840,515 research outputs found

    Production of q bar-q Pairs in Proton-Nucleus Collisions at High Energies

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    We calculate production of quark-antiquark pairs in high energy proton-nucleus collisions both in the quasi-classical approximation of McLerran-Venugopalan model and including quantum small-xx evolution. The resulting production cross section is explicitly expressed in terms of Glauber-Mueller multiple rescatterings in the classical case and in terms of dipole-nucleus scattering amplitude in the quantum evolution case. We generalize the result of one of us (K.T.) beyond the aligned jet configurations. We expand on the earlier results of Blaizot, Gelis and Venugopalan by deriving quark production cross section including quantum evolution corrections in rapidity intervals both between the quarks and the target and between the quarks and the projectile.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures; typos corrected, discussion extende

    Vortex-chain phases in layered superconductors

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    Layered superconductors in tilted magnetic field have a very rich spectrum of vortex lattice configurations. In the presence of in-plane magnetic field, a small c-axis field penetrates in the form of isolated vortex chains. The structure of a single chain is mainly determined by the ratio of the London [λ\lambda] and Josephson [λJ\lambda_{J}] lengths, α=λ/λJ\alpha= \lambda/\lambda_{J}. At large α\alpha the chain is composed of tilted vortices [tilted chains] and at small α\alpha it consists of a crossing array of Josephson vortices and pancake stacks [crossing chains]. We studied the chain structures at intermediate α\alpha's and found two types of behavior. (I) In the range 0.4<α<0.50.4 < \alpha < 0.5 a c-axis field first penetrates in the form of pancake-stack chains located on Josephson vortices. Due to attractive coupling between deformed stacks, their density jumps from zero to a finite value. With further increase of the c-axis field the chain structure smoothly evolves into modulated tilted vortices and then transforms via a second-order phase transition, into the tilted straight vortices. (II) In the range 0.5<α<0.650.5 < \alpha < 0.65 a c-axis field first penetrates in the form of kinks creating kinked tilted vortices. With increasing the c-axis field this structure is replaced via a first-order phase transition by the strongly deformed crossing chain. This transition is accompanied by a large jump of pancake density. Further evolution of the chain structure is similar to the higher anisotropy scenario: it smoothly transforms back into the tilted straight vortices.Comment: Accepted to Phys. Rev. B, 20 pages 12 figures, animation of chain structure is available in http://mti.msd.anl.gov/movies/Chains/Nl8al06Im.gif (gif, 441 KB

    Chiral spin resonance and spin-Hall conductivity in the presence of the electron-electron interactions

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    We discuss the electron spin resonance in two-dimensional electron gas at zero external magnetic field. This spin-resonance is due to the transitions between the electron states, which are split by the spin-orbit (SO) interaction, and is termed as the chiral spin resonance (CSR). It can be excited by the in-plane component of the electric field of microwave radiation. We show that there exists an inherent relationship between the spin-Hall conductivity and the CSR in a system with the SO interaction. Since in the presence of the SO interaction spin is not conserved, the electron-electron interaction renormalizes the spin-Hall conductivity as well as the frequency of the CSR. The effects of the electron interaction in systems with the SO interaction are analyzed both phenomenologically and microscopically.Comment: 14 page

    Radiative Effects in the Standard Model Extension

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    The possibility of radiative effects induced by the Lorentz and CPT non-invariant interaction term for fermions in the Standard Model Extension is investigated. In particular, electron-positron photo-production and photon emission by electrons and positrons are studied. The rates of these processes are calculated in the Furry picture. It is demonstrated that the rates obtained in the framework of the model adopted strongly depend on the polarization states of the particles involved. As a result, ultra-relativistic particles produced should occupy states with a preferred spin orientation, i.e., photons have the sign of polarization opposite to the sign of the effective potential, while charged particle are preferably in the state with the helicity coinciding with the sign of the effective potential. This leads to evident spatial asymmetries which may have certain consequences observable at high energy accelerators, and in astrophysical and cosmological studies.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, Revtex4, to appear in Phys.Rev.D, misprints are correcte

    Coherent spin dynamics in quantum wells in quantizing magnetic field

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    We investigate theoretically the coherent longitudinal and transversal spin relaxation of photoexcited electrons in quantum wells in quantized magnetic fields. We find the relaxation time for typical quantum well parameters between 100 and 1000 ps. For a realistic random potential the relaxation process depends on the electron energy and g-factor, demonstrating oscillations in the spin polarization accompanying the spin relaxation. The dependence of spin relaxation on applied field, and thus on the corresponding "magnetic" length, can be used to characterize the spatial scale of disorder in quantum wells.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Modification of Coulomb law and energy levels of hydrogen atom in superstrong magnetic field

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    The screening of a Coulomb potential by superstrong magnetic field is studied. Its influence on the spectrum of a hydrogen atom is determined.Comment: Lectures at 39 ITEP Winter School and 11 Baikal Summer School; 12 pages, 5 figure

    Edge spin accumulation: spin Hall effect without bulk spin current

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    Spin accumulation in a 2D electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit interaction subject to an electric field can take place without bulk spin currents (edge spin Hall effect). This is demonstrated for the collisional regime using the non-equilibrium distribution function determined from the standard Boltzmann equation. Spin accumulation originates from interference of incident and reflected electron waves at the sample boundary.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Properties of inclusive hadron production in Deep Inelastic Scattering on heavy nuclei at low x

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    In this paper we present a comprehensive study of inclusive hadron production in DIS at low xx. Properties of the hadron spectrum are different in different kinematic regions formed by three relevant momentum scales: photon virtuality Q2Q^2, hadron transverse momentum kTk_T and the saturation momentum Qs(x)Q_s(x). We investigate each kinematic region and derive the corresponding asymptotic formulas for the cross section at the leading logarithmic order. We also analyze the next-leading-order (NLO) corrections to the BFKL kernel that are responsible for the momentum conservation. In particular, we establish the asymptotic behavior of the forward elastic dipole--nucleus scattering amplitude at high energies deeply in the saturation regime and a modification of the pomeron intercept. We study the nuclear effect on the inclusive cross section using the nuclear modification factor and its logarithmic derivative. We argue that the later is proportional to the difference between the anomalous dimension of the gluon distribution in nucleus and in proton and thus is a direct measure of the coherence effects. To augment our arguments and present quantitative results we performed numerical calculations in the kinematic region that may be accessible by the future DIS experiments.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure

    Study of non-collinear parton dynamics in the prompt photon photoproduction at HERA

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    We investigate the prompt photon photoproduction at HERA within the framework of kt-factorization QCD approach. Our consideration is based on the off-shell matrix elements for the underlying partonic subprocesses. The unintegrated parton densities in a proton and in a photon are determined using the Kimber-Martin-Ryskin (KMR) prescription. Additionally, we use the CCFM-evolved unintegrated gluon as well as valence and sea quark distributions in a proton. A conservative error analisys is performed. Both inclusive and associated with the hadronic jet production rates are investigated. The theoretical results are compared with the recent experimental data taken by the H1 and ZEUS collaborations. We study also the specific kinematical properties of the photon-jet system which are strongly sensitive to the transverse momentum of incoming partons. Using the KMR scheme, the contribution from the quarks emerging from the earlier steps of the parton evolution is estimated and found to be of 15 - 20 approximately.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures, 2 tabl
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