipahami dan diambil beberapa informasi penting yang menyeluruh. Untuk memudahkan pengolahan informasi dalam database tersebut diperlukan suatu model dan metode tertentu untuk mengelompokkan berita-berita tersebut berdasarkan kedekatan dan karakteristiknya satu sama lain. Menggunakan model graph database dan metode graph clustering dengan algoritma MCL (Markov Cluster Algorithm) dapat mempermudah pengolahan informasi dengan cara mengidentifikasi karakteristik tiap vertex dalam graph sehingga akan membentuk kelompok-kelompok vertex dengan label terterntu. Dalam proses pengidentifikasian kelompok graph, satu dokumen berita digital akan disimpan ke dalam satu vertex yang akan dihubungkan dengan vertex lainnya yang memiliki kesamaan kategori berita. Proses expand dan inflate matriks akan menjadi proses utama dalam pengelompokan berita digital yang telah ditransformasi ke dalam model graph database dimana expand bertujuan untuk memunculkan edge baru yang dianggap perlu dan menghapus edge lama yang dianggap tidak dipelukan dalam graph. Sedangkan proses inflate bertujuan untuk memperkuat edge yang telah kuat dan memperlemah edge yang telah lemah. Sehingga dalam pengelompokan berita digital ini proses inflate matriks sangat berpengaruh dalam execution time algoritma MCL dan jumlah cluster yang akan terbentuk

    Differential expression of CCR2 and CX3CR1 on CD16+ monocyte subsets is associated with asthma severity

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    Funding Reem Al-Rashoudi was funded as part of the Saudi Arabian Cultural Bureau, External Joint Supervision Program (EJSP) to do a PhD degree jointly between Aberdeen University, UK and King Saud University, SA. The funding body played no part in the preparation of the data or the manuscript. Acknowledgments This work was supported by a grant from ‘Research Center, Center for Female Scientific and Medical Colleges, Deanship of Scientific Research, King Saud University. Support from the Saudi Arabian Cultural Bureau and External Joint Supervision Program (EJSP) is also gratefully acknowledged. Professor Graeme Devereux (Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine) provided helpful discussion on asthma. Dr. Raif Yuecel and Amer Al-Mazrou provided expertise for flow cytometry and analysis.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Adapted LZW Protocol for ‎ ECG Data Compression

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    خوارزمية الـ(LZW) هي واحدة من طرق ضغط البيانات المستخدمة في عدة تطبيقات كضغط بيانات تخطيط القلب الكهربائي( ECG) لتقليل حجمها مما يسهل عملية نقلها عبر الشبكة. بما ان بيانات الـ(ECG) الخاصة بالمرضى تنقل عبر الشبكة طول الوقت لذلك ظهرت الحاجة الى تقليل حجمها من اجل ضمان وصولها بالسرعة الممكنة  لقاعدة البيانات. في هذه البحث نحن نهتم بطريقة الـ (LZW) التي هي واحدة من اهم واشهر طرق ضغط البيانات وقد اقترحنا بروتوكول لتحسين الطريقة التي تعتمدها خوارزمية الـ(LZW) في خزن المؤشرات الخاصة بالبيانات المضغوطة. البروتوكول المقترح يمكن ان يقلل حجم المؤشر لخوارزمية الـ(LZW). تم اعتماد خمس عينات اخذت من بنك المعلومات الخاص بـ(Physionet) لغرض اختبار البروتوكول المقترح. وقد اظهرت نتائج الاختبارت العملية ان البروتوكول المقترح يعطي نسبة ضغط افضل لبيانات الـ(ECG) مقارنة بطريقة الـ(LZW) الاصلية.Lempel–Ziv–Welch (LZW) is a data compression method, which is adopted by many applications likes Electrocardiography (ECG) data to reduce the size of transferred data. Because of the ECG data moves over the network all the time, which means there is a need to reduce its size to improve the network performance. In this paper, we concerned with the LZW method, which is one of the important and famous data compression method. We propose a protocol to improve the way in which the LZW saving an index for the compressed data. The proposed protocol could reduce the size of the index in LZW method. Five samples data groups provided by Physionet are used for evaluation. The experimental result shows that the proposed protocol can give best compression ratio compared with the original method

    The Effect of a Training Program in a Reading Course in Developing English Language Learning Strategies among University Students

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    This study aimed at identifying the effect of a training program in developing the use of learning English language strategies among a sample of the Hashemite University students, and the differences in using these strategies due to gender and the type of group (experimental and control groups). The study sample consisted of 76 male and female students from the Department of English Language, divided into two groups (an experimental group of 34 male and female students and a control group of 42 male and female students). To achieve the aims of the study, Oxford's language learning strategies scale was used. The study used a quasi-experimental research design with pre-test and post-tests. ANCOVA and T-tests were used to analyze the data. The results of the study revealed that there is a statistical significant difference between the two groups in developing language learning strategies in favor of the experimental group. Also, results showed that there is no statistically significant difference in using language learning strategies attributed to gender

    Integration of Evidence Based Medicine into a Medical Curriculum

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    The College of Medicine at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences (KSAU-HS) was established in January 2004. The four-year curriculum was based on the Problem Based Learning (PBL) format and involved the web-based graduate medical program adopted from the University of Sydney, Australia. At KSAU-HS, one additional semester was added to the beginning of this curriculum to prepare the students in English language skills, PBL, Information Technology and Evidence Based Medicine (EBM). EBM is part of the Personal and Professional Development (PPD) theme of the medical curriculum and is integrated into each stage of the medical curriculum. These modifications of the University of Sydney curriculum are presented here as a model of EBM integration into a college of medicine curriculum

    Gene expression data analysis identifies multiple deregulated pathways in patients with asthma

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    ©2018 The Author(s).Peer reviewedPublisher PD