86 research outputs found
Irreducibility of fusion modules over twisted Yangians at generic point
With any skew Young diagram one can associate a one parameter family of
"elementary" modules over the Yangian \Yg(\g\l_N). Consider the twisted
Yangian \Yg(\g_N)\subset \Yg(\g\l_N) associated with a classical matrix Lie
algebra \g_N\subset\g\l_N. Regard the tensor product of elementary Yangian
modules as a module over \Yg(\g_N) by restriction. We prove its
irreducibility for generic values of the parameters.Comment: Replaced with journal version, 18 page
Universal R-matrix for null-plane quantized Poincar{\'e} algebra
The universal --matrix for a quantized Poincar{\'e} algebra introduced by Ballesteros et al is evaluated. The solution is obtained
as a specific case of a formulated multidimensional generalization to the
non-standard (Jordanian) quantization of .Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, no figures. The example on page 5 has been
supplemented with the full descriptio
Critical thermodynamics of three-dimensional MN-component field model with cubic anisotropy from higher-loop \epsilon expansion
The critical thermodynamics of an -component field model with cubic
anisotropy relevant to the phase transitions in certain crystals with
complicated ordering is studied within the four-loop \ve expansion using the
minimal subtraction scheme. Investigation of the global structure of RG flows
for the physically significant cases M=2, N=2 and M=2, N=3 shows that the model
has an anisotropic stable fixed point with new critical exponents. The critical
dimensionality of the order parameter is proved to be equal to
, that is exactly half its counterpart in the real hypercubic
model.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, no figures. Published versio
Quantum sphere S^4 as a non-Levi conjugacy class
We construct a U_h(sp(4))-equivariant quantization of the four-dimensional
complex sphere S^4 regarded as a conjugacy class, Sp(4)/Sp(2)x Sp(2), of a
simple complex group with non-Levi isotropy subgroup, through an operator
realization of the quantum polynomial algebra C_h[S^4] on a highest weight
module of U_h(sp(4)).Comment: 17 pages, no figure
Critical behavior of certain antiferromagnets with complicated ordering: Four-loop \ve-expansion analysis
The critical behavior of a complex N-component order parameter
Ginzburg-Landau model with isotropic and cubic interactions describing
antiferromagnetic and structural phase transitions in certain crystals with
complicated ordering is studied in the framework of the four-loop
renormalization group (RG) approach in (4-\ve) dimensions. By using
dimensional regularization and the minimal subtraction scheme, the perturbative
expansions for RG functions are deduced and resummed by the Borel-Leroy
transformation combined with a conformal mapping. Investigation of the global
structure of RG flows for the physically significant cases N=2 and N=3 shows
that the model has an anisotropic stable fixed point governing the continuous
phase transitions with new critical exponents. This is supported by the
estimate of the critical dimensionality obtained from six loops
via the exact relation established for the complex and real
hypercubic models.Comment: LaTeX, 16 pages, no figures. Expands on cond-mat/0109338 and includes
detailed formula
New approach to Borel summation of divergent series and critical exponent estimates for an N-vector cubic model in three dimensions from five-loop \epsilon expansions
A new approach to summation of divergent field-theoretical series is
suggested. It is based on the Borel transformation combined with a conformal
mapping and does not imply the exact asymptotic parameters to be known. The
method is tested on functions expanded in their asymptotic power series. It is
applied to estimating the critical exponent values for an N-vector field model,
describing magnetic and structural phase transitions in cubic and tetragonal
crystals, from five-loop \epsilon expansions.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, 3 PostScript figure
Optimization of Hypoxic Brain Injuries Diagnostics in Full-Term Newborns
The problem of early diagnosis of the central nervous system damage in newborn before the onset of clinical symptoms remains relevant at the present time.The aim of the study was to optimize the hypoxic brain damage diagnosis in full-term newborns by analyzing the concentration of cytokines in the umbilical cord blood.Materials and methods. During the first stage of the study, a prospective analysis of concentrations of interleukins (IL-1β, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10), TNF-α and neuron-specific enolase (NSE) in the umbilical cord blood serum of full-term newborns was performed. The second stage of the study included the retrospective analysis of clinical data and instrumental research methods. The main method for diagnosing in the development of hypoxic brain damage in newborns was neurosonography.Results. The development of hypoxic brain damage is evidenced by the concentration of IL-1β over 30.3 pg/ml, IL-4 – over 1.7 pg/ml, IL-6 – over 79.4 pg/ml, IL-8 – over 107.7 pg/ml, NSE – more than 10.3 ng/ml and TNF-α – more than 1.6 pg/ml in umbilical cord blood.Conclusion. The results of the study confirmed that the comprehensive assessment of the cytokines concentration in the umbilical cord blood improves the hypoxic brain damage diagnosis in newborns. Analysis of the level of these markers immediately after the birth will optimize the management tactics of newborns who have undergone hypoxic exposure in antenatal and intranatal period
On dynamical adjoint functor
We give an explicit formula relating the dynamical adjoint functor and
dynamical twist over nonalbelian base to the invariant pairing on parabolic
Verma modules. As an illustration, we give explicit - and
-invariant star product on projective spaces
Vertical Delivery as a Method of Prevention of Obstetric and Perinatal Complications
Currently, there are many points of view on management of physiological labor, in particular, it concerns the intrapartum position of a woman. Tactics of modern obstetrics should ensure the safety of motherhood, which in future ensures the prosperity of the state. One of the alternative methods of delivery is the vertical position of a woman in the intrapartum period. It is impossible to describe the whole range of possible positions of a woman in the intrapartum period, the common ones being: lying position (lateral, reclining, lithotomy, Trendelenburg’s, etc.) or upright position (sitting, using a chair for childbirth, standing, squatting, standing on the knees, etc.). Opinions about how the vertical position of a mother in the intrapartum period affects the outcome of childbirth are quite ambiguous. The conclusions of various authors on that matter often contradict each other.The aim of the research was to study the role of vertical delivery in reducing the frequency of obstetric and perinatal complications.Materials: publications of foreign and domestic authors within the period from 1989 to 2017.Methods: systematic analysis and synthesis of literature data.Conclusion: Despite a significant number of studies, it is not possible to determine the universality of the vertical position in childbirth, therefore, the selection of patients for the management of vertical childbirth should be approached carefully. In the presence of pregnancy complications, preference should be given to the classic version of the position in childbirth. In women who have a low risk of perinatal complications, an upright position can be a worthy alternative. To prevent the development of bleeding in the III stage of labor and the early postpartum period, a woman should take a horizontal position after the birth of the fetus. This condition must also be observed when examining the birth canal. Thus, the rational tactics of conducting childbirth is to determine the optimal combination of vertical and horizontal positions at different periods of the childbirth process, taking into account the convenience for the woman in labor
Prospects for using CRISPR-Cas9 system in the treatment of human viral diseases
The aim. To analyze the possibility of using the genetic mechanisms of CRISPR-Cas9 technology in the prevention and treatment of certain viral diseases.Materials and methods. The search for publications was carried out in Russian and foreign literature using the following search engines: RSCI, Cyberleninka, eLibrary, PubMed, Cochrane Library, etc. A review of domestic and international scientific papers on the research topic was carried out using search keywords: CRISPR, genetic engineering, genome editing, Cas9, sgRNA.Results. A review of using CRISPR-Cas9 method (“genetic scissors”) as a gene therapy for some viral diseases was carried out, and its main advantages and disadvantages were revealed. An analysis of the data of scientific studies on genetic research methods over the past decade discovers the main aspects of CRISPR-Cas9 technology, modern classification and prospects for using this technology in clinical practice for the treatment and prevention of human viral diseases. The possibilities of creating a more versatile and stable version of the CRISPR-Cas9 technology are considered. Particular attention is paid to the technological difficulties and obstacles that scientists face when implementing this system for targeted use in clinical medicine.Conclusion. One of the rapidly developing areas in science giving promising prospects for modern healthcare is genetic engineering, especially in cases where scientific developments are applied in clinical practice. The discovery of “genetic scissors” technology has revolutionized all medicine. Wide opportunities for developing new treatment methods for many viral diseases and creating conditions for their early prevention opened up for the medical community. In the future, with the introduction of this technology into clinical practice, it will become possible to treat diseases that have not previously responded to ongoing therapy and were considered incurable
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